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Anyone have a bandit? Or other sport tourings?


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Looking for a sport tourer, such as vfr800, fz6, etc...maybe a bandit?

Are they comfortable for long rides? I've found a couple 600s/1200s's in my price range.

Also found an 07 650r ninja w/ 1800miles for $4k, is that a good deal? ok for long rides?

Not looking to spend more than $4k.


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I have the 08 650r and i love it on long rides, its not a supersport, but it has decent pick up and nice torque. 4k for that sounds like a really good deal, has it been wrecked? +1 for the 650r and distance rides and it still maintains a supersport look if thats what you want

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Damn, I haven't updated that, I sold the SV last fall...nothing right now and looking for something new.

Yeah, if I get something near new I'm gonna grab the 07 650r, never been down, original owner, etc, minty.

Edited by SuperHawk
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Hmmm, well I've never owned a FI bike and I've had three, never had an issue with any of those but never went the distance I guess.

But weren't all bikes up to like 2003 carb'd? My dad has a 96 softtail he rides like cross country and it's carbed, has like 30k miles too.

Maybe the 650r would be the best bet, is the seating position pretty upright?

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Do they make a gel seat or something of the sort?

Actually, Hoblick and Gergwheel both had their seats done by this guy who replaces the foam in your stock seat with this memory foam type stuff. They say it was incredible. Hopefully one of them will chime in. I forget the guy's name.

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Congrats on your purchase! I bought an 01 bandit last summer just for kicks and it had about 38k miles on it, ya i rode it through west virginia after getting lost on gravel roads down there (never again will i go to west va) it held up pretty well. after needing to rejet the carbs, and multiple other issues it got sold about a month after purchase and i got the 650r, fuel injection and zero maintenance is awesome! haha

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