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Abandon unlimited data on Verizon?


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Long story, short; I've been on my parents family plan since the beginning of cell phones and just pay them my share every month. I've had unlimited data since they did that kind of thing and have refused to give it up, but it's cost quite a bit to do so. Right now, we pay about $300/month for 4 lines. Now, in order for me to keep doing what I'm doing, I would have to buy my next phone outright (I REALLY need a new one), and continue to pay ~$300/mo.


However, if I give up my unlimited data, we can save about $100/mo, and I can get a new phone for relatively cheap. So, am I being stupid in refusing to forfeit unlimited data? The biggest bandwidth-hog I use is streaming music, which I haven't done in about 8 months because my busted-ass iPhone 5 won't do it anymore.


Any of you who have given it up over the years completely regret doing so?

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Gave it up years ago and for my normal usage I only hit about 5-6g a month as what I would say is average for a user


Now people will chime in that they never would because they use 100+ or others are ALWAYS on wifi so take it for what it is worth


I would say look at how much YOU actually use and then it's simple math to determine if it is financially beneficial for you to change

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I stream quite a but but have wifi options throughout the day off and on as well. Have no problem really staying within the 6gig limit... Few times I've had to cut it back for a few days. But I don't miss it really. its fine.
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I somewhat recently got a company phone with Verizon and I swear Verizon charges more bandwidth or something per usage because with my T-mobile plan prior my average usage was 2-3GB/month but now with Verizon I use 5-6GB/month and I use my phone for data about the same amount or less than I did with T-mobile yet it still is higher. Like I have been going out of my way to not use data now where as with T-Mobile I never even really thought about and it still adds up FAST and of course I get talked to for going "over" the company's recommended personal data. Anyone else notice this with Verizon?
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Agree'd I would rather have my unlimited back, my bill is split 5 ways with my family (similar to yours), and we pull down near 20GB every month.... Only because we watch it or we'd definately go over. When we were still on the unlimited, we just watched fb, clist, and ebay for newer used phones for a reasonable price and bought those (really only ever bought something if the old one got broken). Just depends on what your willing to give up for a few bucks. If you have access to wifi everywhere then its probably not a big deal but for us its not so we have to watch the data closely.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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So consensus says keep unlimited. That's the direction I was leaning. I like the thought of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and not have to worry about data limits.


Wow $300, I currently have unlimited everything on 4 lines with AT&T for $180, and all you have to do is use DIRECTV as your cable provider.


I won't be going to AT&T. Ever. They have jack shit for service out in the rural western US, which is where I plan on spending a lot of time in the coming years.

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Have they increased your data plan price to $49 yet? If so, you can jump on the financing deals.


Example: Recently they had the S7 for $10/month (after $18 bill credit) for 24 months. There are some catches in jumping on bill credit vs. financing a reduced price, but if you're sticking with Verizon for 24 months and need a new phone its not all bad.


Best Buy had this phone at the same time for ~$15/month, using a reduced price (no promotional credit).


There are probably some other factors I'm forgetting, but I've also been looking to upgrade phones and retain my unlimited data.

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I somewhat recently got a company phone with Verizon and I swear Verizon charges more bandwidth or something per usage because with my T-mobile plan prior my average usage was 2-3GB/month but now with Verizon I use 5-6GB/month and I use my phone for data about the same amount or less than I did with T-mobile yet it still is higher. Like I have been going out of my way to not use data now where as with T-Mobile I never even really thought about and it still adds up FAST and of course I get talked to for going "over" the company's recommended personal data. Anyone else notice this with Verizon?


T-Mobile does not charge for streaming music, so that might be why. That right there can be a huge data savings for a lot of people... :nod:

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I've been on Sprint, which is OK from a range standpoint except for Rt. 22 between Cambridge and Cadiz where it's "Deliverance" dead. I mean nothing. Two times I've made that trip in the last month and it shocks me that I can drive nearly 50 miles without a cell signal.


That aside, I'm with Benjamin where we have 4 lines and unlimited everything for around $180/mo. I just upgraded my iPhone 5s to a iPhone 7 for only $200 because I renewed for another year (was going to anyway), and our home computer took a dump so I've been doing a ton more on my phone - DL'd a 3gb movie through Google Drive - and I'm VERY thankful I have unlimited data on our plan.


Agreed - no matter how it's measured, I would stay with a grandfathered plan with better bennies for as long as you can.

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I've been on Sprint, which is OK from a range standpoint except for Rt. 22 between Cambridge and Cadiz where it's "Deliverance" dead. I mean nothing. Two times I've made that trip in the last month and it shocks me that I can drive nearly 50 miles without a cell signal.


That aside, I'm with Benjamin where we have 4 lines and unlimited everything for around $180/mo. I just upgraded my iPhone 5s to a iPhone 7 for only $200 because I renewed for another year (was going to anyway), and our home computer took a dump so I've been doing a ton more on my phone - DL'd a 3gb movie through Google Drive - and I'm VERY thankful I have unlimited data on our plan.


Agreed - no matter how it's measured, I would stay with a grandfathered plan with better bennies for as long as you can.


Also on Sprint. It is a life saver when your internet goes out, especially if you do any remote work.


I tether on Android though, rooted, etc, unlimited tethering. Love it.


Real unlimited data = yes

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