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Rent to Own Tires

El Karacho1647545492

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ok let's break this down:


For cars (yes poor people own cars, some of them even live in them):

- Insurance coverage in low income neighborhoods coverage higher which usually leads to more individuals foregoing coverage for loss like theft and accident coverage. so if something happens to the car they are out of pocket.


- law enforcement: tends to be higher in low income neighborhoods and can be somewhat aggressive (meaning choosing to write a ticket in legitimately contestable situations) so costs can be higher paying them. Plus once they start building the insurance costs go up.


- Maintenance: As most low income people aren't good credit risks they are often out of pocket for car purchases. This means really old unreliable cars with higher maint costs.


- service: gas stations and business in general tend to have higher operating costs and thus fuel prices tend to be slightly higher.



Public Transportation:


So a lot of the costs associated with public transit that affect the poor don't come in the form of actual money spent but rather the opportunity cost and the restriction of the job market.


- Time: Unless you live in NYC, public transport often takes significantly longer which means that if you are looking to work two jobs there are many that you can't take because it just isn't possible to get between the two places in time. Remember these are sometimes people with families too so time lost on the bus is time that has to be paid in the form of child care or elder care, or some other form of lost time.


- Distance: Can't take a job that you can't get to. If there isn't a feasible way to reliably get to the job that means you lose out on the extra pay. Well what if the only jobs available aren't in your local job market? Jobs on bus and train routes tend to have more competitive employment pools than those that are harder to get to. Remember we are talking about low income individuals, most of whom are unskilled, so it isn't like there are a lot of jobs to go around in the first place and a small applicant pool. Competition drives wages down not up so they lose out on the opportunity to make slightly more money in the same job as well.


- Reliability: the types of jobs that low income individuals usually qualify for tend to be unforgiving with regard to attendance. So you are at the mercy of the reliability of the public transport system. One of the reasons I chose to ride a motorcycle into Manhattan every day instead of the subway was because every day there was some kind of train delay. It made getting to and from work unpredictable. Also I once had to spend 45 minutes in a crowded broken down subway car standing next to a homeless man who shat himself. My job was pretty forgiving if I was 15 minutes late because the E train broke down, do you think the boss of a guy working at mcdonalds is going to be forgiving when his employee is late because he bus broke down 3 times in one week? no, he can just get another employee who lives on a different bus line or has a car.


you can't think of these things in a vacuum, everything interconnects. There are always related costs that don't seem like transportation costs until you realize they are a symptom of only taking one type of transportation.


I understand this. I just think "poor people pay more for transportation" is a misleading blanket statement. Dollar for dollar that just isn't the case. I guess it depends on how you look at it, so this is kind of a dumb debate either way.


For the record, I have friends who have had to ride the bus to get to work or wherever, and props to them. That would be rough

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You are the guy who wants to talk politics, this is where that conversation leads every single time. If you don't understand that I don't know what to tell you :dumb:


If you just want to talk politics because you want internet hand jobs from other conservatives, well then at least be honest to yourself: being a car enthusiast does not automatically mean someone is conservative - we come from all walks of life. Your precious little conservative beliefs are not safe here if you want to express them, people are going to argue with you. So stop getting all butt hurt and being a whiny cry baby when the conversation turns into this and face it like a man. take some responsibility for your actions.



Holy shit, do you make this shit up on your own? Where do you even get this shit? Take lessons from yourself, sir. You were the one who created a political thread from something that wasn't even political


And since when is it such a horrible thing to be economically conservative?

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I understand this. I just think "poor people pay more for transportation" is a misleading blanket statement. Dollar for dollar that just isn't the case. I guess it depends on how you look at it, so this is kind of a dumb debate either way.


For the record, I have friends who have had to ride the bus to get to work or wherever, and props to them. That would be rough


well there is no perfect way to talk about it. It's easy for people to break it down in a vacuum into easy to understand direct comparison chunks and be critical but life doesn't exist in a vacuum. There are a lot of economic concepts that are just foreign to a lot of people and opportunity cost and sunk cost are some of those things (speaking generally not at you specifically). Education spending would work to fix that but then we get into that argument about "the system is broken" vs "the system is under funded".


I rode public transport for years. Some days I loved it, some days I loathed it. As soon as I could afford not to do it I didn't.


And since when is it such a horrible thing to be economically conservative?



The point is to have an open mind and let the data dictate your opinion. Don't be one thing or another, be you. I don't think a lot of modern conservatism does this. The old financial conservative approach used to be to take an economic look at any program and use the data to increase efficiency through policy making and budget cuts. If money doesn't solve the problem or isn't the best solution, don't spend it, if it can be more effective legislate its direction. Modern conservatism is just social conservationism pretending to be fiscal conservatism - we should cut "entitlement" spending and reduce taxes because morally people should not get money for nothing (except it isn't for nothing). It looks at a problem and says this is not a problem if people behaved a certain way so we shouldn't fix it at all. There are no fiscal conservatives left in the republican party.


you are not economically conservative. You are socially conservative who thinks that budget cuts for social reasons are a form of being economically conservative. You want to know real fiscal conservatism Look at people like Robert Mcnamara (Kennedy's Secretary of Defense) and Bill Clinton. I would suggest Barry Goldwater but he was really an extremest about gov't spending. Remember when conservatism was being "pragmatic"? it's been a long time since that happened.


You know who actually had an old school fiscally conservative platform? the Clintons. You know who Republicans hate? the Clintons.

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Geeto has never wanted for anything a day in his life.


Yet he wants to tell others how it is living poor.





Your troll game is weak. you should stick to crying about how you are never going to be anything in life because you can't figure out how to be anything, it's way more entertaining.

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Your troll game is weak. you should stick to crying about how you are never going to be anything in life because you can't figure out how to be anything, it's way more entertaining.


And more empty claims from a middle aged privileged white male who enjoys a few too many oreos on the weekends.

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Your troll game is weak. you should stick to crying about how you are never going to be anything in life because you can't figure out how to be anything, it's way more entertaining.


And more empty claims from a middle aged privileged white male who enjoys a few too many oreos on the weekends.


So Geeto reported this post, even though it was a response to his bullshit comeback. That's a straight bitch move.

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So Geeto reported this post, even though it was a response to his bullshit comeback. That's a straight bitch move.


I do it to fuck with him. Grant gets nuts when you report his posts. I'm expecting his name calling post about it in 3...2...1....

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Also fucking LOL at Geeto talking down to anyone.


You are in your mid 30's driving a rusted out wrangler living in an apartment, talking about financing a 20 year old car while telling everyone how shit they are. What the fucking even. Most people are halfway to retirement by then.


I guess dem liberal arts degrees aren't cheap.

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You report posts?


Talking about bitch moves jeeesh.


just yours....and only because it usually causes you to rant and get butt hurt and insulting. See below, although I am really disappointed this time around - the last time you were much angrier.


Also fucking LOL at Geeto talking down to anyone.


You are in your mid 30's driving a rusted out wrangler living in an apartment, talking about financing a 20 year old car while telling everyone how shit they are. What the fucking even. Most people are halfway to retirement by then.


See you don't know shit about me. I'm well past my mid-30s and I don't drive the wrangler except on the weekends. But way to shit on people's project cars "mr. my supra hasn't run since Obama's first term". And you work as a mechanic, what's your excuse? I guess all that carmax money keeps you too busy counting to work on any project car.


I'm more than halfway to retirement, and I have a kid to put through college. Remember college? it's that thing you make fun of people for because you didn't go. But I'm so glad that new truck was more important than school you were planning to go to so you wouldn't have to do oil changes on used toyotas the rest of your life.


I guess dem liberal arts degrees aren't cheap.

Last I checked doctorate degrees aren't considered "Liberal Arts." You'd know this if you did literally anything else. And nope, not cheap.


At the end of the day, you think it's funny to troll me and I think it's funny to troll you on here and it's mostly fun. Except that your co-workers tell me that you think about it when you are not on here and that's pretty concerning man. you need a hobby, maybe a girlfriend (boyfriend?), you really shouldn't be thinking about me that much...and the touching yourself while doing it...man that is just workplace inappropriate.

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If you take anything i post serious then I feel bad for you.


Glad you got a free minute from scrubbing that smokey truck interior to reply though!


My comment was towards geeto.


EDIT - but the fact that you thought it was directed at you has me wondering if you have a lot of bottled up anger? You could use that energy to scrub my truck. Wanna make a few bucks:)?

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well there is no perfect way to talk about it. It's easy for people to break it down in a vacuum into easy to understand direct comparison chunks and be critical but life doesn't exist in a vacuum. There are a lot of economic concepts that are just foreign to a lot of people and opportunity cost and sunk cost are some of those things (speaking generally not at you specifically). Education spending would work to fix that but then we get into that argument about "the system is broken" vs "the system is under funded".


I rode public transport for years. Some days I loved it, some days I loathed it. As soon as I could afford not to do it I didn't.




The point is to have an open mind and let the data dictate your opinion. Don't be one thing or another, be you. I don't think a lot of modern conservatism does this. The old financial conservative approach used to be to take an economic look at any program and use the data to increase efficiency through policy making and budget cuts. If money doesn't solve the problem or isn't the best solution, don't spend it, if it can be more effective legislate its direction. Modern conservatism is just social conservationism pretending to be fiscal conservatism - we should cut "entitlement" spending and reduce taxes because morally people should not get money for nothing (except it isn't for nothing). It looks at a problem and says this is not a problem if people behaved a certain way so we shouldn't fix it at all. There are no fiscal conservatives left in the republican party.


you are not economically conservative. You are socially conservative who thinks that budget cuts for social reasons are a form of being economically conservative. You want to know real fiscal conservatism Look at people like Robert Mcnamara (Kennedy's Secretary of Defense) and Bill Clinton. I would suggest Barry Goldwater but he was really an extremest about gov't spending. Remember when conservatism was being "pragmatic"? it's been a long time since that happened.


You know who actually had an old school fiscally conservative platform? the Clintons. You know who Republicans hate? the Clintons.




Who said I don't think for myself?


So giving tax money to people haven't earned it is a social affair? What about spending tax money on a war? Is that in the social category too?

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Who said I don't think for myself?


you have. on several different occasions you align yourself with a particular ideology. You also don't really research anything and you seem to buy into a lot of the conservative party lines that are not based in actual facts so...


So giving tax money to people haven't earned it is a social affair? What about spending tax money on a war? Is that in the social category too?


yes war is in the social category too. It's primary justification is protecting the interests and well being of American citizens from foreign military action. entering into military action purely for the fiscal or geopolitical gain of the country is pretty unpopular (ahem...Vietnam war...cough) even though we do it all the time.


An economic approach is one based in numbers and the value of money as an incentive to influence behavior. A social approach is policy and rule making as a disincentive to behavior to enforce some moral standard.


For example: let's take a hypothetical social program cut. Say there is a social program that benefits left handed albino lesbian midgets. An economic approach would be to evaluate whether there is an actual harm, whether the economic benefit offsets that harm in a meaningful positive way, and whether it is effective in curing that harm. If analysis finds out that the harm is minimal, or there is already a similar benefit being paid out from a different program then you can cut it and have the fiscal numbers to support it.


If you analyze the Left handed lesbian midget budget and you cut it because you don't think people have "earned" money jut because they were born left handed, or lesbian, or a midget, then you are making a moral decision on an economic incentive. It's not dictated by statistics and it is pretty partisan.


feel me?


Truth is the government makes decisions on things for a lot of reasons (even on the same decision) but remember: they always are trying to find a solution for a problem and their justification for it is usually in the public records under the legislative notes.

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just yours....and only because it usually causes you to rant and get butt hurt and insulting. See below, although I am really disappointed this time around - the last time you were much angrier.




See you don't know shit about me. I'm well past my mid-30s and I don't drive the wrangler except on the weekends. But way to shit on people's project cars "mr. my supra hasn't run since Obama's first term". And you work as a mechanic, what's your excuse? I guess all that carmax money keeps you too busy counting to work on any project car.


I'm more than halfway to retirement, and I have a kid to put through college. Remember college? it's that thing you make fun of people for because you didn't go. But I'm so glad that new truck was more important than school you were planning to go to so you wouldn't have to do oil changes on used toyotas the rest of your life.



Last I checked doctorate degrees aren't considered "Liberal Arts." You'd know this if you did literally anything else. And nope, not cheap.


At the end of the day, you think it's funny to troll me and I think it's funny to troll you on here and it's mostly fun. Except that your co-workers tell me that you think about it when you are not on here and that's pretty concerning man. you need a hobby, maybe a girlfriend (boyfriend?), you really shouldn't be thinking about me that much...and the touching yourself while doing it...man that is just workplace inappropriate.


I dont get angry. If i was youd likely know it lol


And you arent doing yourself any favors admitting how old you are. Only makes you look worse than what you already do. The only thing in the conversation that hasnt run since Obamas first term is those stubby jiggly things you call legs. Dont really have an excuse, and if i did you arent worth it. I have plenty of other hobbies taking up my time and when they arent im traveling. Yea, having a job is nice and all. I love not being poor.


Also on the school topic, ive gone and still plan to. Moving to a different city delayed it a semester, but I'll still send you a graduation party invite maybe? The new truck is pretty fucking nice, I dont see anyone else my age driving anything unless dads name is on the title. Guess thats another perk of taking care of stuff the right way. Mayne you should try the newer vehicle thing, its pretty nice.


Lel at any "co worker" ahemmm Nickey...saying i think about this other than when i am on here loling at you. The only time i talk about it is when I am questioned about it. If thay makes me obsessed then im not sure what to say.



FWIW almost all of Obamas first term I was in high school. I was rocking a 2001 impala with no air filter.


Id actually like you, but you are so patronizing towards everyone that negates a lot of the views we share. Pressing your opinion on someone is pretty lame, but not nearly as lame as degrading them for havjng a differing view. You took debate clases, you should know better.

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