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Rent to Own Tires

El Karacho1647545492

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Some of you should go find a grocery store that's open 3rd shift, and sit there all night with the nighttime cashier the weekend that food stamps cards get renewed. That was my wife's second job when we were struggling, but we weren't getting any assistance. I sat there many nights watching her back because security left at midnight. I have seen many bottom feeders and worthless people, also how disrespectful they are. We worked our way out of that, those people are still there. Fuck them, fuck all of them.


Then you no longer count. Many here don't realize some of us were at the very bottom, but the rarity of hard work took hold and we got out. I guess if you can get out, you don't matter or your opinions don't count.

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Talking about bitch moves jeeesh.


That's what people like him do,drag the rest down to his level. He seemingly has done everything in his life,from spar boxing to meeting Supreme Court judges,riding the public to a transportation for years, knows everything about everything and yet cant figure things out if they aren't on the internet.


Best of all he comes to a car forum to preach his liberal ways. The lack of respect I have for Him grows exponentially daily. He is the cancer of this forum,brings very little

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