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The Terminator says, "Time to Discuss Legalization."


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the arguments i have in favor of this are far too long to type out, but to be succinct....

1.) The tax implications are massive. Simply massive. Holy crap that's a lot of money for the gub'ment......

2.) It lightens all kinds of judicial/prison burdens. Imagine al the room we could save for rapists/murderers/child molesters if we stopped filling them with punks who got busted for weed, and imagine the time saved in the judicial system saving judges from hearing marijuana-related cases.

3.) Public safety from 'bad' drugs. I'll leave this short, but know that I've seen the effect of dirty pot (opiates to be exact) first hand before and it isn't pretty. One friend in particular did not have a good time. Would be nice to have a 'safe' place to buy 'clean' (read: FDA regulated) drugs.

4.) Millions less drug cartels have from imports. I don't care that weed isn't their cash cow, but it's still money that doesn't leave the country anymore. Some is better than none.

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