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1998 Vette question(s)


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My car is throwing a 1226 and 1233(also had a 1255 but when I replaced the hub and had the wire on that hub fixed the 1255 is gone)


Also, the the gas plunger thingy that holds the gas cap closed keeps sticking and needs repalced


Need the TPS sensors installed


Where should I go for this mess??


Oh the oil pressure sensor need replaced




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  Cordell said:
You can bring it to me at Dan Tobin if you wish. PM me if you do.


However it sounds like it needs the ABS module replaced most likely, and the 1997-2000 modules are unique and discontinued. Best of luck.

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From what I read since the 1255 is gone the ebcm should and I say should be ok. The 1226 and 1233 point at the right front hub from what I've read and been told.

The ebcm is impossible to get as they are no longer made and if you can find a used one I've seen them from $700 to 2500 with no guarantee they are good.

I know what I've shown doesn't look like a mess but I bought the car under duress it's a long story and one day if I make it to a gathering ask me w/o my wife present and we'll go through it.

The 2nd day I had it I had to put tires on it.

Also it has the infamous bolster tear covered with gorilla tape, the environmental is stuck on defrost(won't move) but blows from the defroster and the vents. The radio needs some control knobs replaced. The right front turn signal light exploded so when I went to replace it I realized it broke the back of the light fixture so I replaced it and used duct tape to keep it in the fixture, 2 days later it blows again. And lastly the drivers side headlight motor nylon gear is bad, it still works but growls for 15 seconds after you shut it.

These are all minor things but when you add it up it just pisses me off.

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  coltboostin said:
The rear question.


Can a 98 vette operate completely fine with a bad ABS module? Or, do you have to do some sort of ABS module delete?


Yeah it does fine, just lights on the dash. I purposely disable my ABS now that my 97 has big brakes when I autocross. It is such a shitty system it kicks in all the time, I don't think it's capable of keeping up with the much faster stopping.

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Most of the ABS from those generations whether its Ford GM or anyone else was shitty. The system on my 99 mustang was a complete PITA with traction control/ABS linked together it made for a nightmare. Remove sensors, disable late, enjoy driving again.
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Like Scott says no handling issues just the light, and I'm old so no abs doesn't bother me and the traction control I really don't drive it that hard to have the back end break away.


I had the hub replaced so there is issue there, there is some connection on the hub that some have said need to be straightened out using a dental pick, but I have to get the car up in the air.

The list is big but it's all small stuff and it just pisses me off. And it's still vette and it gets complements even though it's a 10 footer.

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