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Car Accident Witness


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Flew down to Orlando today to take part in some Hurricane relief for work. On the freeway leaving the airport, I pass a newer Jag completely engulfed in flames. Drove by it at a crawl because of traffic and my entire car became an oven with the windows up and A/C running. Thought that was going to be the crazy thing I saw today....


About three more miles down the road, I'm traveling behind a Mazda 3 and a large vacuum/pump truck. I was about two football fields behind them and felt like just us three with everyone bottle necked at the car fire. While cruising just north of 70mph, the Mazda 3 goes right into a median that is angled upwards to an onramp that is coming down from an over pass. The Mazda goes through the grass, gets airborne going onto the on ramp, smacks the concrete wall from the overpass, goes left back towards the free way and nails one the supporting concrete pillars.


When she went right I hit the brakes not knowing what was about to come so by the time she hit the pillar I was almost stopped. I creeped by in the far left lane and saw she was up against the driver window not moving. I pulled over, called 911 and tried to get the location. Ran over as another person was trying to get her out. I screamed DONT MOVE HER as no idea what the injuries were. We made sure she had a pulse, but let her be till rescue arrived.Took EMS/Fire a little because of the car fire. They got her out, but she still didn't seem to be with it. Gave my report to FHP and continued on my way.


This shook me. It happened so fast and so violent when she hit the pillar. Hope she was okay.


Sorry for the story, but had to type it out.

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Crazy stuff, man. Yeah I can imagine something like that would shake up most people. I am fortunate enough to have never been in an accident (knock on wood), nor have I ever witnessed a major accident. And I drive several hundred miles a week for work so I'm always out on the road. Hopefully my good luck will continue and I didn't just jinx myself.


Hopefully the driver is OK. Makes you wonder what the hell caused her to lose control

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Yeah it's crazy how you lock into autopilot when shit hits the fan like this. I watched a girl get slammed on her bike on lane ave several years ago when she wasn't paying attention and crossed after the light turned green. Luckily ideas at a spot where I could pull over and run back to her. She was trying to get up after being launched about 30 feet. Luckily I was able talk to her and convince her to stay down without using any force t9 keep her put. Ahe got lucky though. She was hit by an xterra with a brush guard and it managed to wrinkle both fenders. I filled out a statement and was called about a year later. She had decent bruising, a couple broken ribs and some internal bleeding but made a full recovery
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It will stay with you forever but seems to me you acted just as a good person should have and did everything you could have for them..


On my way back from Cleveland a few months ago had a group of bikes pass me and zx2guy brad on here, we begain talking as to the reasons we would never own a bike. About 2 minutes max they were now less than a football field away from us and the freeway split.


I see a bike a bike standing on the side of the road and thought maybe they ran out of gas or had a mechanical issue. As we get closer I can see and now hear a girl screaming her lungs out a sound I will never forget. At first I thought she had maybe broken her arm or something by the way she was kneeling on the ground. We pull over as they won't be able to take her anywhere I was prepared to maybe run someone to the hospital.


While walking up to the scene find out that the girl was physically fine, it was her bike I saw standing up at first. Her and her boyfriend were rounding the corner and touched having him to lay down his bike and hit the ground sliding into the dividing sign where he stopped.


Sadly there was nothing left anyone could do so I just ran back to my car and gave them my old work jacket (all I had in the car) to cover him up.


Il never forget that day for the rest of my life and hope that it's the worst one I will ever have to encounter

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Heavy thread for 9am, but I do appreciate the need to put these stories out there to help cope.


Ohio has some terrible drivers but FL is such a huge, populated state the highways are just very fast, dangerous places to be...as in, lots of people going fast that shouldn't be.

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I was on a back road coming home a few years ago and was greeted with the site of a Jeep Cherokee flying through the air. When the front hit it then rolled 3 times before coming to a stop. It had run off the road into a ditch and hit where a driveway crossed.


I stopped and a car coming the other direction stopped. When the two of us got to the jeep which was destroyed but right side up we didn't see the driver so we assumed they had been ejected. We started to look in a wider area.


Another car had stopped and they found the driver, who was now in the back seat totally covered with car parts and junk. We managed to get the door open to get access to him. Luckily the driver of the 3rd car was an ER nurse or I would of been the one with the most medical training.


The driver was already grey at that point, he'd suffered some sort of medical issue probably a while before he crashed. The nurse started CPR and we waited.


8 minutes after the 911 call - the local reported showed up.


11 minutes after - a deputy arrived


17 minutes after - finally the paramedics got there


At this point they called life flight in which was another 40 minutes before they arrived and picked an LZ.

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Taylor, you'll be fine. Chalk it up as a life lesson that a situation could change in a very short amount of time. I also have witnessed a major car accident unfolding right before my eyes.


I'm all good, no worries there. Just something I had never seen before or assisted with.

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