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Mandalay Bay Shooting


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Tell me which is worse Kerry, hell even tell me which is more truthful without interjecting with some other "right wing extremist" quote from years past.


1."If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing, I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters."


2."But having covered scores of gun-related crimes over the years," he writes, "I can tell you that government restrictions will not stop psychopaths from harming people. This is the price of freedom. Violent nuts are allowed to roam free until they do damage, no matter how threatening they are."



You are a LOT older than me. You should know that there are more ways to kill or injure people/property than guns.


Oklahoma City used literally zero rounds of ammunition.


It doesn't matter which one is worse...the conversation I want to have is "do you believe it?" Well, not with you, you obviously do. But really, I think it is a shitty thing to say that 59 people's lives are a price we should just accept without recognizing there is, at the bare minimum, a discussion that can be had. I think it is a position that is rooted in the misconception that all people in favor of gun control want to ban all guns, and exploits that ignorance for a very specific political agenda. And I would like to have a conversation about that.


since you brought up age, I don't expect your fragile, 20 something, mad at the world brand of ignorance and rage to understand that is the real conversation so I'll just sit back and watch you not help your self while you grantrum all over the place.

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It doesn't matter which one is worse...the conversation I want to have is "do you believe it?" Well, not with you, you obviously do. But really, I think it is a shitty thing to say that 59 people's lives are a price we should just accept without recognizing there is, at the bare minimum, a discussion that can be had. I think it is a position that is rooted in the misconception that all people in favor of gun control want to ban all guns, and exploits that ignorance for a very specific political agenda. And I would like to have a conversation about that.


Kick it off in a new thread Kerry. I'll see you there along with many others I'm sure.

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I don't want to add to the conspiracy-paloza that is going on here....so.....


if we are going to talk about the now fired insensitive NBC lawyer for her remarks can we at least throw some stones at Bill O'Reilly for saying that mass shootings are gun an inevitable byproduct of freedom and we should accept this tragedy as "the price of freedom" and move on?




I mean, I can't be the only one that thinks that's an asshole thing to say, right?



Here's one for you, Kerry. Guess which one was fired from ESPN and which one wasn't.


Jemele Hill (Journalist and host of the show 'His and Hers' on ESPN) tweeted: Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.


Curt Schilling (Former All-Star MLB Pitcher and Baseball analyst for ESPN) said this: A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.

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Here's one for you, Kerry. Guess which one was fired from ESPN and which one wasn't.


Jemele Hill (Journalist and host of the show 'His and Hers' on ESPN) tweeted: Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.


Curt Schilling (Former All-Star MLB Pitcher and Baseball analyst for ESPN) said this: A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.


how is any of this relevant to the current conversation?

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You're talking about journalists being or not being fired for moral reasons... how is it not? Quit deflecting


I am talking about Comments Bill O'Reilly made about acceptable human costs regarding the vegas tragedy.



YOU are talking about journalists being fired without any perspective to the vegas tragedy. Again, how is this relevant?

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I am talking about Comments Bill O'Reilly made about acceptable human costs regarding the vegas tragedy.



YOU are talking about journalists being fired without any perspective to the vegas tragedy. Again, how is this relevant?


I just fucking told you. You are talking about journalists being fired over moral reasons. You are upset one was fired and not the other based on their political viewpoints. I gave you an example of the opposite happening.

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I just fucking told you. You are talking about journalists being fired over moral reasons. You are upset one was fired and not the other based on their political viewpoints. I gave you an example of the opposite happening.


I guess I should add reading comprehension to the growing list of things you are bad at.


1) I am not upset at anything. This is a medium for conversation. Grownups have conversations. Children such as yourself should sit in the corner and not disturb the grown ups when they are talking, esp with their imaginary conspiracy theories about recent tragedies or how 9/11 was an inside job. If you want to have a grown up conversation, then grow the fuck up.


2) if you read all of this and the thing you get out of it is about people being fired...then I don't know what to tell you...you just are not smart. I'm not saying that as an insult (ok maybe a little as an insult), I just don't feel that you are knowledgeable or intelligent.


3) Bill O'Reilly was fired. For something else. He's on his own now. he can't be fired from a website he owns. I will add, no where did I say he should be fired. Its a conversation about human cost. Even Tim got that (because he's not dumb).

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I guess I should add reading comprehension to the growing list of things you are bad at.


1) I am not upset at anything. This is a medium for conversation. Grownups have conversations. Children such as yourself should sit in the corner and not disturb the grown ups when they are talking, esp with their imaginary conspiracy theories about recent tragedies or how 9/11 was an inside job. If you want to have a grown up conversation, then grow the fuck up.


2) if you read all of this and the thing you get out of it is about people being fired...then I don't know what to tell you...you just are not smart. I'm not saying that as an insult (ok maybe a little as an insult), I just don't feel that you are knowledgeable or intelligent.


3) Bill O'Reilly was fired. For something else. He's on his own now. he can't be fired from a website he owns. I will add, no where did I say he should be fired. Its a conversation about human cost. Even Tim got that (because he's not dumb).


When did I say anything about a conspiracy or 9/11? What the hell are you talking about? You call me ignorant then make shit up to try to make me look bad? It's hilarious how a guy who doesn't know when to stop eating and likely won't live past 50 because he's morbidly obese and cannot take care of himself says I'm not intelligent. You would think being as smart as you are that eating 4 double cheeseburgers a day with large fries with a few Large cokes isn't good for you or your health, but apparently not. You take jabs, I take jabs.

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When did I say anything about a conspiracy or 9/11?


earlier page and you seem like the type.


What the hell are you talking about? You call me ignorant then make shit up to try to make me look bad? It's hilarious how a guy who doesn't know when to stop eating and likely won't live past 50 because he's morbidly obese and cannot take care of himself says I'm not intelligent. You would think being as smart as you are that eating 4 double cheeseburgers a day with large fries with a few Large cokes isn't good for you or your health, but apparently not. You take jabs, I take jabs.


And there it is....I own you now. enjoy the rest of your afternoon with that rage boner.

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