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Later Crew SC


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  Geeto67 said:
And they get between $1million and $2million per year for the naming rights for "Mapfre Stadium". So just selling the name pays for the land and extras.


I believe the Crew also have the concession rights and that may actually be a sore spot for them because without attendance, concession doesn't generate as much revenue (or at all). If they haven't been making money on concessions, then trying to force the city to build the stadium for them makes more sense because the costs would transfer to the City and if it hasn't been making money, then it's one more loss to move off the books.


I agree.


I know the concessions have volunteer workers in them to raise funds for their "team, charity ect" but I have to imagine they are making money on them frankly with that labor model.


I know Heartland Bank financed the video board after it caught on fire, that was a 1.XX million investment. Otherwise I am not aware of much capital investment into the property/stadium since AP bought it.


He is going to ditch Cbus. Sadly.

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  Turbs3000 said:
Welp, my guess is they are close to a deal in Austin and that's the main reason they are letting 2018 ticket holders out of their contracts. Also, they used to have awesome concessions there, now they are garbage. I'd assume that was always part of the plan to get out. Where do we sign up to be an expansion team...


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The ticket holder refunding is for Precourt to show there is "no loyalty" by the fans. It's all about the timing. The deadline is before he's willing to meet with anyone from the city.


I'd be shocked if they stay.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  o0n8 said:
2 failed USL teams and one playing at a stadium at COTA in 2019 when the Crew are also coming to town. Seems like Precourt is taking the team on a Fail Bus trip.


They keep citing how Cbus is near the bottom in all metrics but you know who has worse metrics? Dallas FC. I realize Dallas and Austin are completely different geographically and culturally, but if a city twice the size of Cbus is doing worse than Cbus in metrics, what makes them think that already-failing Austin will do better? It's sorta crazy IMO.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
The "blame game" is ALWAYS a race to the bottom. It's gonna get uglier.


yes it will, but hopefully it will be a little entertaining. I'm already mentally over it so unless Precourt sells, I consider them already gone.

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  Benjamin said:
So I heard if he moves the team he has to find a viable replacement to go into the facility, or dismantle the facility, his cost. Land is owned by Ohio historical society and terms are in the lease.


I thought it was that he had to pay out the remainder of the lease at something paltry like $75k/yr until 2023.

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  Benjamin said:
So I heard if he moves the team he has to find a viable replacement to go into the facility, or dismantle the facility, his cost. Land is owned by Ohio historical society and terms are in the lease.


City of Columbus will probably buy it, replace the field with turf, and use it for HS Football, Soccer, and Lacrosse.

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  • 2 months later...

Any Crew fans still on here??? It's been an interesting week!


So...earlier this week there was an article that Austin is now not too keen on giving up city park space to Precourt to build a new stadium.



Last night, the Commissioner for MLS out of NY was saying that he is lobbying for Crew to stay in Columbus, or for MLS to give something to C'Bus.



Sounded like Austin wasn't becoming such a slam-dunk...but I'm not naively holding out much hope.



MAD PROPS to whomever is keeping the Columbus door open to the Crew, be it under Precourt's ownership or paying him to leave it. Cool things are happening in Columbus these years...would still be a shame to lose the Crew in '19.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
Any Crew fans still on here??? It's been an interesting week!


So...earlier this week there was an article that Austin is now not too keen on giving up city park space to Precourt to build a new stadium.



Last night, the Commissioner for MLS out of NY was saying that he is lobbying for Crew to stay in Columbus, or for MLS to give something to C'Bus.



Sounded like Austin wasn't becoming such a slam-dunk...but I'm not naively holding out much hope.



MAD PROPS to whomever is keeping the Columbus door open to the Crew, be it under Precourt's ownership or paying him to leave it. Cool things are happening in Columbus these years...would still be a shame to lose the Crew in '19.


IMO there's zero chance PSV owns the Crew past 2019. He's having to come back to the Crew hat in hand looking for assistance. He had his eyes on a single spot in a single city and now that he's not getting his way, he's bailing. I thought he was a shrewd businessman when he got Hunt to sell the team for basically nothing and got the contract that allowed him to do this, but by not negotiating in good faith with Cbus this whole time he completely screwed himself. If he had, it'd simply be a matter of accepting what one would assume is an aggressive bid by Cbus that'd be on his table by now. Instead, there's no plan for him to accept and he's coming to ask for one.


I hope the Columbus Partnership puts the screws to him and he has to sell for pennies on the dollar. It won't happen, but I hope it does.


I sent in letters of support to the Austin TX city council for not just dropping trou and allowing him to dictate the plan, hopefully they stay strong and the team, without PSV, stays in Cbus.

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  • 4 months later...
  zeitgeist57 said:


part of the bigger plan all along I suspect.

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A club expansion in Cincy should put pressure on Precourt to either improve or move. I am not sure whose side MLS is on - initially siding with Cbus about precourt keeping the club here, but now seems to be on his side since the city filed a lawsuit because sufficient notice wasn't given as to the move. A cincy club sure looks like MLS hedging it's bets to keep the Ohio market if the crew blow town.
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  • 2 months later...
  zeitgeist57 said:


As of 12:42pm EST, watching the live Twitter feed, I'm impressed by the concessions Austin's City Council is trying to avoid with Precourt.



Everything I've seen, including snippets of today's meeting, makes me think the Crew will not leave. I think Austin City Council will move forward in the process based on the assumption that they will get the language they need and make the concessions required of Precourt numerous and legally binding, which will strengthen Ohio's case against them under the Modell law, which will end up dragging the process out longer than Precourt or Garber want, which will sink the bid.

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does MLS see all this kerfuffle as hurting their org at all? It seems to me the longer things drag on, the less enthuastic people are going to be about the crew staying or Cbus having another expansion team.
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  Geeto67 said:
does MLS see all this kerfuffle as hurting their org at all? It seems to me the longer things drag on, the less enthuastic people are going to be about the crew staying or Cbus having another expansion team.


Kerfluffle. That is all.


Well, that and from the folks I know that are big Crew fans...nah.

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  Geeto67 said:
does MLS see all this kerfuffle as hurting their org at all? It seems to me the longer things drag on, the less enthuastic people are going to be about the crew staying or Cbus having another expansion team.



We're in the middle of it so it seems like a big deal, and it's surely going to hurt the brand a little bit in the short term, but the negative PR I see is mostly people holding signs at other teams' games. Which means tickets were purchased...which means the MLS got what they needed.



Until people speak with their wallets nothing will change.

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  Otis Nice said:

Well, that and from the folks I know that are big Crew fans...nah.


There are still dodgers fans in NY too, but they aren't making that many more of them if you catch my meaning. It's the casual fans, not the die hards, that have the most influence.


I actually want to take my kid to a crew game but have been avoiding this because of how stupid I find all of this. Maybe if I can get tickets to the 9/1 game I'll go just to say I did it before they leave.

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  • 4 weeks later...



So...I heard an interesting "hot take" from a community contact last week: MLS is waiting to see what happens with the Modell Law hearing, but may allow C'Bus to keep the Crew and award Austin with their own franchise. We'll see...

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