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I don't know how much you know about Android so I'm going to assume that you don't know anything...


Android is owned by Google and it's open source, meaning that anyone (Samsung, LG, you, me) can go download the source code, modify it however we see fit, and then put it on any device that we want.


So Google maintains that source code, contributes the majority of the improvements and updates to it, with help from a few others, but Google owns it and sets the standards and overall vision for the OS, etc.


So naturally they design the entire experience of how you use Android, from things like designing and creating an entirely new font (called Roboto) that is supposed to be everything from ideal for mobile screens to how it makes you feel emotionally and all that shit. Then there are the things you'll notice more, apps. Google Assistant ties into the OS very nicely, so much so that on the Pixel 2 just by squeezing the phone will launch GA. Gmail, Maps, the phone dialer...every app that Google creates, all ties in nicely with the other Google apps and Android itself. Now with IoT (internet of things, smart lights, fridges, etc), GA ties in very nicely with most smart devices. Google is at the forefront of IoT and AI.


Now lets take Samsung. They take that source code and modify it to how they see fit. They get their Korean designers and come up with fonts, colors and just overall design that I describe as...not as good. Very gimmicky, out of date, more suitable for a child or someone who's into Tamagotchi, Hello Kitty and Pokemon. Don't get me wrong, they do come up with some cool features that Android doesn't necessarily have already, but usually they are very gimmicky and no one ever uses it (like scrolling down the page automatically when you're reading something).


Now all that designing and building out these changes and features take time. So by the time they're done modifying the source code, Google has already came out with another couple updates to the source code and therefor are always a step or 2 behind.


Nexus and now Pixel devices are the iPhones of Android, if that makes any sense.


Bit of a rant there, but I hope it makes some sense.

Thanks for taking the time to type all that out....very helpful. I did a lot of reading last night about it so I have a better understanding. I'm going to go look at them today. It's between the pixel 2xl and the note8. Sounds like I can't go wrong with either so I'll just have to hold both. We missed the BOGO deal for Samsung's so price will be a factor too.

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Ended up getting a pixel 2xl. Liked the note but wasn't a fan of the curved screen edge. My wife liked the pixel also so we got 3 of the xl's and the smaller pixel 2 for my daughter. Think we will be happy with them....time will tell. Definitely much faster than the turbo 2 I had but I imagine any new phone would be. I'll spend the next day or 2 setting it up and getting used to it. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply with advice and suggestions.
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Yeah....I read that too. Everyone here seems happy with the choice. There's really not a ton that blows you away.....it just does what it does really well. Fast as hell and Google assistant is not something I would've thought I liked or would use this much.

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