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Night Sweats


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Has anyone experienced a sudden onset of night sweats? I've never had an issue until recently. It's not a "drenched the sheets, shirt, undies, etc" type but an uncomfortable dampness. I tried to look up what could cause it and of course I either have: HIV, cancer, low T, cancer, and other horrible things.


So what consider it a chronic and should see the doctor type and what considers it normal and suck it up?

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The wife and I get them every now and then...pretty sure its just hyperactivity of your mind and not some kind of illness. Try to make your pre-bedtime more relaxing...no video games, watching Walking Dead, etc. Or try some suuplements like Valerian and Melatonin to wind you down.
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Has anyone experienced a sudden onset of night sweats? I've never had an issue until recently. It's not a "drenched the sheets, shirt, undies, etc" type but an uncomfortable dampness. I tried to look up what could cause it and of course I either have: HIV, cancer, low T, cancer, and other horrible things.


So what consider it a chronic and should see the doctor type and what considers it normal and suck it up?




The Answer-nothing that will be answered on CR ;)

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If you search the internet for 5 mins the conclusion will always be you have a fatal disease and 6mos to live.


Get a basic physical, mention the symptoms and go from there.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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I'd only be concerned if you have had rapid weight loss, loss of appetite and fatigue coupled with the night sweats. I think everyone gets night sweats from time to time. I got them for a week or 2 and thought the same thing, I'M DYING! No idea what the cause was, but it went away just like a cold, flu, headache or any other symptoms that would could make you think you're dying if you research it long enough.
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