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Here's a video of Jimmy Kimmel crying during his show blaming Trump for the school shooting. Does anyone have any clips of him blaming or calling out Obama for the shootings that happened during his Presidency?




Jimmy is a fuck stick who like Seth Myers uses his show for political posturing and finger pointing vs comedy. He's a pot calling the kettle black too. How about he use his influence in fantasy star land to influence his millionaire buddies to stop making ghetto lyric music, movies and shows that glorify kiling and video games that do all of that. If he does that maybe he'd have even a small basis to say what he does, but until the he needs to stuff a dick in that pie hole of his and suck it.

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I've said it before, and I really feel like having school uniforms, and rules on personal hygiene and upkeep (like not being able to come to school with purple hair) is important for discipline. How many of you here, or your children had to learn to put on a tie and shine their shoes in first grade? I know 2nd graders here who don't even know how to tie their fucking shoes, but they boss their parents around and get their way.


When I moved here at age 15, I was shocked at how kids spoke to teachers. Never in my life had I heard such disrespect for an adult.


dont' tell Kerry as the moral decline in this country is just a big lie....he'll likely disagree all day long with the above you mentioned but hey, none that has anything to do with what we're seeing right? In my high school in Cleveland, Benedictine, if you smarted off to the teachers or coaches they would slap the shit out of you and tell your parents about it and then put you in detention. It worked too as even the smart ass kids learned their parents applauded the slapping and it never repeated itself. The joke at lunch was who got their ass smacked by a 70yr old priest. Even better was the football players as we worked out would have their parents come in a slap the shit out of them in front of all of us too. Yeah....the good old days.


There is a cultural problem here. It's not just one thing, it's a bunch of little things that might not seem like it could be related, but I think it all adds up.
winner winner chicken dinner.
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dont' tell Kerry as the moral decline in this country is just a big lie....he'll likely disagree all day long with the above you mentioned but hey, none that has anything to do with what we're seeing right? In my high school in Cleveland, Benedictine, if you smarted off to the teachers or coaches they would slap the shit out of you and tell your parents about it and then put you in detention. It worked too as even the smart ass kids learned their parents applauded the slapping and it never repeated itself. The joke at lunch was who got their ass smacked by a 70yr old priest. Even better was the football players as we worked out would have their parents come in a slap the shit out of them in front of all of us too. Yeah....the good old days.


I too got hit in school. Some teachers were a little more progressive, where they'd give you the option of either getting hit, or they call your parents. I never chose, came across or even heard anyone ever opting for option 2.


When we moved here, I heard my mom say multiple times that she was afraid to discipline my little brother in fear of being reported for child abuse. Just like how she never wanted to risk having a pond or pool in her backyard in the States because if some neighbour fell in she could get sued. :lol:



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One more thing. Haven't seen it being mentioned on here yet, but it's a fucking joke how Trump tweeted about mental health after the shooting, when you'll find his signature on the piece of paper that repeals an Obama bill to make it harder for the mentally ill to obtain firearms




Yeah, people who are so fucked up that they can't even handle their own disability benefits, let alone carry a gun. They aren't even the issue. Obama's bill was going to transfer those 75k names from the SSA to the FBI to be blacklisted. Some disability rights and other liberal groups (ACLU) joined with the NRA urging Trump to repeal the bill because it pushes a stereotype that all mentally-ill people are violent. Regardless, no law will stop an angry kid from taking his dad's gun - that's a parenting issue.


Beyond that, our whole society is fucked anyways. It's cool to be gay, violence is glorified, you don't have to say the pledge of allegiance, God doesn't exist anymore, everybody gets a trophy.. all that shit has raised the tolerance bar so high that any little piece removed from a kid's Jenga tower can crash it all down. Kids don't know how to handle losing, nor how to work hard and appreciate winning since the losers are getting awards alongside them. There is no solution because none of that is going to change. Maybe if we send enough thoughts and prayers through facebook.. idk

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I still think social media has flipped a switch in most of society's brain. How many people do you know that post the dumbest things just for attention? For some reason, people are begging for it these days. I don't get it.


I think these fuckheads who do this crave attention or infamy so bad, they're willing to commit any heinous act to get it. Mix in a severe lack of a moral compass, and this is what you get.


I'm still not sure how regulating guns is going to fix the root problem. The root problem isn't guns. It's a fucked up head.


If I told you that you could be rich but all you had to do was travel 3 blocks down the road to get it, taking everyone's cars away from them probably isn't going to stop you.

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I still think social media has flipped a switch in most of society's brain. How many people do you know that post the dumbest things just for attention? For some reason, people are begging for it these days. I don't get it.


I absolutely agree and think that it has flip that switch. People doing these shootings are simply going to the next level after being keyboard Warriors. I look at my own son and daughter as they have grown up on social media with phones, etc. and I can see a difference in them vs how my wife and I grew up.


I'm not saying everyone arguing on the internet will take it to the next level but the reality just look at The Kitchen here. I think we've seen a fair number of call-outs about meeting and saying shit to someones face right? Good luck with that as one never knows who is carrying and will snap. That's here among friends too. Can you imagine if someone got booted then showed up at CC&C and when off with a gun? It's not stupid to think that anymore. Welcome to 2018.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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I agree with the likes of big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, combined with the NSA/FBI, etc. that social media needs monitored automatically keeping score of things. It's not that people with just one or two indicators need flagged, but the reality is Facebook has the capability to know what kind of day I'm having, Google knows what products and topics searching for, Instagram and Apple know what pics I'm taking and posting,, my credit card companies know what I'm buying, my phone will tell you where I'm at, my health records will tell you what drugs I'm on, etc....


yeah, it's big brother to the max, but hey, we already have it in place right?


So the reality is just connect the dots. This kid in Florida is a classic full boat of red flags that should have been noticed and followed with more seriousness than even the flags that were already raised and seemingly ignored.


There's no need to target the gun/device, the root-cause is what needs targeted and I'm confident we can target pretty damn accurately if the data points already known are connected.

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I agree with the likes of big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, combined with the NSA/FBI, etc. that social media needs monitored automatically keeping score of things. It's not that people with just one or two indicators need flagged, but the reality is Facebook has the capability to know what kind of day I'm having, Google knows what products and topics searching for, Instagram and Apple know what pics I'm taking and posting,, my credit card companies know what I'm buying, my phone will tell you where I'm at, my health records will tell you what drugs I'm on, etc....


yeah, it's big brother to the max, but hey, we already have it in place right?


Reminds me of the story where Target started mailing coupons to a teenage girl for baby products. Her father got all pissed off at Target for sending a high school girl these things. Long story short, Target figured out that the girl was pregnant before the father did.


Google alone knows all the things you mention there about me and much, much more. They already use AI and machine learning to take all this information and offer a service.


Not sure how I would feel if I were to purchase a gun and book a flight to Vegas and all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door from the feds because Google alerted them that I'm doing sketchy things.

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The media coverage of this tragic event has been disgusting at best. When you have people who say BELIEVE stuff like this, there's the problem.


"Apparently, we can't change society. These assault rifles are the weapons of choice of these murderers. I'm not saying take away your single shot guns, just the semi-automatics and bump stocks. It won't be a perfect solution, but it will at least level the playing field. There will still be shootings, just not such a high body count."


"And by focusing on white men with mental health issues, that's not going to happen either. It's not illegal to seek help mentally, unless there is some sort of crime involved. What are they going to do, insist on a register of mentally ill people like sex offenders? That's not going to happen, either. You can't predict when someone is going to go off the deep end and take their anger out on society. You never know, so take away the worst of the problem. That's all I'm saying."


People don't want to accept the fact we have a society/people problem. I grew up in a school where the redneck kids had gun racks with guns in their trucks, in the parking lot, at school for decades. Not one shooting ever and I know other rural schools had this too, so what has changed?


The United States is a violent country, take away/limit guns knives/swords will be used, take those away cars/trucks will be used. It's a sad cycle with no answer unless we give up some freedoms.

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Not sure how I would feel if I were to purchase a gun and book a flight to Vegas and all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door from the feds because Google alerted them that I'm doing sketchy things.


Highly doubtful they waste their time on you unless you had other red flags leading up to that.

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The United States is a violent country, take away/limit guns knives/swords will be used, take those away cars/trucks will be used. It's a sad cycle with no answer unless we give up some freedoms.


Stats show we are less violent than days past and overall we aren't that violent. No need to give up any freedoms.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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Not sure how I would feel if I were to purchase a gun and book a flight to Vegas and all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door from the feds because Google alerted them that I'm doing sketchy things.


Unless you tried to hide in your carry one bag, you'd be fine. The above is much better alternative than the masses trying to prevent you from buying said gun in the first place.

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dont' tell Kerry as the moral decline in this country is just a big lie....


Well since morality is a subjective, fluid, contextual, and comparative I'm sure you can find any metric to point to and say "see, morals are in decline" but it doesn't make it actually so. In fact you pointed to one of the more nonsense ones earlier and tried to make a case for the nonsense idea that people "identifying" as religious as being in decline means the world is becoming an A-moral pit.


Religion and morality are not mutually exclusive, if they were the Catholic Church wouldn't have to continue to put so much effort into hiding pedophiles in their ranks.


he'll likely disagree all day long with the above you mentioned but hey, none that has anything to do with what we're seeing right? In my high school in Cleveland, Benedictine, if you smarted off to the teachers or coaches they would slap the shit out of you and tell your parents about it and then put you in detention. It worked too as even the smart ass kids learned their parents applauded the slapping and it never repeated itself. The joke at lunch was who got their ass smacked by a 70yr old priest. Even better was the football players as we worked out would have their parents come in a slap the shit out of them in front of all of us too. Yeah....the good old days.


I actually went to several schools with school uniforms. In fact I went to a school that our current CIC went to (and was expelled out of for "moral turpitude"). The only thing wearing a school uniform taught me first hand is that it galvanizes a kid's resolve to rebel and forces them to become more sneaky about the shenanigans they pull. It does not "stamp" out those urges or make them fall in line.


While I agree that discipline is a necessary tool, I don't always think all discipline is good. There are things that are meant to correct for generally bad behavior, and then there are things that oppress creativity and identity but serve no real moral purpose. I think School Uniforms, and martial or corporal punishment fall into the latter. I don't know about how many of you took actual beatings, but as a child I wanted to literally murder anybody who struck me (and it happened often). Speaking from first hand taking a regular beating just serves to make someone a violent person - it isn't a corrective measure for teaching character, and it doesn't teach the non-violent resolution skills that kids really need to become fully functioning, well adjusted adults.


As an addendum to this, keep in mind that the crime rate over the last 60 years has been steadily falling as has corporal punishment. At the time when it was socially acceptable to be violent to children we had more crime and when that declined in the 80's and 90's we had less crime. I'm not saying it is the only factor contributing to the decrease, but it is a factor and one that can't just be ignored because you guys can't get an erection in middle age now without some old man in a priest uniform slapping you across the face.


I mean seriously, how is it we are even having this conversation that beating the shit out of children is a good thing? More importantly how are your tying to claim the moral high ground for it in the same thread where you bitch about people not being religious (which I don't know how lapse you are, but I'm pretty sure all the big three promote non-violence).

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I mean seriously, how is it we are even having this conversation that beating the shit out of children is a good thing?


It has the be the extremes? Either no punishment or beating the shit out of them? Spanking != beating the shit out of them.

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It has the be the extremes? Either no punishment or beating the shit out of them? Spanking != beating the shit out of them.


Is there a situation where violence against a child is not an extreme reaction? Esp if someone is advocating it be performed by people who aren't family members.


Hitting a weaker being because you lack the skills to resolve it some other way is a weakness of character. It's not strength, it's not character building discipline, it's just easy cruelty.


But don't take my word for it, there is a lot of data out there on this. In terms of long term effects, children who receive frequent spankings are at a higher risk of mental health problems, alcohol and drug abuse, don't develop strong relationships with people later in life, increased aggression, and underdeveloped cognitive ability during development.






But please, feel free to make the case for it. What is the upside to spanking children? It's not better behavior or a more moral person because the data doesn't support that. But you tell me...what's the upside to hitting children?

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Is there a situation where violence against a child is not an extreme reaction? Esp if someone is advocating it be performed by people who aren't family members.


Hitting a weaker being because you lack the skills to resolve it some other way is a weakness of character. It's not strength, it's not character building discipline, it's just easy cruelty.


But don't take my word for it, there is a lot of data out there on this. In terms of long term effects, children who receive frequent spankings are at a higher risk of mental health problems, alcohol and drug abuse, don't develop strong relationships with people later in life, increased aggression, and underdeveloped cognitive ability during development.






But please, feel free to make the case for it. What is the upside to spanking children? It's not better behavior or a more moral person because the data doesn't support that. But you tell me...what's the upside to hitting children?


Well, me and just about everyone I know are living, walking proof that hitting spanking your kids does not cause mental health problems, or alcohol and drug abuse. Quite the opposite actually.


Just to quote one of your own articles you shared.


As in many areas of science, some researchers disagree about the validity of the studies on physical punishment. Robert Larzelere, PhD, an Oklahoma State University professor who studies parental discipline, was a member of the APA task force who issued his own minority report because he disagreed with the scientific basis of the task force recommendations. While he agrees that parents should reduce their use of physical punishment, he says most of the cited studies are correlational and don’t show a causal link between physical punishment and long-term negative effects for children.


“The studies do not discriminate well between non-abusive and overly severe types of corporal punishment,” Larzelere says. “You get worse outcomes from corporal punishment than from alternative disciplinary techniques only when it is used more severely or as the primary discipline tactic.”


So yeah, it's a no brainer that if you over do it, by beating your kid to a pulp that they will develop issues later on.

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Well, me and just about everyone I know are living, walking proof that hitting spanking your kids does not cause mental health problems, or alcohol and drug abuse. Quite the opposite actually.


That you know of, anyway. I'm pretty sure you don't know all the secrets kept by just about everyone you know, including the sum total of their past history. But whatever.


Still not hearing an "upside" or proof beyond apocryphal. At best you get the same outcome as using an alternative method of discipline, so what's the advantage? Because it's easy?


Since this conversation was originally about moral decline: Tell me how physically harming a weaker being is moral when there are alternatives? And how using those alternatives more often is actually leading to a decay in morality?


Just to quote one of your own articles you shared.




So yeah, it's a no brainer that if you over do it, by beating your kid to a pulp that they will develop issues later on.


No study is perfect and of course these have flaws. There are also cultural differences that make some of the outcomes (like disaffected relationships) a positive and not a negative. But still, not seeing an overwhelming upside to this from anybody that says hitting your kids will make them smarter, perform better, or improve. The best possible outcome is they end up the same as any other kid who wasn't physically disciplined. That's not an overwhelming endorsement.

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Just put your kids in timeout. Just like the police do to people who sell weed.


yeah, because the cops are such a shining example of what to do /sarcasm :dumb:



Also, Police are not the people that hand out discipline. That role falls to the courts and the penal system. So congrats on being extra ignorant as to the actual role police serve in the the American justice system. How is it you don't know this shit? I mean seriously, they teach this to 1st graders.


Also if you think about it - a prison stay is an extended "time out" from society. As far as I know, no judge has handed out a sentence to "beat the shit out of someone" in at least 30 years.

Edited by Geeto67
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That you know of, anyway. I'm pretty sure you don't know all the secrets kept by just about everyone you know, including the sum total of their past history. But whatever.


I know that they aren't criminals or shooting up schools.


Still not hearing an "upside" or proof beyond apocryphal. At best you get the same outcome as using an alternative method of discipline, so what's the advantage? Because it's easy?


Because from what I've seen, it works. I wouldn't imagine it's easy to hit your own kid, but you do it because it teaches them that there are consequences to negative behavior. Sure you can take away certain privileges, but if that doesn't work? Physical discomfort is something no one wants.



Since this conversation was originally about moral decline: Tell me how physically harming a weaker being is moral when there are alternatives? And how using those alternatives more often is actually leading to a decay in morality?


Never did I say that you should just go around swinging at your kid first chance you get. That's just the last resort. My original point was that American kids are selfish, spoiled brats and don't have respect for adults or others. Their whole life they're told how wonderful they are, and trophies and rewards for little to no effort. So then when they finally hear the word "No" for the first time, they don't know how to deal and throw a tantrum like the world has never seen before.



No study is perfect and of course these have flaws. There are also cultural differences that make some of the outcomes (like disaffected relationships) a positive and not a negative. But still, not seeing an overwhelming upside to this from anybody that says hitting your kids will make them smarter, perform better, or improve. The best possible outcome is they end up the same as any other kid who wasn't physically disciplined. That's not an overwhelming endorsement.


It's always hard to prove a negative, but if little Timmy grew up getting spanked and doesn't shoot up a school. That's a win in my book. If another kid grows up not ever needing spanked and also doesn't shoot up a school. That's fantastic too.

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This person gets it.




While they're still kids with wants and desires, runaway consumerism and material greed has passed right by my boys. When they do want something special, they're willing to work for it — like when my oldest son baked and sold cupcakes to earn money for that electric piano keyboard he had been eyeing.


My kids have also learned to be patient. Living in a country where instant gratification is a laughable concept, you learn to develop some mad waiting skills. When my youngest found that his 11th birthday present was going to arrive two weeks late, he took it in stride. "That's okay, mom, we'll celebrate my birthday when it gets here." I know that if this had happened to me, my 11-year-old self would have collapsed into tears.

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yeah, because the cops are such a shining example of what to do /sarcasm :dumb:



Also, Police are not the people that hand out discipline. That role falls to the courts and the penal system. So congrats on being extra ignorant as to the actual role police serve in the the American justice system. How is it you don't know this shit? I mean seriously, they teach this to 1st graders.


Also if you think about it - a prison stay is an extended "time out" from society. As far as I know, no judge has handed out a sentence to "beat the shit out of someone" in at least 30 years.



Jesus who shit in your wheaties? It was a fucking joke. But since you want to start insulting me like you always do, I'll play. How is that you don't know what to eat or how much to eat?

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