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I know that they aren't criminals...
because you ran backround checks?



or shooting up schools.

fair point



Because from what I've seen, it works. I wouldn't imagine it's easy to hit your own kid, but you do it because it teaches them that there are consequences to negative behavior. Sure you can take away certain privileges, but if that doesn't work? Physical discomfort is something no one wants.


So do a lot of things that don't require hitting. Still not seeing an advantage.


when I say easy, I don't mean emotionally easy, I mean intellectually. Parenting is hard overall, but add in taking the longer process of actually talking things out with a child rather than just the instant physical discomfort - yeah spanking is comparatively easy.



Never did I say that you should just go around swinging at your kid first chance you get. That's just the last resort. My original point was that American kids are selfish, spoiled brats and don't have respect for adults or others. Their whole life they're told how wonderful they are, and trophies and rewards for little to no effort. So then when they finally hear the word "No" for the first time, they don't know how to deal and throw a tantrum like the world has never seen before.


You really hate the young. Why? Social media has changed the landscape but kids haven't changed that much overall. I think a lot of what cause adults to claim the next generation is "spoiled" has to do with increased standard of living across the generations. I'm fairly certain the 1800's generations called early 1900's generations spoiled because they had indoor plumbing.


I don't think you are accurately describing the majority of American children. Are there some genuinely spoiled kids out there? sure. But I have a feeling they are just highly visible outliers rather than the rule.


Fear of the young and hate for the young is as old as time itself. The things you are saying have been said about the next generation since the dawn of time. get over it.







It's always hard to prove a negative, but if little Timmy grew up getting spanked and doesn't shoot up a school. That's a win in my book. If another kid grows up not ever needing spanked and also doesn't shoot up a school. That's fantastic too.


So you are ok with a much more sever punishment if it yields the exact same results?


By the way, you still haven't addressed the moral question.

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Jesus who shit in your wheaties? It was a fucking joke.


Even your jokes are stupid. I would take it as a personal insult that an American education system could yield just a staggering amount of ignorance, but honestly I don't really care about you that much. Of course you generally support the people that don't want to put money in education, you didn't get one so why should anybody else?

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yeah the cure for being spoiled is to move your kid to a third world country :dumb: (and yes Equador is actually a third world country, I am not just being dismissive of one of the top "happiest" places in Latin America and also a developing country).


If you don't want your kids to grow up in American culture, then yes move them out of American Culture. But your are making the case that American Culture synonymous with spoiled and that is just not true. It certainly is different from any other culture but it is also hugely diverse and enjoys a high standard of living not found a lot of other places.

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You really hate the young. Why? Social media has changed the landscape but kids haven't changed that much overall. I think a lot of what cause adults to claim the next generation is "spoiled" has to do with increased standard of living across the generations. I'm fairly certain the 1800's generations called early 1900's generations spoiled because they had indoor plumbing.


I don't think you are accurately describing the majority of American children. Are there some genuinely spoiled kids out there? sure. But I have a feeling they are just highly visible outliers rather than the rule.


Fear of the young and hate for the young is as old as time itself. The things you are saying have been said about the next generation since the dawn of time. get over it.


You're misunderstanding. I do not dislike the young (matter of fact, I think I'm pretty down and jiggy with 'em), I dislike how the young are raised by adult Americans (in general, and mostly by baby boomers). When the baby boomers die off, we will live in a better world, where 60s muscle cars aren't horribly overpriced.


Even if I'm not accurately describing the majority of American children, it's a far greater percentage than other nations' children. You, and most people here won't understand it because it's how you are raised, it's American culture. Your most popular beer is Bud light and you think Hershey's is good chocolate for fuck's sake.


So you are ok with a much more sever punishment if it yields the exact same results?


By the way, you still haven't addressed the moral question.


Well I suppose if you murder a child it will never grow up to harm anyone. So yeah I guess. Children will ruin your life. Vasectomies and abortions for all.

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yeah the cure for being spoiled is to move your kid to a third world country :dumb: (and yes Equador is actually a third world country, I am not just being dismissive of one of the top "happiest" places in Latin America and also a developing country).


If you don't want your kids to grow up in American culture, then yes move them out of American Culture. But your are making the case that American Culture synonymous with spoiled and that is just not true. It certainly is different from any other culture but it is also hugely diverse and enjoys a high standard of living not found a lot of other places.


Moving them to a 3rd world country is not the answer. The point is that it opened up her eyes.


Diverse culture? Shit, have you ever been to any of the cultural festivals around here? Only difference between Oktoberfest and The Irish Festival is how you spell it. Don't get too proud of the standard of living here neither. 2 weeks standard paid vacation and the state of the medical system here is enough to make any other developed nation blush, just to name a few. Don't forget on how we got on this topic in the first place, children being killed when they should be getting an education.


Speaking of education. That seems to be another sore point here too.

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what's the upside to hitting children?


It shows them the last straw that the person they expect to snap due to their behaviors is at the end of their ropes in terms of tolerating and attempting to correct their behavior.


A simply slap across the face is sometimes all it takes. I remember it happening to me at age 12-13 when was a smart ass to my father. The first slap was like a wake up call. It hurt and I was stunned and it happened in front of my entire family. He followed it up with another 3 seconds later and a very firm don't warning to never ever take that posture with him again as the one meaningful and loving rock in my life was about to off the deep end. I was embarrassed to all get out, I was scared that he would hit me again and there was little I could do except change my behavior, and more than anything I was disappointed in myself for pushing him to the edge because I knew that was not how he normally reacted. I deserved it and as much as I may have yelled that I hated him at that point it was all a hate and anger at myself. I never caused him to react that way again.


The key to any discipline or even action is that you as the aggressor will never get the other person to change behavior, they have to want to overcome that bad behavior and sometimes a good shot over the bow wakes people up. both my kids have been there. Once with my daughter and my son has had it happen twice, both delivered by his mom even though I'm more apt to be the heavy. You might say it's fear and to a certain extent it is. The other part of it is respect. My son is 145lbs and growing into a young man but he knows no one on earth has done more for him or cares more about him that mom and dad and never will. Pushing either or both of us to such an extreme limit puts him in a world all alone and he wants no part of that because that would be scary as hell and we all know that such a feeling can be terrifying. His fear is self imposed and from his own doing and he knows that too. Neither of kids have ever come close to pushing either of us that far again.


If anyone here has been bitten by their family dog as a kid for teasing them or doing something that pushes them to the edge, they know it's similar to that. Family pets, especially small dogs, are about as loving and loyal as can be. They respect a pack mentality and as a kid you are often seen as a peer not an alpha. They will love you all day long but if you push them they will bite and put you back in place. Hate them all you want for it, you likely deserved to get bit and so long as you don't cross that line with them they will go right back to loving you just as before. Kids just the same have to realize they aren't the alpha in the house or the parent. If they treat you with respect they get respect but when they lash out, a good smack is warranted and sometime all it takes. YMMV.

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You're misunderstanding. I do not dislike the young (matter of fact, I think I'm pretty down and jiggy with 'em), I dislike how the young are raised by adult Americans (in general, and mostly by baby boomers). When the baby boomers die off, we will live in a better world, where 60s muscle cars aren't horribly overpriced.


And yet you apply a broad negative stereotype to American Children that isn't representative.


Even if I'm not accurately describing the majority of American children, it's a far greater percentage than other nations' children.


based on what criteria? who even measures this and how?



You, and most people here won't understand it because it's how you are raised, it's American culture. Your most popular beer is Bud light and you think Hershey's is good chocolate for fuck's sake.


What do you know of me personally? Yeah I wasn't raised in South Africa, but I've lived in Europe and am fairly well traveled. My Grandparents (whom I lived with for a while) were immigrants here. I understand the perception the ROW has because we are the biggest media generator and frankly the culture we export isn't always the best version of America. But they don't live here either, they don't see that we also make fun of the kardashians and call Bud Light piss water (but still drink it because it is cheap). And nobody thinks Hershey's is good chocolate, it's just better than nothing and costs almost as much. Also, ever see what passes for candy in Australia? horrid.


Well I suppose if you murder a child it will never grow up to harm anyone. So yeah I guess. Children will ruin your life. Vasectomies and abortions for all.



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based on what criteria? who even measures this and how?


Purely on my own personal opinion and what I've seen.


What do you know of me personally? Yeah I wasn't raised in South Africa, but I've lived in Europe and am fairly well traveled. My Grandparents (whom I lived with for a while) were immigrants here. I understand the perception the ROW has because we are the biggest media generator and frankly the culture we export isn't always the best version of America. But they don't live here either, they don't see that we also make fun of the kardashians and call Bud Light piss water (but still drink it because it is cheap). And nobody thinks Hershey's is good chocolate, it's just better than nothing and costs almost as much. Also, ever see what passes for candy in Australia? horrid.


There you have it. You drink bud light, your opinion is invalid and Australians are fucking assholes, who cares.


No but seriously. It's an observation I have made as someone who wasn't born and raised here. And I realize that I'm coming off a bit anti-american, but I like it here, and would probably never leave and probably raise a child here...unless maybe if an opportunity arises to move to New Zealand. It's gorgeous there and they play the right sports.

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Even your jokes are stupid. I would take it as a personal insult that an American education system could yield just a staggering amount of ignorance, but honestly I don't really care about you that much. Of course you generally support the people that don't want to put money in education, you didn't get one so why should anybody else?


It baffles me that someone like you can so easily talk down to everyone in here who disagrees with you. You're morbidly obese. I'm sorry, but if you don't understand general health, from an elementary stand point then you lose all credibility when calling someone ignorant. You are a walking hypocrisy. Whenever I see someone as fat as yourself 2 things come to mind, lazy, ignorant.

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Moving them to a 3rd world country is not the answer. The point is that it opened up her eyes.


Seems like you want it to be the answer. Diverse experience is the answer, but you don't have to leave America to get it.



Diverse culture? Shit, have you ever been to any of the cultural festivals around here?


If you are asking me if Ohio is a wasteland? yes it is. When I lived in NYC, completely different story. Same with New Orleans. And Boston.



Only difference between Oktoberfest and The Irish Festival is how you spell it.

And it is the same with Italian, et al. All the eurocentric festivals here are going to be the same - the only difference is the flavor of sausage in the sausage and peppers they serve you. You want a real ethnic experience, you have to go into those neighborhoods and mix with those people and that's outside the comfort zone of most living here. Also given the white supremacy problem in Ohio (and columbus specifically) it's a little understandable why those groups don't go out of their way to make sure the white people attend.


Don't get too proud of the standard of living here neither. 2 weeks standard paid vacation and the state of the medical system here is enough to make any other developed nation blush, just to name a few


I meant things like shelter, access to food, mass produced cheap goods, access to various communication methods, and lots of services. There are many things in which the US absolutely blow (infant mortality rate anyone?).

Yeah there are few things we are the leader in, but bad television and blue collar cultural export we surpass everyone. Half the world probably thinks we are all Larry the cable guy.



Don't forget on how we got on this topic in the first place, children being killed when they should be getting an education.


we got on this topic, because the 2A nutballs on this forum wanted an audience to yell their stupidity at in the context of a national tragedy and to feel like constitutional champions, and you and I probably like arguing beneath our station so we engaged them.


Speaking of education. That seems to be another sore point here too.


I don't know when it became popular to hate the educated and not value education in America, but given the increasing speed of technology and automation the backlash worries me.

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It baffles me that someone like you can so easily talk down to everyone in here who disagrees with you.


Not everyone. Just you. Why does it baffle you? have you seen the stupidity you write? You lack basic knowledge of how your world works - no wonder you feel angry and disenfranchised. The part that saddens me is you seem to just double down on your stupid. I'm just done feeling sorry for you.

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If you are asking me if Ohio is a wasteland? yes it is. When I lived in NYC, completely different story.


That's right. Now we've gone full circle and back to how Trump got elected. There's a lot of wasteland in the middle.


Also, I wasn't sure if you were going to understand where I was going with the festivals around here, but you nailed it.

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Not everyone. Just you. Why does it baffle you? have you seen the stupidity you write? You lack basic knowledge of how your world works - no wonder you feel angry and disenfranchised. The part that saddens me is you seem to just double down on your stupid. I'm just done feeling sorry for you.


Don't worry, your clogged arteries will fail you soon I'm sure and you won't have to read what idiots like myself post anymore. Now go eat some double cheeseburgers, fat boy.

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You drink bud light,

Not if you paid me.


No but seriously. It's an observation I have made as someone who wasn't born and raised here. And I realize that I'm coming off a bit anti-american, but I like it here, and would probably never leave and probably raise a child here...unless maybe if an opportunity arises to move to New Zealand. It's gorgeous there and they play the right sports.


I don't think you are coming off anti-american. I think you'd be happier in another state. There are a lot of great things Ohio has to offer but cultural diversity isn't one of them. Columbus has amazing immigrant populations but they don't mix because they are scared of the "locals". And for good reason.

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First they came for the bump stocks, and I did not speak up because I was not a bump stock.


This is how the slippery slope starts, you can't give them an inch.



Bump Stocks are stupid and IMO honestly don't have a place in the real-world of responsible gun ownership. To me their are equivalent of standing on the brakes of a daily driver Charger RT and doing a smokey burnout on OEM Tires in a parking lot at a cars and coffee event. YMMV.

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Bump Stocks are stupid and IMO honestly don't have a place in the real-world of responsible gun ownership. To me their are equivalent of standing on the brakes of a daily driver Charger RT and doing a smokey burnout on OEM Tires in a parking lot at a cars and coffee event. YMMV.


Thanks for saying Charger and not Challenger :p

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Well we can't own automatic weapons, so I guess that's kind of an inch already?


Actually you can, it's just very expensive and very very difficult as there is a finite and shrinking pool (roughly 500,000). The going rate to join the fully auto club starts at around $20,000. You also need a completely spotless criminal record.


Automatic weapons in this context is a stupid conversation. There are many many work-arounds to make a semi-auto perform to the same level as an auto without breaking the law, and plenty of conversion pieces if legality is not a concern. To bring in an area of ownership that is not accessible by discussing fully auto weapons is pointless.


Again, I am going to say repeal the dickey amendment and let's have the CDC start funding independent research in this area again. You complain that our existing measures aren't working, well that is one of the kinds of research topics the CDC would investigate as part of its root cause analysis of gun violence. The NRA and those that cower behind the mantra that there isn't a need for research are purposefully keeping you stupid and if you are a member, you pay them to do that. Once we have data, we can start having a conversation about intelligent gun control, because guess what - we already have gun control in this country and it isn't going away, and all you "responsible owners" aren't doing enough of a good job self policing so it's time to intervene.

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It bugs me when people lay so much blame on "kids these days". There are no bad kids....only bad parents. A kid only knows what they've been taught. If you want a certain behaviour from a kid then teachit to them. I have 3 and they are all 3 very good kids. I'm strict with all 3 and I do spank but honestly very rarely have to. My oldest son is 14 and it's been years since I've spanked him. My youngest is 5 and he gets one about once a year. It's a tool to teach. You don't have to beat them....just the act is enough. Think of a newspaper to a dog.

Example. A month or two ago my 5 year old marked on the table with an ink pen. I gave him a little swat on the pants because he knew better. Later he told my older son the spanking didn't hurt and my older son told me. Not a big deal. I asked the 5 year old about it and he lied to me saying he didn't say that. After a few more questions he admitted to lying. He got another spanking only this time I made sure he would remember it. Not for saying the first one didn't hurt.....because he lied to me. I made sure he knew that was the reason. Bragging about something not hurting is no big deal....lying to me is something I won't tolerate. Tell the truth and all is well. I want my kids to tell me the truth no matter what and as long as they do that they have my support....always.

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