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Geeto67's Political Playground


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Do you actually have a problem with high school kids protesting, or do you have a problem with these specific kids protesting this specific issue in this specific manner?


I have a problem with kids protesting during school time. If they want to go do it after school, go for it, more power to them for standing up for what they believe in etc, etc. With that being said, they are still wet behind their ears, so we need to take their opinions with a grain of salt (obviously). I mean, thinking back to when you were a teenager, what are their motives here? Popularity? Pussy? Chance to skip class? Or genuinely doing it cause that's what they believe in? Shit that we didn't have...a chance to post a picture on social media?


I can assure you it's not the specific issue. Even though I tend to lean towards the pro-gun side, I do not agree with kids starting a pro-gun protest. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of even more against it than the anti-gun ones, because to me it just seems less innocent.

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I have a problem with kids protesting during school time.


I agree, we shouldn't let them be home for sick time, or snow days either. And what's with this summer vacation silliness? other countries do year round school - what's wrong with the US not getting it's shit together on that? :dumb:


I mean, thinking back to when you were a teenager, what are their motives here? Popularity? Pussy? Chance to skip class? Or genuinely doing it cause that's what they believe in? Shit that we didn't have...a chance to post a picture on social media?


Pretty sure their motives are pretty clear - they want some sort of political action so their schools are safe. Not every single kid has an ulterior motive, and honestly no single person I know has one motive for doing things, and that's ok. Nothing wrong with wanting a safer school AND pussy.

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I agree, we shouldn't let them be home for sick time, or snow days either. And what's with this summer vacation silliness? other countries do year round school - what's wrong with the US not getting it's shit together on that? :dumb:


Summer vacation is another topic but yeah, totally silly. It's been proven that it effects learning and it's only there really to allow free child labor in the past.


My point is that there is a time and place for everything. School is not the place for personal politics and religion. Teach them how the political system works, then go out there and apply it. Sick days and snow days would go with what I'm saying, a time and place for everything. When you're sick, you stay home, if it snows...you probably should move to a better place.


Pretty sure their motives are pretty clear - they want some sort of political action so their schools are safe. Not every single kid has an ulterior motive, and honestly no single person I know has one motive for doing things, and that's ok. Nothing wrong with wanting a safer school AND pussy.


We don't know everyone's motive. I stand by what I said, but I hear you on the bold part.

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So what exactly do they want?


This particular march was pretty specific in it's demands:


the National Student Walkout demanded three key actions from Congress:

-- Ban assault weapons;

-- Require universal background checks before gun sales;

-- Pass a gun violence restraining order law that would allow courts to disarm people who display warning signs of violent behavior.




Additionally, generally speaking it was there to remind people of the link between gun laws and school shootings, and to show a form of solidarity with the victims of the parkland shootings.



Remember, the value of a protest is more than just the appeal to lawmakers it expresses on it's face - it's a recruitment tool and a PR tool as well.




My point is that there is a time and place for everything. School is not the place for personal politics.... Teach them how the political system works, then go out there and apply it....


So where is the place for politics? Pretty sure every state has some sort of government or civics program which means they are already teaching politics. In fact I would go so far as to say it's not enough given the general lack of knowledge the average American seems to have about government. But it goes further than that, high school also lays the foundation for how to have controversial conversations, how to express opinions, basically how to interact with society in a meaningful way.


In many ways you can look at these protests as an education in it's own - it's teaching students that your voice extends beyond the vote, and that collaboration has power.


I think what you are assuming is that the protesting kids in this case are carrying out the political opinion of the teachers and faculty of the schools, and I don't know that I agree. I think your other statement is correct, we don't know everyone's motives, not even those of the schools' staff faculty.


Kids have to be supervised so those groups are going to be involved no matter what, and the protest is one that affects them, but they also gave the option to not participate and plenty of schools didn't allow this at all and even penalized students who protested in spite of their school not being accommodating (which could be viewed as a suppression of free speech since schools are an extension of local government).


It's probably some combination of all motivations: some schools allowed it because the staff and faculty agreed with the message, some schools allowed it because the students requested it and were persuasive, some schools gave forum to both sides because to them they felt it was the best way toward a teachable moment, some didn't allow it at all because of message, and some just didn't have the resources to support a protest. To what degree, who knows? and I'm ok with that, either way kids learn something.




and religion.


That's what church is for. Unfortunately, church has it's own recruitment agenda which causes a lot of that material to be forced into secular arenas. I coach public speaking and debate for adults in a corporate setting (not as a job - something I volunteer to do) and I can't tell you how many times the topic comes up or how often I have to steer people away from delivering a sermon in a business setting.

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My point is that there is a time and place for everything. School is not the place for personal politics and religion.


This is the thing with protests, though -- they're more effective they more disruptive they are, and they're disruptive by their nature, because a protest that happens in a sealed room where everyone can just ignore that it's happening is worth squat. And whether or not you think a protest is appropriately disruptive or not, in my experience, seems to have less to do philosophical musings about the nature and value of protests, and more to do with whether or not you agree with the cause itself.

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I have a problem with kids protesting during school time. If they want to go do it after school, go for it, more power to them for standing up for what they believe in etc, etc.


agree. our tax dollars and all the resources for schools need not be directed to a political agenda which is what these bullshit sessions have become.

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agree. our tax dollars and all the resources for schools need not be directed to a political agenda which is what these bullshit sessions have become.


your tax dollars and the resources are devoted to protecting the kids, including during activities which they support. How about you vote for people who want to spend more on education so they can actually do the job effectively and then we don't have to worry about 17 dead kids in FL and protests on school time......mmmkay...


oh wait, 17 dead kids is what you feel is the cost of freedom.

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your tax dollars and the resources are devoted to protecting the kids, including during activities which they support.


no, my tax dollars for education are for education, not brainwashing by pussy liberals who try to take advantage of my kids by these games.


good news is both my kids speak up and tell their side and didn't participate. in fact hardly anyone did again this week.


How about you vote for people who want to spend more on education so they can actually do the job effectively and then we don't have to worry about 17 dead kids in FL and protests on school time......mmmkay...


my son is at a 4.1 and my daughter a 3.8 cumulative GPA on the report cards that just came out so I'm good. neither are walking around playing victims in life.


oh wait, 17 dead kids is what you feel is the cost of freedom.


those 17 deaths are the cost of poor coordination of the resources already in place and had nothing to do with guns or the cost of freedom. it was the cost of stupid people not acting when a pretty clear fucking picture was drawn out for them.

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no, my tax dollars for education are for education


They're also used for developing and executing active shooter drills and installing hardened access points. What a fucking waste of money. When I was a kid my schools weren't blowing all of these taxpayer resources on student safety measures.


Admit it, you really don't care about the money.

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Geetoo, since your focusing on the number of lives lost, are you protesting planned parenthood? :)


Why, are planned parenthood centers using guns now to provide women healthcare?


Now Hush...the grown ups are talking.

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no, my tax dollars for education are for education, not brainwashing by pussy liberals who try to take advantage of my kids by these games.


Pretty sure nobody held a gun to these kids heads and told them to participate. I mean, I haven't read the news in an hour so maybe it happened but I am pretty sure it didn't.


good news is both my kids speak up and tell their side and didn't participate. in fact hardly anyone did again this week.


Oh good, the concept of voluntary isn't as lost on your kids as it is on you.



my son is at a 4.1 and my daughter a 3.8 cumulative GPA on the report cards that just came out so I'm good. neither are walking around playing victims in life.


No, you are just waiting for them to become actual victims because #authentic



those 17 deaths are the cost of poor coordination of the resources already in place and had nothing to do with guns or the cost of freedom. it was the cost of stupid people not acting when a pretty clear fucking picture was drawn out for them.


You can only split a dollar so many ways before you need more dollars. Education is underfunded as it stands now, but somehow they have to magically split the dollar another way with no loss of integrity to the resource. :dumb:



You repeatedly have said after mass shootings that this is the cost of freedom in response to the proposed gun control laws that come out and never get passed. Are you changing your mind now? or do you just want to blame someone else because someone wants to take away your hobby guns? By the way, complaining that something is someone else's fault rather than recognizing that part of your own selfish desires is partially contributing to the problem is I'm sure the definition of victim mentality so way to be a whiny victim of gun control laws - it's a good look for you.

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Again, I am not going to insult you even if it's in jest.


What I was highlighting with a mediocre form of satire is to highlight the Liberal logical inconsistencies.


- Yell about 17 lives, but ignore other avenues of death that are have a higher occurrence.


- Parade Christian bakeries that have been closed due to them not making cakes for gay couples, but sweep it under the carpet when Muslim bakeries in Dearborn do the same while on video.


- Promote an unlimited budget for public education because education matters while taking kids out of school across the county to support an agenda. At some point, parents need to be accountable and pay for their own education if they are unhappy. If your going to fake protest one, then do it for all that has the same or more impact.


- Protest and yell that police violence needs to end (which id does), but only protest when it is a minority who loses their lives.


- Will support that it's acceptable for minority universities to promote themselves in there predominant universities/high schools while the same would be considered racism if it was a white group does that.


- Be pro-Black Lives Matter, but support a political party that supported slavery.


I can go on and on, but 1 + 1 = 2 should be the same across any scope. Liberal logic would be 1 + 1 = 2 on Monday through Friday, but the weekend it's 1 + 1 = 5. Go ahead and call me a racist, because that argument is invalid due to my heritage.

Edited by 10phone2
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They're also used for developing and executing active shooter drills and installing hardened access points. Admit it, you really don't care about the money.


I don't care about the money, I care what it's being used for and I don't agree with it being used to try and brain wash kids. Want to have a 17 minute period of silence to mourn the dead, I agree with supporting that. Do it before school and then carry on with the day.

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Pretty sure nobody held a gun to these kids heads and told them to participate. I mean, I haven't read the news in an hour so maybe it happened but I am pretty sure it didn't.


play Forrest Gump but it's a role that's beneath you.


Oh good, the concept of voluntary isn't as lost on your kids as it is on you.


has nothing to do with it. keep the political bullshit agendas out of school period.


No, you are just waiting for them to become actual victims because #authentic


no one waits for it Kerry but the smart ones know how to address it before during and after. let's see if the next time a picture is drawn if the authorities can connect the dots.


You can only split a dollar so many ways before you need more dollars. Education is underfunded as it stands now, but somehow they have to magically split the dollar another way with no loss of integrity to the resource.


I see no point in offering more dollars when they can't spend the ones they have wisely and connect the dots. Stop feeding the beast like you do.


You repeatedly have said after mass shootings that this is the cost of freedom in response to the proposed gun control laws that come out and never get passed.


and you continually try to play the spin game vs. simply understanding what I type. again, beneath you....but maybe it's not.

or do you just want to blame someone else because someone wants to take away your hobby guns?


the irony here is thick about who points blame at others. dude, your working with a 2" sharpie in that respect and always do.


By the way, complaining that something is someone else's fault rather than recognizing that part of your own selfish desires is partially contributing to the problem is I'm sure the definition of victim mentality so way to be a whiny victim of gun control laws - it's a good look for you.


calling out those that failed is called forcing them to be accountable, not pointing fingers. their actions or lack of action resulted in a measurable result and 17 being killed, that's the problem. hardly a play of my being a victim. keep spinning though.

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Then why'd you bring it up you twat?


because it gets your attention where as the cause and reasoning behind it doesn't since you seem to ignore the reality but chase the lures/bate so easily. guess that fits your agenda thus why you do it.

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Geetoo, since your focusing on the number of lives lost, are you protesting planned parenthood? :)


I'm off to an Anti-Uber/Smart Car protest and to see if the kids at the high school will walk out to mourn the death of the citizen killed by one today. Oh wait....no gun was used so it doesn't fit the liberal agenda and won't likely get traction...

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Again, I am not going to insult you even if it's in jest.


What I was highlighting with a mediocre form of satire is to highlight the Liberal logical inconsistencies.


- Yell about 17 lives, but ignore other avenues of death that are have a higher occurrence.


Tim has a history of saying "this is the cost of freedom" when we broach the topic of gun control. The number wasn't the important part of that statement, and I'm sorry that you got stuck on the 17 dead number so as to miss the crux of the point - when it comes to conversations about gun control - is "this is the cost of freedom" isn't really an acceptable answer.


This is a logical inconsistency to you because in your mind you have compressed these two subjects down to the point where they are equal - which is largely false. Abortion and gun control are both complex subjects with no clear answer and to compress them down so at so appear morally equal is to just lie to yourself. To then say someone else is some how lesser because they don't buy your particular brand of lie that you created is disingenuous at best. Or to put it bluntly, there is no "liberal inconsistency", you just don't take the time to understand each issue and all it's view points.



- Parade Christian bakeries that have been closed due to them not making cakes for gay couples, but sweep it under the carpet when Muslim bakeries in Dearborn do the same while on video.


who the fuck is talking about bakeries in this thread?


- Promote an unlimited budget for public education because education matters while taking kids out of school across the county to support an agenda. At some point, parents need to be accountable and pay for their own education if they are unhappy. If your going to fake protest one, then do it for all that has the same or more impact.


Who is talking about an unlimited budget? nobody here. Budgets have limits - and you know what education is a matter of national security (president Eisenhower knew this) . If they could re-direct 1/16th of what is spent on defense equipment alone we'd be back to being the #1 nation for education.


And as for "parents paying for education"...well fuck the poor amirite?


- Protest and yell that police violence needs to end (which id does), but only protest when it is a minority who loses their lives.


- Will support that it's acceptable for minority universities to promote themselves in there predominant universities/high schools while the same would be considered racism if it was a white group does that.


I can go on and on, but 1 + 1 = 2 should be the same across any scope. Liberal logic would be 1 + 1 = 2 on Monday through Friday, but the weekend it's 1 + 1 = 5. Go ahead and call me a racist, because that argument is invalid due to my heritage.



Blah blah blah....hey man, take some personal responsibility for your own ignorance. If you did you'd find out how little of what you are complaining about actually goes on. This is just you reinforcing the stereotype you believe in by shitting on some nameless faceless group.


I am not calling you racist, I'm just saying that you are flat out wrong. You have expanded the definition of "liberal" to include everyone who doesn't agree with your position on things. Of course there are going to be inconsistencies - you cast a net that wide you catch all types of fish and some of them aren't friends in the wild.

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Tim has a history of saying "this is the cost of freedom".


funny thing is though I made myself crystal clear that in the Florida shooting the cost of those 17 was in part to "stupid" and the authorities from many areas that pretty didn't connect the dots. thus it seems they lost their lives over the right for others to do a poor job. but hey, let's continue to spin...

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I'm off to an Anti-Uber/Smart Car protest and to see if the kids at the high school will walk out to mourn the death of the citizen killed by one today. Oh wait....no gun was used so it doesn't fit the liberal agenda and won't likely get traction...


Those are self driving too, which means it totally takes the human out of the equation. Sorry, but people don't kill people, only guns.

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funny thing is though I made myself crystal clear that in the Florida shooting the cost of those 17 was in part to "stupid" and the authorities from many areas that pretty didn't connect the dots. thus it seems they lost their lives over the right for others to do a poor job. but hey, let's continue to spin...


So do you support this demand:


-- Pass a gun violence restraining order law that would allow courts to disarm people who display warning signs of violent behavior.

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