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It's winter and I'm bored


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So I'm sure this will end up in the kitchen anyway, so I'm just going to put my flame suit on and post some dumb shit.


I've been thinking alot about some fun activities to occupy my free time and it all comes back to cars. I know that I need to pick something that is fun but also will have people there to be friendly with. I could never get enough street racing back 5-6 year ago, but most of the people I hung out with moved on and I lost my licence so I don't really do that anymore. Drag racing isn't as much fun for me as autocrossing, but the people are way nicer to be around.


So my question is this, why are all you autocross fags such dickheads? and why won't any of you drag race guys come try autocrossing? alot of you drag race guys even have the cars that can autocross without issue.

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:lolguy: :yuno:


I would have to say its all about the time and effort of the transition from one to the other. Between the suspension changes, tunes, gear ratios, etc. Most guys just don't have the time to swap back and forth. Now with that said, the argument could be had for "find a middle ground tune/setup" but that would make it mediocre in both. While still fun, it wouldn't be "top dog". Then the next argument is why not just have two cars?

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I can’t speak for up here but when I tried to get involved with scca in Savannah with my stock suspension evo I was laughed at by every single miata driver. Look at my spec miata bro. I’m pretty much an instructor just because I have one. This weekend I’m visualizing autox drivers putting a tv in front of their car and pretending to get some laps in at daytona during the 24.
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Look at my spec miata bro. I’m pretty much an instructor just because I have one. This weekend I’m visualizing autox drivers putting a tv in front of their car and pretending to get some laps in at daytona during the 24.


Yeah, beating up on the miata snobs is the best. Some of em are alright though. The porka snobs are the worst.

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I mean call out some of these autocross Dickheads lol. NAME NAMES DAMNIT


Well you and your Dad are cool, but I've never participated at an event where I felt less invited. I mean I'm just such a likable guy and all.


and Miata people are the fucking worst, made me hate owning one. A lot of Corvette owners suck too, but it's not nearly as bad.

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:lolguy: :yuno:


I would have to say its all about the time and effort of the transition from one to the other. Between the suspension changes, tunes, gear ratios, etc. Most guys just don't have the time to swap back and forth. Now with that said, the argument could be had for "find a middle ground tune/setup" but that would make it mediocre in both. While still fun, it wouldn't be "top dog". Then the next argument is why not just have two cars?


Well a lot of people have more then one car, or their daily is something "fun" or whatever. Why do you think I have 2 cars? Just need to make the Camaro fast again.

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Hahaha, just because I beat you every time. Are you faster yet than Mark in his $1400 C4?




We haven't been on the same course in a few years, and I have never seen Mark's Corvette race, so whenever you want to make that a callout?

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Well a lot of people have more then one car, or their daily is something "fun" or whatever. Why do you think I have 2 cars? Just need to make the Camaro fast again.


I get that, but most arent willing to beat on both their daily and their "racecar". I personally side with you, I like having a versatile car that can perform decent in different types of racing. But many are purists who stick their nose up at our kind lol. But the way I see it, as long as I'm behind the wheel, it doesn't matter what I'm doing as long as it gives me that thrill feeling.

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I'm really surprised. I've never seen elitism at the AutoCross events I've gone to. Everyone has always struck me as welcoming and inclusive. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just surprised.


Agreed for the most part. Mata club Def has a click and treat some poorly imo.


I think it's what you make of it. Its no different than any other social situation. If you just stand around, nobody is going to come over and do all the talking just because. If you want to feel included include yourself. Walk up, introduce yourself with your name and shake their hand. If it doesn't work, walk away and try it again with someone else.


There is a large group of us that autocross together some regulars others randomly. Always very easy to chat with friends.


Give ufo/morpca events a try.


Because lotus?


Nah, car have nothing to do with it, imo.

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The Miata Club as mentioned is a little abrasive as far as getting “in” the social circle although I’m not the most socia person either though. The UFO/MORPCA events are where I enjoy my time. The SCCA group is super nice, but I find myself missing the 2005ish era of cool oldsvcool SCCA guys/gals that had some great tips and tricks.
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The Miata Club as mentioned is a little abrasive as far as getting “in” the social circle although I’m not the most socia person either though. The UFO/MORPCA events are where I enjoy my time. The SCCA group is super nice, but I find myself missing the 2005ish era of cool oldsvcool SCCA guys/gals that had some great tips and tricks.


We appreciate the kind words, always great to have friends attend our events.


I hope to add some variety this year with a few clubs miller and Jarod attend.

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  • 2 months later...
The Miata Club as mentioned is a little abrasive as far as getting “in” the social circle


I don't catch this vibe at all... I attend events on and off and I have always received good advice and met some great people. The folks that are "in" at the events usually seem to be event organizers to me so I would expect them to treat them differently I guess. I mean, They also have a "membership" group of folks that pay money to be in their club, so... I guess those folks would be treated a little different.


Honestly... I feel like they are a nice group of folks who want to have a good time. not ONCE have I felt like I was not welcome at one of their events. The folks that do come to cause havoc or be dicks to people don't usually last long at all.


A few Mustang bros showed up once and got pissed that they could not run the course which was 100% their fault. You showed up to a go-kart track with their 5.0's and get butt hurt that you could not run the course without eating a few cones... they cried and left. This is the only time i came across "dickheads" at an autocross.


Besides... You should want to autocross to have fun and go fast in your car. FUCK what other people say or fell about you! YOU paid the same fee as everyone else, so get out there, stop calling people "dickheads", and race your damn car!

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I don't catch this vibe at all... I attend events on and off and I have always received good advice and met some great people. The folks that are "in" at the events usually seem to be event organizers to me so I would expect them to treat them differently I guess. I mean, They also have a "membership" group of folks that pay money to be in their club, so... I guess those folks would be treated a little different.


Honestly... I feel like they are a nice group of folks who want to have a good time. not ONCE have I felt like I was not welcome at one of their events. The folks that do come to cause havoc or be dicks to people don't usually last long at all.


A few Mustang bros showed up once and got pissed that they could not run the course which was 100% their fault. You showed up to a go-kart track with their 5.0's and get butt hurt that you could not run the course without eating a few cones... they cried and left. This is the only time i came across "dickheads" at an autocross.


Besides... You should want to autocross to have fun and go fast in your car. FUCK what other people say or fell about you! YOU paid the same fee as everyone else, so get out there, stop calling people "dickheads", and race your damn car!


LOL creative story there. I'll raise my hand as the Mustang bro in your fictional piece if you have any questions on what actually happened.

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LOL creative story there. I'll raise my hand as the Mustang bro in your fictional piece if you have any questions on what actually happened.


Feel free to elaborate..


The story I was told from members on track that day was that you ate a few cones, got mad that the course was setup ONLY for Miata or other small cars, you wanted your money back, and when they refused you called them "jack asses" and left. From my perspective I saw one of the Mustangs eat a load of cones on their second or first run (I cant remember) and I was working one of the corners. ANNNNNNND a mustang did leave after a few runs, so everything made sense to me.


If this story is incorrect then feel free to explain what actually happened.

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Feel free to elaborate..


The story I was told from members on track that day was that you ate a few cones, got mad that the course was setup ONLY for Miata or other small cars, you wanted your money back, and when they refused you called them "jack asses" and left. From my perspective I saw one of the Mustangs eat a load of cones on their second or first run (I cant remember) and I was working one of the corners. ANNNNNNND a mustang did leave after a few runs, so everything made sense to me.


If this story is incorrect then feel free to explain what actually happened.


First of all, the core group of guys that we bring to autocross almost exclusively ran with BMC. Every event, we were there. Some of us even "trophied" in their year end standings, myself included. I never had issues with anyone at the events personally, but some of my friends certainly did and my comments previously reflect that.


Secondly, they started catering the courses to small cars. They started coning off the course to make it difficult for what I consider a normal car to be competitive. A few of us started noticed it becoming a trend after a few events and started having conversations with them to see if it would continue being tightly constructed or if they would open it back up as it used to be. This wasn't just an observation from our friends, it was noticed by almost everyone we spoke with. Never really got any real answers, but we hoped for the best. It simply wasn't fun paying $40 and struggling to get a clean lap. But we kept coming back.


The event where 2 of us left, myself included, wasn't contentious from what I remember. We were annoyed that yet again, the course was so confined. We asked for our money back and were granted it. From what I remember, we only wanted half our money back since we made a couple runs, they gave all of it back though. I don't remember name calling or anything really. Is this some sort of "story" in the anals of BMC?


I'm friendly with Stewart and Rick who run it now and were key organizers back them. In fact, Rick actually bought a Mustang. We had a few conversations about this very topic and he said they had plans on opening it up again.

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