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Avengers: Infinity War


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Has anyone seen it already?


As a layman, I really didn't hear as much hype around this one pre-release as I did for anything "Star Wars"-related, but after seeing some posts on the blogs I check in the mornings it seems like this is a heck of a movie that has to definitely be seen in the theaters.

My 9yo daughter absolutely loved Black Panther so I'm toying with the idea of bringing her to see it but a little concerned that Thanos is killing everyone in sight.


It's funny that "Isle of Dogs" and "Avengers" are both PG-13...you would THINK that Infinity War would be a little more graphic. :lol:

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I thought the movie was awesome. It takes things and cranks them up to 11 and never seems to let off the gas. Honestly, I felt the hype was real/worth it because the movie did everything I wanted it to do and then some.


Bringing your daughter should not be a huge problem IMO, because the family sitting next to us had two kids younger then 7 or 8, but it will all depend on your tolerance. There is a LOT of fighting and explosions, but no gore or anything like that. one scene *no spoilers* where a person is thrown into a spinning blade of death and they explode with a little blue blood everywhere.


Keep in mind, this is a Disney product, so they do expect kids to go see the movie so they can sell more merchandise.


10/10 Movie though, worth the see :)

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Awesome movie and your kids will love it. It's fine for them Clay. Go see it and reward a couple of my good friends from high school, Anthony and Joe Russo the producers of it. Cleveland born and fellow Benedictine High School Alums :thumbup:


I really don't do much in the way of movie reviews as I'm a pretty simple guy that likes to be entertained, but they KILLED IT with this movie and the story lines around each of the characters. One of the best in my book.



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I saw it Friday. It's a marvel movie so there isn't any real blood/gore at all.


I thought about taking my wife/kid to see it when I go a second time...but...


******Spoilers Ahead******


Although not "graphic", the ending is a little horrific for a 6 year old because of some heartbreaking moments. At the theater I saw it at there were some young kids with parents and one or two of them were crying because of the ending (esp Spiderman). Most weren't, but I have to admit it tugged on my heartstrings a little.


*****end spoilers*****


If your kids are emotionally emphatic, I would hold off till part 2 comes out and let them see both at the same time. Otherwise, it's fine.

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Depends a little on how you raise your kids. I wouldn't hesitate to have let my daughter see it at 9, but I also don't shelter her. I could see some thinking it's a little much for some youngsters. I took her with me to see it, she's almost 17, and we were both pissed off at the end.
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Thanks for the comments, everyone!


I did read a spoiler-infested article because I don't give a sh!t about spoilers when I'm spending $$$ to watch a 2hr40min movie that's got 18 previous movies and 30 characters in it. I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET IN FOLLOWING ALONG DERP :lol:


I am worried about my daughter being an emotional wreck at the end of the movie, but it still sounds amazing. I'll see if she wants to watch it, but will take your warnings definitely into consideration.

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Just saw it last night with Nick and it's a great movie.


If the kid isn't bothered by some sad parts, then no worries taking a child. Miles has seen every superhero movie made with me but I prob wont let him see this one for the simple reason that sad things are the only thing that gets him.


Def a good flick and I'll probably see it in the theater one more time before it's gone...and just as heads up as well, it is a LONG movie. 2 hours and 40 min run time.

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i think you mean tony stark..... star lord has a team he plays very nicely with!!! FUCK YOU!




I meant the makeshift team on titan. Way to ruin it for everyone Star Lord - just because they didn't give you a job to do, doesn't mean you get to fuck it up for errybody

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Can we just go ahead and accept that if you are reading this thread you've either seen the movie or don't care about spoilers because this has and will be riddled with them haha.


For the titan situation I do appreciate that every time I think 'but so and so could have done this or that' I catch myself on the part of Dr Strange and the possibilities and think ' damn oh ya that's the best it could have gone...'

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I meant the makeshift team on titan. Way to ruin it for everyone Star Lord - just because they didn't give you a job to do, doesn't mean you get to fuck it up for errybody





That is not why he did it at all!!! I'm not even sure you watched the movie at this point. He did it cause his lady died! Before that he did have a role in the fight, he threw his grenades and he came up with the plan!

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I’ll wait to download it, can’t stand people in theatres now talking and using their phones.


Honestly I kinda agree. Ever since I upgraded my TV to a 4k OLED UHD TV I don't like going to theater because I get a much better picture at home, while being much more comfortable and not having ear piercing loud sound.

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I think it's your theater and timeframe choice.


If you're going to Easton on a Friday/Saturday night, it's going to be spoiled kids and hoodlums who are socializing on money they don't care about. They'll talk and laugh and text/video if they want.


If you go to Studio 35, Grandview Theater, etc...you get the same digital projection and great sound, with a way better atmosphere, beers, and you're helping a local business. BELIEVE ME, my skinflint ways are well-documented on CR; if I can save a buck I will. However, seeing Star Wars, Black Panther in the theater was definitely a treat.


I miss Carriage Place on Bethel Rd being a "dollar" theater. There was a good streak where I could watch first-run movies just about a month old for $2.50. #thosewerethedays

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I saw it at Grove City with a friend. We saw it in Imax but not 3d and it was perfect. Tickets weren't that expensive and it was reserve seating so I didn't have to worry about finding seats together in a fully sold out theater.






That is not why he did it at all!!! I'm not even sure you watched the movie at this point. He did it cause his lady died! Before that he did have a role in the fight, he threw his grenades and he came up with the plan!


I know "Why" he did it, and to be honest it's predictable for his character. I like Peter Quill more than any other character in the Marvel Cinematic universe, I guess I am just disappointed that the writers used him as the foil to put himself over the greater good and fuck it up for everyone even if it was completely understandable and not out of character for him to do that.


I am also kind of tongue in cheek saying "Fuck Star lord". There are people out there accusing him of being the secret villian of the film and that's just crazytown.


Turbs3000 is right though, Dr. Strange saw how this plays out and didn't stop Star Lord from being an emotional trainwreck in the moment so it must have needed to happen that way in order to get to the 1 winning scenario. I try not to think too much about Dr. Strange knowing the future and saying "this is the only way" because it completely removes any stakes from future conflict - which if you spend too much time thinking about it ruins part 2.

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I think it's your theater and timeframe choice.


If you're going to Easton on a Friday/Saturday night, it's going to be spoiled kids and hoodlums who are socializing on money they don't care about. They'll talk and laugh and text/video if they want.


If you go to Studio 35, Grandview Theater, etc...you get the same digital projection and great sound, with a way better atmosphere, beers, and you're helping a local business. BELIEVE ME, my skinflint ways are well-documented on CR; if I can save a buck I will. However, seeing Star Wars, Black Panther in the theater was definitely a treat.


I miss Carriage Place on Bethel Rd being a "dollar" theater. There was a good streak where I could watch first-run movies just about a month old for $2.50. #thosewerethedays


Wait did Carriage place close or something? I used to love that place when I was in Cbus. :yuno:

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Wait did Carriage place close or something? I used to love that place when I was in Cbus. :yuno:


It's still open, they renovated it and made it nice and now show first run movies at first run movie prices. They do occasionally still do second run movies or extended run at reduced prices (I think black panther is their current extended run movie at an $8 ticket) but it ain't like it used to be.


The new seats are nice though.

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I think it's your theater and timeframe choice.


If you're going to Easton on a Friday/Saturday night, it's going to be spoiled kids and hoodlums who are socializing on money they don't care about. They'll talk and laugh and text/video if they want.


If you go to Studio 35, Grandview Theater, etc...you get the same digital projection and great sound, with a way better atmosphere, beers, and you're helping a local business. BELIEVE ME, my skinflint ways are well-documented on CR; if I can save a buck I will. However, seeing Star Wars, Black Panther in the theater was definitely a treat.


I miss Carriage Place on Bethel Rd being a "dollar" theater. There was a good streak where I could watch first-run movies just about a month old for $2.50. #thosewerethedays

Ahhh the nostalgia.... carriage back in the day, while gross, was awesome. I grew up just on the other side of the river and my sister and I used to go see 2 random movies for a buck a piece and get Rally's and dilly bars from DQ. The good ole days...


I really enjoyed this movie but have never had a worse movie viewing experience. About once a month the wife and I go see a movie midday on a Friday and it's great, always quite, few people, easy to get in and out. This one we saw midday on a Saturday that the couple next to us kept trying to 'catch' the things coming off the screen in 3d and he spent the whole movie trying to cough a lung out of his body. But nothing topped when she cried for 5 straight minutes on 2 occasions. I look forward to being able to download it and watch it again.


Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

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Semi-related, but I just watched Black Panther last night and WTF?! It was terrible... I went into it with high expectations from the stellar reviews but it was a total letdown. Was expecting Dark Knight/Guardians of the Galaxy level but it was like Fantastic Four bad.


Sounds like Infinity War is better?

Edited by LimitedSlip7
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