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Avengers: Infinity War


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Semi-related, but I just watched Black Panther last night and WTF?! It was terrible... I went into it with high expectations from the stellar reviews but it was a total letdown. Was expecting Black Knight/Guardians of the Galaxy level but it was like Fantastic Four bad.


Sounds like Infinity War is better?


This is basically what i thought of BP as well. Infinity war is much better.

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Semi-related, but I just watched Black Panther last night and WTF?! It was terrible... I went into it with high expectations from the stellar reviews but it was a total letdown. Was expecting Black Knight/Guardians of the Galaxy level but it was like Fantastic Four bad.


Sounds like Infinity War is better?


This is basically what i thought of BP as well. Infinity war is much better.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way about BP. It's been reviewed as pretty much the best MCU movie ever. I read something today that the Golden Jaguar was the best villain in any of the MCU movies. WTF? It was good, but it wasn't THAT good. A:IW> all so far. Thor Ragnarok was freaking awesome as well, IMO.


Regardless, I geek out and pretty much like all of them.

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BP was like "The worlds best grilled cheese sandwich". A simple movie, very well done.


IW is like an outstanding surf and turf, with a salad and soup opener, some awesome side dishes, and J. Alexander carrot cake for desert.


Either of those is nice to eat, but they aren't really comparable.

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BP was like "The worlds best grilled cheese sandwich". A simple movie, very well done.


IW is like an outstanding surf and turf, with a salad and soup opener, some awesome side dishes, and J. Alexander carrot cake for desert.


Either of those is nice to eat, but they aren't really comparable.


I can get behind that.

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Now it's time for the new R-rated Punisher movie...


I would say there is not a chance of this, especially considering the Punisher series just started. I wouldn't expect any of the Netflix Marvel properties to get a film.

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I would say there is not a chance of this, especially considering the Punisher series just started. I wouldn't expect any of the Netflix Marvel properties to get a film.


If you guys haven't watch the series yet, it's pretty damn good!

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Might go back and see it again this weekend.


I really didn't get a chance to fully enjoy the movie because the people next to me brought their pack of fuck trophies that were way to young, and couldn't behave at the movies so I missed some stuff due to noise and them jumping around.


Also looking forward to Deadpool 2, heard the Solo movie is a total school bus fire, and the new Predator movie could be DOA as well...

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Was at Carriage Place...saw it with my daughter. She cried at the end. I was very proud when she bitched about StarLord fucking everything up :lol: (in appropriate words of course)


Good movie. No regrets on learning the spoilers ahead of time. That movie combines a lot going on.

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Saw it last night. Love it. Disclaimer: I am a total Marvel fan boy, so I can kind of like even really awful Marvel movies, like Fantastic Four and Green Lantern.


A:IW was fantastic, IMO - right up there with my favorites. I think I still put the first Avengers as my favorite just because it so totally blew my mind, but A:IW is top 3 no doubt.


Whoever said Thor - Ragnarok was great was spot on.


I also agree with everyone who says that Black Panther didn't live up to the hype. It didn't, but that's mostly because people were calling it the greatest movie ever made. It's middle of the pack for Marvel movies (since 2008); a decent movie, satisfying, but no where near the level of any of the Avengers movies or even Thor - Ragnarok or Civil War.


Some other random thoughts:


- I really like Thanos. This was more a Thanos movie than anything. I like his complexity. Like, I totally got it: devotion to some crazy ideal utopia that involves genocide on a universal level that involves massive sacrifice (literally), loving on some level his adopted daughter who loves/hates him, etc.


- Hulk is one of my favorite characters. I was in shock when Thanos jacked him up in hand-to-hand combat.


- I laughed out loud several times, especially whenever the Guardians of the Galaxy were talking about Thor. That writing / their delivery is so good. I'm not sure how they keep pulling it off - as like we all expect them to be funny - and yet they do, but in such a non-forced way. It's just brilliant.


- on Titan, with the big fight scene where they nearly had the gauntlet off Thanos' hand, the shot where they all have Thanos pinned was so visually spectacular and reminded me of exactly what it would look like in a comic book.


- the Black Order was legit. I found myself wanting to see movies just about them. Ebony Maw, for instance, seemed incredibly complex and interesting despite the fact that we are just introduced to him and he has relatively little screen time.


- when Dr. Strange agrees to give Thanos the time stone in exchange for Stark's life, am I the only one who thought, "Oh, so that 1 scenario where the Avengers win out of the 14 million+ future scenarios where they don't that Strange saw must have involved Thanos getting the time stone" --- ?


- so we all kind of know somehow time will be reversed and all of this mass obliteration will be undone, but I'm interested in seeing how exactly that plays out. I just hope they don't get too crazy with the time travel stuff.


- speaking of time travel, are what we are seeing just 1 of many realities, one that has been played out before in some fashion? Here I am reminded of Stark's vision of seeing all the Avengers dead (remember the part with Cap's shield being ripped?), Thanos saying he knows Stark, and then the other part where Thanos makes reference on screwing up his destiny once before and be unwilling to do it again. So, did all of this happen once, where Thanos won, Avengers were dead, etc. only to have been reversed in some fashion so that now we are watching some alternate ending (that will, of course, end up the same way, with Thanos screwing it up somehow and the Avengers surviving)?


As you can probably tell, I'm just looking for someone to talk to about this movie. I tried to talk to my wife about it this morning when she asked about it. Of course, I led out with, "Well, so there's this guy called Thanos, and he's like mega-strong, and he wanted this gauntlet, and..." to which she promptly interrupted, said "I don't really care, just wanted to know if you liked it" and then walked away. I would divorce her if I wasn't so begrudgingly impressed with that move.

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What I read in the media is that the powers that be, have decided those that are dead are dead and will not be brought back. I think it’s shitty they put out black superhero’s in their own movie, had nephews that were so stoked to see it and loved it. Was really cool to talk after and see them play. Next movie, he’s gone.....


Haven’t seen either movie FWIW, just feel bad for my nephews and nieces that got one movie to inspire them and that’s it.

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Saw it last night. Love it. Disclaimer: I am a total Marvel fan boy, so I can kind of like even really awful Marvel movies, like Fantastic Four and Green Lantern.


A:IW was fantastic, IMO - right up there with my favorites. I think I still put the first Avengers as my favorite just because it so totally blew my mind, but A:IW is top 3 no doubt.


Whoever said Thor - Ragnarok was great was spot on.


I also agree with everyone who says that Black Panther didn't live up to the hype. It didn't, but that's mostly because people were calling it the greatest movie ever made. It's middle of the pack for Marvel movies (since 2008); a decent movie, satisfying, but no where near the level of any of the Avengers movies or even Thor - Ragnarok or Civil War.


Some other random thoughts:


- I really like Thanos. This was more a Thanos movie than anything. I like his complexity. Like, I totally got it: devotion to some crazy ideal utopia that involves genocide on a universal level that involves massive sacrifice (literally), loving on some level his adopted daughter who loves/hates him, etc.


- Hulk is one of my favorite characters. I was in shock when Thanos jacked him up in hand-to-hand combat.


- I laughed out loud several times, especially whenever the Guardians of the Galaxy were talking about Thor. That writing / their delivery is so good. I'm not sure how they keep pulling it off - as like we all expect them to be funny - and yet they do, but in such a non-forced way. It's just brilliant.


- on Titan, with the big fight scene where they nearly had the gauntlet off Thanos' hand, the shot where they all have Thanos pinned was so visually spectacular and reminded me of exactly what it would look like in a comic book.


- the Black Order was legit. I found myself wanting to see movies just about them. Ebony Maw, for instance, seemed incredibly complex and interesting despite the fact that we are just introduced to him and he has relatively little screen time.


- when Dr. Strange agrees to give Thanos the time stone in exchange for Stark's life, am I the only one who thought, "Oh, so that 1 scenario where the Avengers win out of the 14 million+ future scenarios where they don't that Strange saw must have involved Thanos getting the time stone" --- ?


- so we all kind of know somehow time will be reversed and all of this mass obliteration will be undone, but I'm interested in seeing how exactly that plays out. I just hope they don't get too crazy with the time travel stuff.


- speaking of time travel, are what we are seeing just 1 of many realities, one that has been played out before in some fashion? Here I am reminded of Stark's vision of seeing all the Avengers dead (remember the part with Cap's shield being ripped?), Thanos saying he knows Stark, and then the other part where Thanos makes reference on screwing up his destiny once before and be unwilling to do it again. So, did all of this happen once, where Thanos won, Avengers were dead, etc. only to have been reversed in some fashion so that now we are watching some alternate ending (that will, of course, end up the same way, with Thanos screwing it up somehow and the Avengers surviving)?


As you can probably tell, I'm just looking for someone to talk to about this movie. I tried to talk to my wife about it this morning when she asked about it. Of course, I led out with, "Well, so there's this guy called Thanos, and he's like mega-strong, and he wanted this gauntlet, and..." to which she promptly interrupted, said "I don't really care, just wanted to know if you liked it" and then walked away. I would divorce her if I wasn't so begrudgingly impressed with that move.


Best review of the movie I have read, will read again.





I like the theory about the soul stone playing Thanos. Making him think it all happened. That scene was a little odd to me where Gamora disappears into oblivion and Thanos wakes up with the soul stone. I feel like that's a possibility for them to expand on that as the whole thing just being a misdirection. I don't know.


The thing that I found so great about the movie is how it left most people and in shock at the end. My daughter and I were honestly mad when we left the theater. After it sank in of course I want to see the next movie, that's genius.

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What I read in the media is that the powers that be, have decided those that are dead are dead and will not be brought back. I think it’s shitty they put out black superhero’s in their own movie, had nephews that were so stoked to see it and loved it. Was really cool to talk after and see them play. Next movie, he’s gone.....


Haven’t seen either movie FWIW, just feel bad for my nephews and nieces that got one movie to inspire them and that’s it.


Well I'm not sure how that's the case. Some of these actors have contracts and other movies that have been announced that contradicts the characters that disappeared so...

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Well I'm not sure how that's the case. Some of these actors have contracts and other movies that have been announced that contradicts the characters that disappeared so...


I want what I read to be false. And I hope you are right.

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What I read in the media is that the powers that be, have decided those that are dead are dead and will not be brought back. I think it’s shitty they put out black superhero’s in their own movie, had nephews that were so stoked to see it and loved it. Was really cool to talk after and see them play. Next movie, he’s gone.....


Haven’t seen either movie FWIW, just feel bad for my nephews and nieces that got one movie to inspire them and that’s it.


Don't believe them. BP was a cash cow. They will not let that die. They've literally got a billion dollars to lose if they do.

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Scott and Austin are on point: as Scott points out, a lot of the characters who "died" (like Spiderman) have sequels in the works (that Marvel has already confirmed, so it's not like a rumor) and, as Austin says, even if we didn't have confirmation of the sequels being planned, there's just far too much cash left on the table for them to walk away from it.


Rumor is that the Avengers most likely to die are the ones who have said they are finished once their contracts are up, like Chris Evans/Captain America. That makes more sense to me.


As an aside, I think we're currently in a zeitgeist in which we are comfortable with - and even happy/sad or pleasantly surprised/shocked by - main characters getting whacked. It's what made (makes?) The Walking Dead so great - that show would straight off a main/beloved character. I think similar storytelling has found its way into film. Personally, I love that - it ratchets up the intensity and makes things more believable (for as believable as a story about gods/superheros/time-travel/etc. can be).


Also, forgot to mention another favorite part of the movie: when Stark and Strange were going back and forth with each other. Two alpha narcissists going at it was fantastic to see.

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Scott and Austin are on point: as Scott points out, a lot of the characters who "died" (like Spiderman) have sequels in the works (that Marvel has already confirmed, so it's not like a rumor) and, as Austin says, even if we didn't have confirmation of the sequels being planned, there's just far too much cash left on the table for them to walk away from it.


Rumor is that the Avengers most likely to die are the ones who have said they are finished once their contracts are up, like Chris Evans/Captain America. That makes more sense to me.


As an aside, I think we're currently in a zeitgeist in which we are comfortable with - and even happy/sad or pleasantly surprised/shocked by - main characters getting whacked. It's what made (makes?) The Walking Dead so great - that show would straight off a main/beloved character. I think similar storytelling has found its way into film. Personally, I love that - it ratchets up the intensity and makes things more believable (for as believable as a story about gods/superheros/time-travel/etc. can be).


Also, forgot to mention another favorite part of the movie: when Stark and Strange were going back and forth with each other. Two alpha narcissists going at it was fantastic to see.


I want to see Stark and The Trash Rabbit go at it.

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