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Political Fart Noise Part II


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She didn’t remember where she actually was when this happened? Maybe this happened to her a few times, and she can’t put the face with the location? Pretty sure I would remember where something like this happened, if it happened to me.


So she cooks up a story about a guy 6 years ago, tells her therapist and her husband, makes up all of these horrific details, then but forgets to make up that she remembered what house she was at. So close to a masterful plan, but you've cracked this thing wide open.

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She didn’t remember where she actually was when this happened? Maybe this happened to her a few times, and she can’t put the face with the location? Pretty sure I would remember where something like this happened, if it happened to me.


memory's a funny thing. So far she has recounted some pretty specific details about the house and the room, but can't remember how she got to the party or how she left or what day/time it took place. We will see what her testimony Thursday brings. even if she had been recounting it to someone for the last 36 years it's possible for her to forget details and for the story to change slightly because...well...it was a long time ago and memory is not a fixed thing.


At the same time, Mark Judge who was BK's friend at the time wrote 2 books about this time period in their lives and he claims he doesn't remember the party either, despite being named by Dr Ford as being the other person in the room. then again both books mention frequent alcoholic blackouts so....



I am still more concerned about all the different times BK might have lied under oath during previous confirmation hearings and senate hearings.

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So she cooks up a story about a guy 6 years ago, tells her therapist and her husband, makes up all of these horrific details, then but forgets to make up that she remembered what house she was at. So close to a masterful plan, but you've cracked this thing wide open.


Well as your buddy stayed above, “memory is a funny thing” Inspector Clouseau and you Kato, have already solved the crime.

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memory's a funny thing. So far she has recounted some pretty specific details about the house and the room, but can't remember how she got to the party or how she left or what day/time it took place. We will see what her testimony Thursday brings. even if she had been recounting it to someone for the last 36 years it's possible for her to forget details and for the story to change slightly because...well...it was a long time ago and memory is not a fixed thing.


At the same time, Mark Judge who was BK's friend at the time wrote 2 books about this time period in their lives and he claims he doesn't remember the party either, despite being named by Dr Ford as being the other person in the room. then again both books mention frequent alcoholic blackouts so....



I am still more concerned about all the different times BK might have lied under oath during previous confirmation hearings and senate hearings.


People that lie tend to go into specifics of less important facts about a situation. They feel it makes them more credible.


What would make her more credible is eyewitness testimony from someone other than her.....also if she and the other woman could positively confirm it was in fact him that did this..... neither of them can.

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Consumers of conservative media will certainly remember the talking point that Obama was the laughing stock of the world, that world leaders didn't respect him.


They might not know, since this hasn't been getting a lot of coverage on Fox, that Trump was literally laughed at at the UN yesterday. Most here will already know about it of course, being savvy media consumers. But in case you missed the news this morning, apparently Nikki Haley says that we can't believe our lying eyes on this one.


“The media has got this so wrong,” Haley said. “I deal with these leaders every single day. I know exactly how they think. Do they love America? No. Do they respect America? Now they do. When he said that, they love how honest he is. And it’s not diplomatic. And they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back (sic) by it.”


They're laughing at Trump's ridiculous, bombastic proclamation about how great he is because it's honest. This is how dumb they think you are.

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They might not know, since this hasn't been getting a lot of coverage on Fox, that Trump was literally laughed at at the UN yesterday.


No he wasn't. When someone told me about that I quickly went to YouTube because I couldn't wait to see it. Turns out, no one was laughing until he made the little joke at the end. Actually watch the video.

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Did we watch the same video?


"No administration has been as great as mine." (paraphrased)


<nervous laughter from the crowd>


"America is..."


<Trump, witnessing nervous laughter, stops his thought and says>


"So true."


<nervous laughter erupts into raucous laughter>


"I didn't expect that reaction but that's OK."


What little joke at the end are you talking about. "So true?" He literally had to interrupt his train of thought to deal with the crowd, and "so true" isn't a joke.


What am I missing?

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Kavanaugh Hearing Spark Notes -



Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember"


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember"


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember"


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember


Ford: " Im sorry, I just dont remember"

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Kavanaugh Hearing Opening remarks:


"I am going to respond to all these allegations that I am a violent sexual predator in the angriest tone I can muster because people won't believe that I am capable of holding down a person and trying to violently and forcibly rape a woman if I use my most agressive angry ivy league white guy rant tone" :dumb:

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No he wasn't. When someone told me about that I quickly went to YouTube because I couldn't wait to see it. Turns out, no one was laughing until he made the little joke at the end. Actually watch the video.



Thank you for beating me to it. People need to turn off the commentaries from "news" anchors and go dig into topics on their own.




One side said HA! TRUMP WAS LAUGHED AT!!




Just watch the raw videos and forget these "experts" expertise.

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Kavanaugh Hearing Opening remarks:


"I am going to respond to all these allegations that I am a violent sexual predator in the angriest tone I can muster because people won't believe that I am capable of holding down a person and trying to violently and forcibly rape a woman if I use my most agressive angry ivy league white guy rant tone" :dumb:



Why does "white guy" show up in so many Liberal's comments?



How pleasant would you be if wrongfully accused of 3+ crimes?

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Did we watch the same video?


"No administration has been as great as mine." (paraphrased)


<nervous laughter from the crowd>


"America is..."


<Trump, witnessing nervous laughter, stops his thought and says>


"So true."


<nervous laughter erupts into raucous laughter>


"I didn't expect that reaction but that's OK."


What little joke at the end are you talking about. "So true?" He literally had to interrupt his train of thought to deal with the crowd, and "so true" isn't a joke.


What am I missing?



Here you go, CR. They literally applauded him. Light-hearted moment, not a "laughing stock" moment. That's what you're missing.



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Why does "white guy" show up in so many Liberal's comments?


"white guy rant" is a stereotype. As Tim is often fond of saying they are stereotypes for a reason. If you look at the the current senators "ranting" about how this is a political dog and pony show they are all white men putting on a show of their own.


Want to know the difference between an angry white guy rant and an angry anybody else rant? the white guy rant is less likely to end up with someone going to jail.


Unless there is a gun involved, then we just call it a mass shooting. :gabe:



How pleasant would you be if wrongfully accused of 3+ crimes?


Regardless as to how I would feel, I don't know that I would rush to try and prove that it may not be wrongful by publicly being an angry entitled douche.

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The dems are seriously evil for weaponizing this movement. They created this smoke and tried to start a bonfire at the expense of a decent man and his family. His incredible record supports his testimony and does nothing but convince me that this was the dems nuke if they needed to use it to prevent his confirmation. This was embarrassing for them. He's been through more FBI background checks than he can count. He's spent a majority of his life in the public eye at the highest level and none of these allegations have been brought up until now, which JUST so happens to be one of the most important SC nominations in the last and future 30 years. I can now see the clear motivation of this bullshit.


I suspect Im not alone in this conclusion....

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The dems are seriously evil for weaponizing this movement. They created this smoke and tried to start a bonfire at the expense of a decent man and his family. His incredible record supports his testimony and does nothing but convince me that this was the dems nuke if they needed to use it to prevent his confirmation. This was embarrassing for them. He's been through more FBI background checks than he can count. He's spent a majority of his life in the public eye at the highest level and none of these allegations have been brought up until now, which JUST so happens to be one of the most important SC nominations in the last and future 30 years. I can now see the clear motivation of this bullshit.


I suspect Im not alone in this conclusion....


Slow your roll - he's not that "Decent" a man:


- "two prominent Yale professors had advised female law students at Yale that their physical attractiveness and femininity could play a role in securing a clerkship with Kavanaugh"



- he was a law clerk for Alex Kozinski, the same Judge who had to resign amid a truck load of sexual misconduct allegations



- He lied under oath on 9/10 to senator Chris Coons about having received some of Kozinski's racy and well circulated emails. The GOP is blocking the subpoena of the evidence that would either clear him or prove he perjured himself on this and also in his 2004 and 2006 confirmation hearings.



- He hired Kozinski's son, Clayton Kozinski, to be his law clerk and helped him get a clerkship with Justice Kennedy.



- Kavanaugh's yearbook is full of misogyny



- Mark Judge's book paints a picture of a fairly out of control "Bart O'Kavanaugh" - belived to be Brett. Despite writing 2 books about the subject, Mark cannot suddenly recall the events when it came time for him to corrorborate Brett's story. His Books however, confirm Dr. Ford's timeline.






So let's see - we have a privileged, heavy partying, slut shaming, ivy league guy who is accused of rape, who contributed to an atmosphere of sexual misconduct perpetrated by his mentor and boss, with questionable hiring practices that heavily favor nepotism and sexism, and we are supposed to believe he's a good guy who treats women fairly?


I don't know where they get this "out of character" stuff for him - his life sounds like a 1980's comedy movie, an especially rape-y 80's comedy (not quite revenge of the nerd's rape-y but close).


Oh and while we are on the subject he also opposes Roe v. Wade, has consistently ruled against a woman's right to choose, but he "respects women". He also dissented against people's rights to sure for human rights violations committed by a corporation or the federal government (Doe v. Exxon mobil, Kiyemba v. Bush). But no...tell me what a great guy he is.

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Slow your roll - he's not that "Decent" a man:


- "two prominent Yale professors had advised female law students at Yale that their physical attractiveness and femininity could play a role in securing a clerkship with Kavanaugh"



- he was a law clerk for Alex Kozinski, the same Judge who had to resign amid a truck load of sexual misconduct allegations



- He lied under oath on 9/10 to senator Chris Coons about having received some of Kozinski's racy and well circulated emails. The GOP is blocking the subpoena of the evidence that would either clear him or prove he perjured himself on this and also in his 2004 and 2006 confirmation hearings.



- He hired Kozinski's son, Clayton Kozinski, to be his law clerk and helped him get a clerkship with Justice Kennedy.



- Kavanaugh's yearbook is full of misogyny



- Mark Judge's book paints a picture of a fairly out of control "Bart O'Kavanaugh" - belived to be Brett. Despite writing 2 books about the subject, Mark cannot suddenly recall the events when it came time for him to corrorborate Brett's story. His Books however, confirm Dr. Ford's timeline.






So let's see - we have a privileged, heavy partying, slut shaming, ivy league guy who is accused of rape, who contributed to an atmosphere of sexual misconduct perpetrated by his mentor and boss, with questionable hiring practices that heavily favor nepotism and sexism, and we are supposed to believe he's a good guy who treats women fairly?


I don't know where they get this "out of character" stuff for him - his life sounds like a 1980's comedy movie, an especially rape-y 80's comedy (not quite revenge of the nerd's rape-y but close).


Oh and while we are on the subject he also opposes Roe v. Wade, has consistently ruled against a woman's right to choose, but he "respects women". He also dissented against people's rights to sure for human rights violations committed by a corporation or the federal government (Doe v. Exxon mobil, Kiyemba v. Bush). But no...tell me what a great guy he is.



Well I would expect those sort of things coming from Lawyers, really hypocritical fucks they are.

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I thought you'd consider she was telling the truth if I'd consider she wasn't. I held up my end of the bargain. How'd that work out for you?


I talked with my wife about this during the day. Me arriving at him being innocent has gone back and forth. Me thinking she’s telling the truth went back and forth. After seeing his testimony I could no longer believe she is talking about the same person that sat there. I don’t believe he did any of it.


I guess this is where each person chooses a side. We are all seeing what we want in this situation.


I hope they confirm him tomorrow.

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I hope they confirm him tomorrow.



Me too. He was being shafted and while she was compelling, I saw no more back up to her claims tonight than I did this morning. Tomorrow however is just a vote to move to a confirmation vote. I doubt that will happen until Monday or Tuesday.

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