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Political Fart Noise Part II


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This seems like a bigger issue to me than whether or not someone flashed their wiener in high school. Guess it just doesn't translate into a very interesting made for Lifetime movie.

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This seems like a bigger issue to me than whether or not someone flashed their wiener in high school. Guess it just doesn't translate into a very interesting made for Lifetime movie.


I try to bring it up here every few weeks but it doesn't get the discussion going like a good wiener does.

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I try to bring it up here every few weeks but it doesn't get the discussion going like a good wiener does.


There is not much to discuss really - either you are in the majority and kind of accept we are fucked until there is a change of the guard, or you are one of these nutjobs that says "but I get to keep my money I earned so fuck the government"


midterms man....this will be a discussion point for after the midterms. If we get the democratic majority people are predicting then something might get done, if not then it ain't changing - no way trump is going to suddenly say "oopsie" to something he considers one of his major wins.

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What kind of changes?


- Know the issues. Understand how your life and the lives of people you care about are affected. Not just in execution of legislation, but in the cost and who burdens that responsibility.


- Understand the candidates. Knowing that past performance isn't a guarantee of future outcomes (so it stands with investments as it does with politicians), it may help provide balance where a one-sided house could go astray.


I'm going to make an effort to avoid voting along party lines and be more conscious of what my vote means to the greater good for certain issues and candidates.

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- Know the issues. Understand how your life and the lives of people you care about are affected. Not just in execution of legislation, but in the cost and who burdens that responsibility.


- Understand the candidates. Knowing that past performance isn't a guarantee of future outcomes (so it stands with investments as it does with politicians), it may help provide balance where a one-sided house could go astray.


I'm going to make an effort to avoid voting along party lines and be more conscious of what my vote means to the greater good for certain issues and candidates.


I think that should be every election. Anything going on currently that you want changed? Examples of candidates running or issues you want passed?

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Or thing that should have become apparent with this is the fundamental fact that the government is broken. The news as we know it is also broken. I love the quote from the USA Today article that says “unlike the Obama trillion dollar defecit which was temporary, “ this is editorial news, unless they have use of a time machine. You are going to have to go to the second or third page of your google search to get the actual numbers, but please attempt to figure in the actual cost of living increase and try to throw some inflation in there as well.
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Or thing that should have become apparent with this is the fundamental fact that the government is broken. The news as we know it is also broken.



Agree but the political world and even media won't admit that's why Trump won. Instead they are trying to point the finger anywhere else.

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Agree but the political world and even media won't admit that's why Trump won. Instead they are trying to point the finger anywhere else.


Agreed. I feel like it's lost on the Democrats as to why they seem to have lost in '16. I keep hearing about these poll numbers and that they show a 'blue wave' is coming. Are these the same polls that predicted a blue win by a landslide in '16? They were pretty accurate back then. :dumb:


And this recent SCOTUS fiasco probably did more harm to the blue wave than good. It's the same shit that people are sick and tired of that drove the red team to the ballot box in '16. I feel like that's what's going to happen again.


Regardless, this team sports politics shit will never get us anywhere. It doesn't matter what color holds the WH, or the capitol building, we're still screwed. Pretending that one team or the other will dig us out of this mess is just lying to yourself.

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Regardless, this team sports politics shit will never get us anywhere. It doesn't matter what color holds the WH, or the capitol building, we're still screwed. Pretending that one team or the other will dig us out of this mess is just lying to yourself.





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Agreed. I feel like it's lost on the Democrats as to why they seem to have lost in '16. I keep hearing about these poll numbers and that they show a 'blue wave' is coming. Are these the same polls that predicted a blue win by a landslide in '16? They were pretty accurate back then. :dumb:


And this recent SCOTUS fiasco probably did more harm to the blue wave than good. It's the same shit that people are sick and tired of that drove the red team to the ballot box in '16. I feel like that's what's going to happen again.


Regardless, this team sports politics shit will never get us anywhere. It doesn't matter what color holds the WH, or the capitol building, we're still screwed. Pretending that one team or the other will dig us out of this mess is just lying to yourself.



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America needs less Policy and more Personal Responsibility. You know, pretty basic stuff.


Don't steal, rape, sell/buy drugs, commit crime in general

Contribute to society not suck on it's teat

Actually have dreams and plan to attain them

Be compassionate but not a fool. Hold others accountable and do the same for yourself

Work smart and work hard at it



yadda yadda....no need to go on. We all know what's fucked up and what needs fixed but it's up to everyone to fix it, not gov't.

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America needs less Policy and more Personal Responsibility, ergo vote Trump. Still not seeing the connection.



I think I made it clear there isn't one. If you're waiting for a POTUS or gov't to fix shit, keep waiting.

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I think I made it clear there isn't one. If you're waiting for a POTUS or gov't to fix shit, keep waiting.


What does this even mean? I'm not waiting for General Electric to fix "shit" either, but if I found myself on GE's board and were voting for GE's next CEO, I'd like to think I'd have some logic behind my decision.


If you don't think the president matters, don't vote.

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Or thing that should have become apparent with this is the fundamental fact that the government is broken. The news as we know it is also broken.


Agree but the political world and even media won't admit that's why Trump won. Instead they are trying to point the finger anywhere else.


Here's your direct words. You say that the political world and even media won't admit that Trump won because "government is broken" and "the news is broken." But then you say there's no actual connection between either of those things being broken and voting for Trump.


America needs less Policy and more Personal Responsibility, ergo vote Trump.


Still not seeing the connection.


I think I made it clear there isn't one.


So is there a connection, as you say, or is there no connection, as you also say?


I mean, if I'm so smart, why can't I resolve your obvious contradiction? Maybe I'm not smart enough.

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Here's your direct words. You say that the political world and even media won't admit that Trump won because "government is broken" and "the news is broken." But then you say there's no actual connection between either of those things being broken and voting for Trump.


So is there a connection, as you say, or is there no connection, as you also say?


I mean, if I'm so smart, why can't I resolve your obvious contradiction? Maybe I'm not smart enough.



Guess not. You and Kerry are exhausting on such matters. So much easier to have a beer or coffee and banter. I'll leave you this thread win for today. congrats.

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Is there a policy discussion anywhere in there? "Government is broken, ergo vote Trump" is missing about 30 steps in logic. "The news is broken, ergo vote Trump" is missing even more. Did voting for Trump fix those things? Will voting Republican in November fix those things?


Will voting democrat fix those things?

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Will voting democrat fix those things?



for half the country including teat suckers, illegals and criminals. oh, and the dumb fucks who care what people did in grade school or wrote in their year books. but there too it's only certain people, not themselves or everyone. I think if any of the framers were alive they would pick up their muskets again.

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Will voting democrat fix those things?


Voting Republican to fix the government and the media wasn't my dumbass theory. I was just asking how it was supposed to work.


Guess not. You and Kerry are exhausting on such matters. So much easier to have a beer or coffee and banter. I'll leave you this thread win for today. congrats.


Well kudos for not doubling down on your mistake, that seems hard for conservatives to do.

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Regardless, this team sports politics shit will never get us anywhere. It doesn't matter what color holds the WH, or the capitol building, we're still screwed. Pretending that one team or the other will dig us out of this mess is just lying to yourself.


I am always curious about this brand of apathy. We are still screwed how exactly? Yes there are things that don't work great, like the criminal justice system, but the alternative, like not having a criminal justice system, is usually far worse. Plus there is incremental movement to improve things occurring on a daily basis.


So I am curious, how is it you feel personally screwed? What is it that you feel the government is screwing you on in particular when you say "we are screwed""? Also who is the "We"?

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