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Political Fart Noise Part II


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The sooner everyone realizes that no member of any party cares except for themselves and power plus will suck the dicks of whomever is leading them the sooner you will understand that they don't care. The 'they' will say whatever to get elected and never look back.

THEY will flip-flop in a heart beat in any instance to get the vote they need to re-elected .

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The sooner everyone realizes that no member of any party cares except for themselves and power plus will suck the dicks of whomever is leading them the sooner you will understand that they don't care. The 'they' will say whatever to get elected and never look back.

THEY will flip-flop in a heart beat in any instance to get the vote they need to re-elected .


Yep. Vote for whoever “claims” they will let you keep the rights you have. Even if they flip, at least you tried. It’s better than voting for someone who is openly saying they’re going to strip your rights.

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Just a third of Americans can pass a multiple choice "U.S. Citizenship Test," fumbling over such simple questions as the cause of the Cold War or naming just one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for.


And of Americans 45 and younger, the passing rate is a tiny 19 percent, according to a survey done for the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.


2 percent said the Cold War was caused by climate change.






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Some more news showing that Trump is a crook and a big fat phony.


I spent WAAAAY too much time reading this article last night...


I'm looking at the world differently today. Gives me the heebie-jeebies...

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this wouldn't be an issue if we voted for politicians that supported education funding.


I spent WAAAAY too much time reading this article last night...


I'm looking at the world differently today. Gives me the heebie-jeebies...


Really? you didn't actually buy this self made billionaire bit did you?


This makes perfect sense to me, not surprised in the least. Empires are generational.

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JEZZZUS..where will it all stop. Why hasn't mainstream media picked it up...oh wait they are too busy talking about how a high schooler may or may not have have tired to have sex and stopped when asked.


Social Justice Warriors now claim themselves as Veterans & seek Veteran benefits


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JEZZZUS..where will it all stop. Why hasn't mainstream media picked it up...


Maybe because it's just 1 guy's opinion and not, say, a notable movement? Should the media cover every guy who has an opinion? Or only those that get you riled up?


Go read some white nationalist/racist/holocaust denier literature, all kinds of whacky opinions in there, coming from a lot more than just one guy on "lgbtnation.com". Maybe you could direct your anger somewhere more useful then.


oh wait they are too busy talking about how a high schooler may or may not have have tired to have sex and stopped when asked.


If you think "when the victim wrestled herself away and locked herself in a bathroom" is the same thing as "stopped when asked," then you're a piece of shit and I hope you don't come anywhere near my kids.

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Thank you

for calling me a PoS been called worse by better..as far as the kids comment that was a bit much . I'm trying to control myself at this point because you don't know me and if you did wouldn't have said something like that.

She was drunk who knows what went through her head at that point in time ..how many logically drunks have you seen. My dad owned a bar , I've seen many drunks,and I have seen any of them that could hold a conversation or logical thought.

She can't recall a lot and the eyewitness doesn't seem to shed any light on the subject.

I call geeto67 a name in an earlier post and that was wrong, but this is what politics have come to.

Well i hope we meet sometime


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You're right, I don't know you so all I can go off of is by the things you type here. And that thing you typed was repugnant. I hope you reflect on how you come off when you diminish sexual assault like that.


It's one thing not to believe her, it's a whole other thing to pretend like her story, if true, describes acceptable behavior. It does not, full stop.

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rape is never acceptable..i don't get why someone feels they need to take sex when so much is out there...even if it's with yourself..lol

Again, it was drunk high schoolers and who knows what happened or how far it went and the state of mind either was in at that moment nor what happened before to get them to that point. Truly i haven't read the transcripts nor did i listen to all the testimony, all i've seen is what is on 4/6/10/28



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You're right, I don't know you so all I can go off of is by the things you type here. And that thing you typed was repugnant. I hope you reflect on how you come off when you diminish sexual assault like that.


It's one thing not to believe her, it's a whole other thing to pretend like her story, if true, describes acceptable behavior. It does not, full stop.


So by these statements there was actual evidence that sexual assault happened to her at that time? You should be the Supreme Court justice , because you clearly can tell whose story is fiction, and who is telling the truth. Do you have a crystal ball or basing your judgement on the fact that women do not lie? Maybe you are basing it on your US weekly articles with facts that all men lie?

If it never happened what sort of behavior is it then? I certainly would have a problem with someone being convicted of any crime with such sparse evidence, but you seem to have no problem with this.

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Not believing her would indicate that this event didn’t take place, the word “if” simply means that this event probably took place plain and simple. If this event didnt take place there isnt any reason to question anyone actions, but “if “ implies a that it did and that’s wrong. You seem to have the innocent until proven guilty backwards, or have a more personal experience with this subject that you would like to share ?
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A good decision was made today and thankfully he is in. Hopefully Americans chew on their fuck up statements around trying to flip the whole innocent until proven guilty premise on its head.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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Not believing her would indicate that this event didn’t take place, the word “if” simply means that this event probably took place plain and simple. If this event didnt take place there isnt any reason to question anyone actions, but “if “ implies a that it did and that’s wrong. You seem to have the innocent until proven guilty backwards, or have a more personal experience with this subject that you would like to share ?


Words mean things; if you're going to change the definition of "if" on me then I don't know how to continue.

"If" indicates a supposition, it's not a statement of fact or probabilty. If that's too heady of a concept for you, what word would you like me to use?

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And here's my counter. You don't have any interest in my opinion, or the beef I had with Mace's repugnant characterization of the allegation. You're intellectually lazy in that regard. Instead you have a talking point, and you want to beat that drum. That drum beat is "Kavanaugh was guilty until proven innocent!" It's a stupid drum beat, but it's the drum beat Trump and Fox have latched on to. It has nothing to do with me, Mace, or anything else you were replying to. But you have this drum, and you want to beat it.
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This all turned out the way it was supposed to.


When you accuse someone of these acts, you need compelling truth, evidence, witnesses....the basic stuff to prove your case.


Otherwise at least half of the country wont believe you and everything you did will become suspect because of the timing, motives, political associations etc.


Today was an important day for the country and the right decision was made. You do NOT get to ruin someones life over whats the FBI discovered as uncorroborated.


Now I have to watch all the libs melt with rage. Its seriously childish. They were the kids that put their participation trophy on the shelf with great pride. The rest of the world doesnt give a shit about your feelings.

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Agree. Now they are bitching that they didn't interview more people, etc. Adding in more opinions of people that weren't there or can't actually prove anything would have been a waste.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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We use liberal /right/democrat..conservative/left/republican to widely.

I feel most that fall into the above have some moderate views, the problem is the ultra on both sides.


Those who believe that anything falling out of the mouths from the party they follow is dead on, no matter what they say.


My mom and dad were FDR/Kennedy democrats. I grew up with that but as they got older their views changed to a more conservative view, with moderate views and I have followed suit.


As a child of the 60s, i wanted to travel to under developed area of the country and help.

We had a good income but lived in such an area then all three of us did well in school,and lifted ourselves out of that area and the thought process that we should be handed everything. We've worked hard for what we have and don't want to give it away to others who haven't.


I don't understand the whole illegal thing. I'm 2-3 generations removed from family coming over from the old country wanting and succeeding in/to become US citizens. So yes ,if your an illegal either get legal the right way of get the F out.


DO NOT give them anything including healthcare,welfare or even respect.


Social security isn't broke, under a republican president and democratic congress we the taxpaying residents of the US have became the largest owner of US debt becasue we have "borrowed" against SS.


I'm tired of keying and am sure to get some hate responses but everyone is entitled to thier opinion .



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as they got older their views changed to a more conservative view, with moderate views and I have followed suit.


Most people seem to go this way, must be because you get wiser with age.


I don't understand the whole illegal thing. I'm 2-3 generations removed from family coming over from the old country wanting and succeeding in/to become US citizens. So yes ,if your an illegal either get legal the right way of get the F out.


DO NOT give them anything including healthcare,welfare or even respect.


Yup, except you can become a legal resident/citizen without ever doing anything illegal. If someone is willing to break the law once, what other laws are they willing to break?

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This all turned out the way it was supposed to.


When you accuse someone of these acts, you need compelling truth, evidence, witnesses....the basic stuff to prove your case.


Otherwise at least half of the country wont believe you and everything you did will become suspect because of the timing, motives, political associations etc.


not half, only roughly 33% believed him.


BK was a republican political nominee, appointed by a republican president, and confirmed by a republican majority congress. He could have drunkenly run someone over on the way to the hearings and he still would have been confirmed. The only reason the GOP entertained the hearings is that from a stragety standpoint it helps them a little in the senate races. There is a possiblity that they may take a dip in the HOR races since they are more regional, but keeing the senate majority is key to their plans for the remainder of Trump's term. The GOP is doubling down on the angry white male as it's core constitutency and BK's little tantrum in the hearing really spoke to those voters.


If there is one take away from this, regardless as to whether you believe him or believe her, his demeanor during the hearings showed a temperment that had no place on the supreme court. Justice Stevens, and a few other well respected conservate jurists certainly do not feel he has any place on the court. Plus he's kind of a piece of shit conspiracy theorist and may actually be the origin of the conspiracy theory that the Clintons killed Vince Foster (spoiler alert: they didn't).


Today was an important day for the country and the right decision was made. You do NOT get to ruin someones life over whats the FBI discovered as uncorroborated.


Now I have to watch all the libs melt with rage. Its seriously childish. They were the kids that put their participation trophy on the shelf with great pride. The rest of the world doesnt give a shit about your feelings.


Yep, target demographic. Angry white male. :nono:

ruin someone's life? hardly. Last I checked, if this didn't go through he would still have been a fairly wealthy federal judge.


We use liberal /right/democrat..conservative/left/republican to widely.

I feel most that fall into the above have some moderate views, the problem is the ultra on both sides.


Those who believe that anything falling out of the mouths from the party they follow is dead on, no matter what they say.


My mom and dad were FDR/Kennedy democrats. I grew up with that but as they got older their views changed to a more conservative view, with moderate views and I have followed suit.


As a child of the 60s, i wanted to travel to under developed area of the country and help.

We had a good income but lived in such an area then all three of us did well in school,and lifted ourselves out of that area and the thought process that we should be handed everything. We've worked hard for what we have and don't want to give it away to others who haven't.


AS a child of the 1960's, whether you realized it or not, you enjoyed the education social programs of Eisenhauer, Kennedy, and Johnson. And I don't just mean at the college level, federal education spending affected all levels of public education. These are programs later generations did noy enjoy because Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and Trump stripped and have continued to strip away. I have no doubt you worked hard, but part of the reason your hard work had any effect was that you were lucky enough to be born at a time when social investment in education made sure that hard work mattered. But just keep telling yourself it's all you and fuck other people for wanting the same lucky break you got and don't even realize.



DO NOT give them anything including healthcare,welfare or even respect.

Those who think basic human decency is something that should be waived because of an invisible political line do not deserve the same basic decency that they advocate against.

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Read a few posts above you don't know me so don't comment about who I am.

I will tell you a bit..when you say I received the benefits of the monies from the goverment you are wrong.

We are Roman Catholic and as such went to catholic schools..my parents paid for this..all 12 years. My mom and aunts also worked the cafeteria just because The money didn't come easy as I have said in earlier posts my parents owned a bar worked 7 days a week at this to send us to school.

Since I was a child of the 60s I didn't go to college right after because it wasn't that cool.

Oh yea when I bought my first car I got a loan from my dad and paid him back with my earnings from mcdonalds and when his janitor didn't show in the summer I would get a call to come up to clean the bar with its filthy toilets. It was a red neck bar and that's all I'll say about that.

When I decided to go to school, my job paid part and I paid a part..again not free.

So all my schooling was paid for.. NOT given.

I was such a liberal that I voted for carter because he was a democrat and followed party line down the list.

As far as human decency I'm not following some invisible line, I'm looking at someone who has come into the country illegal and is decide to retain that status. That person is a career criminal and gets no respect from me. If they want to become a US citizen then I'll revers that feeling but until then they get nothing from me, EXCEPT what the ultra left , as you are, gives them.

You are the ones I rail against too far either way is wrong and ignorant as I once was and I feel you are one of these.

I don't know you but from your post this is how i feel.


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Read a few posts above you don't know me so don't comment about who I am.

I will tell you a bit..when you say I received the benefits of the monies from the goverment you are wrong.

We are Roman Catholic and as such went to catholic schools..my parents paid for this..all 12 years. My mom and aunts also worked the cafeteria just because The money didn't come easy as I have said in earlier posts my parents owned a bar worked 7 days a week at this to send us to school.

Since I was a child of the 60s I didn't go to college right after because it wasn't that cool.

Oh yea when I bought my first car I got a loan from my dad and paid him back with my earnings from mcdonalds and when his janitor didn't show in the summer I would get a call to come up to clean the bar with its filthy toilets. It was a red neck bar and that's all I'll say about that.

When I decided to go to school, my job paid part and I paid a part..again not free.

So all my schooling was paid for.. NOT given.

I was such a liberal that I voted for carter because he was a democrat and followed party line down the list.

As far as human decency I'm not following some invisible line, I'm looking at someone who has come into the country illegal and is decide to retain that status. That person is a career criminal and gets no respect from me. If they want to become a US citizen then I'll revers that feeling but until then they get nothing from me, EXCEPT what the ultra left , as you are, gives them.

You are the ones I rail against too far either way is wrong and ignorant as I once was and I feel you are one of these.

I don't know you but from your post this is how i feel.



Are you white? If so, your opinions don't count. White males are not allowed to have opinions because we are given inherent privileges that nullifies any political opinion you may have. Sorry...







Sarcasm if you couldn't tell :gabe:

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