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Political Fart Noise Part II


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This caravan is largely young/middle aged, able bodied "asylum" seeking males. Mexico offered it to all of them and they said fuck you Mexico.


Except that they didn't say fuck you at all. As of Nov 4th, 3000 asylum seekers had filed for asylum in mexico but are still waiting for approval.





The funny thing about this is Mexico would actually fit these people's needs much better than America considering the political, social and cultural climate in the US.


Explain this. How does Mexico fit these people's needs better?



The question I have is WHY did they walk through multiple countries that would have taken them in and protected them. Something about this whole this isn't right. The timing, the excuses, the demographic in the caravan...everything is fishy.


Paranoid much? this isn't the first time something like this has happened, this happens every year, seasonally - it just happens that this year the caravan was larger than previous.





It's certainly convenient for republicans who are beating the brown scare drum pretty loud right before the midterm election.

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Kerry - Greg


How many of these asylum seekers would you host/financially support in your home? Serious question. If you aren't willing to do that, get off your soapbox.


Probably none, because I have a security clearance and GFE in my house and my various employers wouldn't approve it. Their rules, not mine. I've had issues in the past in this regard, I used to volunteer for an organization that would host foreign nationals and my security manager said OK as long as they didn't stay in my house unsupervised. It's kind of nonsense but I'm not willing to risk my income.


But can we address the fact that this is a dumb question? You all seem to think it's some sort of a huge "gotcha," but how many of these asylum seekers are looking for a place to crash? I'd assume, like most people, they want a job and their own place to live. Let's give them that opportunity! All we're talking about is whether or not we should follow US law and allow them to claim asylum at the border and go through the approved process for doing so. It's a policy discussion, not a "where will we house these people" discussion. There are houses available for rent. Will I chip in to help them pay rent for a few months until they can start earning? Sure.


Of course, as I've shown in this thread, when pressed, people opposed to letting this specific caravan in will ultimately say it's not about the money it's costing us, or even about the rule of law. It's just straight up "We don't want these kinds of people in our country."

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Probably none, because I have a security clearance and GFE in my house and my various employers wouldn't approve it. Their rules, not mine. I've had issues in the past in this regard, I used to volunteer for an organization that would host foreign nationals and my security manager said OK as long as they didn't stay in my house unsupervised. It's kind of nonsense but I'm not willing to risk my income.


But can we address the fact that this is a dumb question? You all seem to think it's some sort of a huge "gotcha," but how many of these asylum seekers are looking for a place to crash? I'd assume, like most people, they want a job and their own place to live. Let's give them that opportunity! All we're talking about is whether or not we should follow US law and allow them to claim asylum at the border and go through the approved process for doing so. It's a policy discussion, not a "where will we house these people" discussion. There are houses available for rent. Will I chip in to help them pay rent for a few months until they can start earning? Sure.


Of course, as I've shown in this thread, when pressed, people opposed to letting this specific caravan in will ultimately say it's not about the money it's costing us, or even about the rule of law. It's just straight up "We don't want these kinds of people in our country."


I think you and Kerry like to paint this picture that everyone who doesn't agree with you is somehow a racist. It's nonsense and it's why so many people are going away from the Democratic party. I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore liberals more than anyone. From personal experience, a lot of these liberals are the same ones who were preaching "acceptance" for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, social status, etc. but in the same breath they call everyone who doesn't agree with them on an issue a racist, bigot, etc. This is why Trump will win again in 2020. The hardcore liberals are just too blind to see how bashing everyone everyday for not agreeing with them is hurting them, badly.

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I think you and other red-pill alt-right types like to paint this picture that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a limp-wristed emasculated soy boy cuck. It's nonsense and it's why so many people are going away from the Republican party. I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore conservatives more than anyone. From personal experience, a lot of these conservatives are the same ones who were preaching against "divisive" liberals, but in the same breath they call everyone who doesn't agree with them a sheep, NPC, etc. This is why Trump will lose in 2020. The hardcore conservatives are just too blind to see how bashing everyone everyday for not agreeing with them is hurting them, badly.
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I think you and Kerry like to paint this picture that everyone who doesn't agree with you is somehow a racist. It's nonsense and it's why so many people are going away from the Democratic party. I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore liberals more than anyone. From personal experience, a lot of these liberals are the same ones who were preaching "acceptance" for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, social status, etc. but in the same breath they call everyone who doesn't agree with them on an issue a racist, bigot, etc. This is why Trump will win again in 2020. The hardcore liberals are just too blind to see how bashing everyone everyday for not agreeing with them is hurting them, badly.


I think you and other red-pill alt-right types like to paint this picture that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a limp-wristed emasculated soy boy cuck. It's nonsense and it's why so many people are going away from the Republican party. I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore conservatives more than anyone. From personal experience, a lot of these conservatives are the same ones who were preaching against "divisive" liberals, but in the same breath they call everyone who doesn't agree with them a sheep, NPC, etc. This is why Trump will lose in 2020. The hardcore conservatives are just too blind to see how bashing everyone everyday for not agreeing with them is hurting them, badly.



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I think you and other red-pill alt-right types like to paint this picture that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a limp-wristed emasculated soy boy cuck. It's nonsense and it's why so many people are going away from the Republican party. I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore conservatives more than anyone. From personal experience, a lot of these conservatives are the same ones who were preaching against "divisive" liberals, but in the same breath they call everyone who doesn't agree with them a sheep, NPC, etc. This is why Trump will lose in 2020. The hardcore conservatives are just too blind to see how bashing everyone everyday for not agreeing with them is hurting them, badly.




Wow ya got me! how many back pats do you want? I don't wanna give ya too many, might break your brittle ribs.

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Brandon, are the immigrants coming specifically for your guns and yer jerbs?


Be Brandon: so concerned about immigrant caravan on Fox News that he didn't notice the white kid from across the street trying to steal his bike.

Whose jobs are they coming for then? Sounds like you feel your job is safe from that?

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Whose jobs are they coming for then? Sounds like you feel your job is safe from that?


Immigrants, like all human people, create demand for goods and services. They take jobs, they make jobs. It's all good in the end. It's how we've grown from a few thousand people to 330+ million people over the last 400 years and still manage to find work.

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Whose jobs are they coming for then? Sounds like you feel your job is safe from that?


What anyone w/out a high-school degree would get: foodservice, custodial, agriculture, industrial/distribution.


My employment is never a guarantee: I'll just never stoop as low as those who worry that someone traipsing across Mexico without U.S. citizenship is going to take it.


You want to admit that you're scared of the caravan?


Seriously, I want someone to tell me - intelligently - why I should be worried about the caravan. Trump creates enough problems for me to worry about. Try not to sound like you've been gurgling Sean Hannity. GO...

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What anyone w/out a high-school degree would get: foodservice, custodial, agriculture, industrial/distribution.


Some and eventually all those jobs will be replaced by, not immigrants, but by tech.


Foodservice: McDonald's is already on their way to have only 1 human in stores at a time. I'm sure eventually they will want 0. Other's will/are follow(ing). What about a chef at a restaurant? Already being replaced with tech you can put in your home right now.



Custodial: Roomba yo.


Agriculture: Roomba for plants yo. Not sure if you've seen what farming equipment has been able to do for the past 10 years, it will only get smarter.


Industrial/Distribution: Robotics and self driving cars/drones.


Skill sets need to improve and change or there will be problems. Bringing in more unskilled labor by even today's standards isn't doing us any favours.


The caravan itself isn't the problem, but as they say, one bad apple ruins the bunch, and depending on how this caravan situation is handled, it could become the one bad apple that sets the standard for future caravans and immigration.


If you're not willing to live in a non-western country, then you might want slow your roll because your grand kids could grow up in one.

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My employment is never a guarantee: I'll just never stoop as low as those who worry that someone traipsing across Mexico without U.S. citizenship is going to take it.


you also don't work in a field / position where someone from the caravan could even pose a threat to you and your job.


Seriously, I want someone to tell me - intelligently - why I should be worried about the caravan.

I don't see it that people are "worried" about the caravan as much as it is they are pissed and put-off by them and their approach. The lack of respect for our laws and the sense of entitlement to what we have built is what people get mad about.


Sure, there are bad guys that come in and that's to be expected. We don't need to fear that, we just need to confront the reality and deal with it. Fear is nothing more than not having a plan to do that. Perhaps that is where the 'fear' stems is that many here are ignoring the reality and don't want to deal with it. Sure we do have systems in place but they don't work if we continue to allow illegals to sneak in and not go through them.


It starts with law and order and respect of our system. It also has to do with costs. Nothing in life is free and our success and wealth is not something everyone who has less is entitled to. WE decide not them. That's the other part I think plays in.

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you also don't work in a field / position where someone from the caravan could even pose a threat to you and your job.



I don't see it that people are "worried" about the caravan as much as it is they are pissed and put-off by them and their approach. The lack of respect for our laws and the sense of entitlement to what we have built is what people get mad about.


Sure, there are bad guys that come in and that's to be expected. We don't need to fear that, we just need to confront the reality and deal with it. Fear is nothing more than not having a plan to do that. Perhaps that is where the 'fear' stems is that many here are ignoring the reality and don't want to deal with it. Sure we do have systems in place but they don't work if we continue to allow illegals to sneak in and not go through them.


It starts with law and order and respect of our system. It also has to do with costs. Nothing in life is free and our success and wealth is not something everyone who has less is entitled to. WE decide not them. That's the other part I think plays in.


I'm not happy with the caravan either. I'm just not xenophobic about it. It's ignorant and disappointing when others are. I can guarantee you and your wife's extended families came over on a boat and went through citizenship. A wall didn't stop them and it's not going to stop others.


Tim, I share your respect for law and order. But the caravan isn't about that. I feel more sorry for any collateral damage that comes from militia engaging the caravan - as well as trespassing on Texas landowners - that exacerbates the situation.




Fact is, Trump is doing a piss-poor job supporting the issues we elected him for (evidenced by the legal issues around him and the mass-exodus of his cabinet) and fearmongering is the lowest form of driving to action.

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I can guarantee you and your wife's extended families came over on a boat and went through citizenship. A wall didn't stop them and it's not going to stop others.


they did as did mine through Ellis Island. They both did it legally and they came here with skills.


Tim, I share your respect for law and order. But the caravan isn't about that.

We all have opinions on that.


Fact is, Trump is doing a piss-poor job supporting the issues we elected him for (evidenced by the legal issues around him and the mass-exodus of his cabinet) and fearmongering is the lowest form of driving to action.

He's on-point with his agenda matching why I put him there. YMMV

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Some and eventually all those jobs will be replaced by, not immigrants, but by tech.


Foodservice: McDonald's is already on their way to have only 1 human in stores at a time. I'm sure eventually they will want 0. Other's will/are follow(ing). What about a chef at a restaurant? Already being replaced with tech you can put in your home right now.



Custodial: Roomba yo.


Agriculture: Roomba for plants yo. Not sure if you've seen what farming equipment has been able to do for the past 10 years, it will only get smarter.


Industrial/Distribution: Robotics and self driving cars/drones.


Skill sets need to improve and change or there will be problems. Bringing in more unskilled labor by even today's standards isn't doing us any favours.


Dude STAHP with the Carousel-of-Tomorrow bullshit. We've been talking about that for YEARS and I'm still waiting for a teenager to get me my burrito at Taco Bell. :lol:






The caravan itself isn't the problem, but as they say, one bad apple ruins the bunch, and depending on how this caravan situation is handled, it could become the one bad apple that sets the standard for future caravans and immigration.


If you're not willing to live in a non-western country, then you might want slow your roll because your grand kids could grow up in one.


I respect my friends that grew up in S. Africa, Zambia, Ghana, Somalia (all here in Columbus, BTW) and I will guarantee that a few "bad apples" aren't going to ruin The United States of America worse than lone-wolf gunmen with no cause and nothing to lose that we're growing right in our own American bad-apple orchard.

Las Vegas shooter...

Pittsburgh shooter...

Kentucky shooter...

S. Carolina shooter (Dylann Roof)...

Denver movie-theater shooter...

Columbine shooters...



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Dude STAHP with the Carousel-of-Tomorrow bullshit. We've been talking about that for YEARS and I'm still waiting for a teenager to get me my burrito at Taco Bell. :lol:


Yeah, yeah... This isn't Walt Disney's Tomorrowland shit.







I respect my friends that grew up in S. Africa, Zambia, Ghana, Somalia (all here in Columbus, BTW) and I will guarantee that a few "bad apples" aren't going to ruin The United States of America worse than lone-wolf gunmen with no cause and nothing to lose that we're growing right in our own American bad-apple orchard.

Las Vegas shooter...

Pittsburgh shooter...

Kentucky shooter...

S. Carolina shooter (Dylann Roof)...

Denver movie-theater shooter...

Columbine shooters...




I'm not talking about terrorism, but I already showed on here how little of a percentage all those are.


Ask those South Africans how many times they heard or maybe even said "oh SA will never become like the rest of Africa because of xyz"...now they're here, in Ohio. Why is that?

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I really am trying to:

1) Help my fellow Republicans realize how kooky they've become with all that Hannity-jizm in their brains.

2) Understand where I may be misinterpreting the world around me. (that hasn't happened yet)


Perception is reality. At 40, I've made smart life decisions (business/relationships) over the last 20 years during times when fear clouded people's minds...I'm seeing it again now.


I know tomorrow is going to be great (no prepper guns/MREs needed) it's just not the way Tim, Brandon, and other dum-dums are thinking. Tried to add pro-science, pro-globalization economic and social-agenda thinking to the conservative side of the conversation and they apparently have more Trump-injected fear than I can attend to. Sad!


Can't solve for everyone else so I'll continue doing what's best for myself, my family, my economics. :thumbup:

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careful clay, they might brand you a liberal cuck for all them fancy, level headed talking points.


Where was your blue wave yesterday? Did all your fellow snowflakes melt because of global warming?



- "Sarah Huckabee Sanders" calling into Howard Stern Show

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I know tomorrow is going to be great (no prepper guns/MREs needed) it's just not the way Tim, Brandon, and other dum-dums are thinking.


since when did I say tomorrow wasn't going to be great? It's been a banner year and the house thing isn't likely going to impact that.


I'll continue doing what's best for myself, my family, my economics. :thumbup:


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