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Political Fart Noise Part II


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I miss those Democrats. The ones that believed in progress but still had common sense.



Agree. Hilary must have stepped in and shown Bill that if you let them in they will have kids and those kids will likely vote for you.

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8 years of Obama being criticized daily for pretty much just going about his job like a normal president has left me a bit numb to claims that the left is being too unfair to Trump. If you want to argue that people are too obsessed with the daily goings on of the president that's one thing, but this is certainly not a left/right issue.


Pretty much this. Let's not forget all the old age jokes they made about Reagan, which were esp cruel when the country knew he had Alzheimers. Or the fact that Gerald Ford did literally nothing buy play golf - it was all people could talk about. How about Billy Carter? President carter's redneck brother who was trotted out everyone wanted a good laugh.

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Just as long as he doesn't wear a tan suit.


First time hearing about this. It is a pretty ugly suit. I remember Trump's tie during his inauguration, I made fun of that thing big time.


8 years of Obama being criticized daily for pretty much just going about his job like a normal president has left me a bit numb to claims that the left is being too unfair to Trump. If you want to argue that people are too obsessed with the daily goings on of the president that's one thing, but this is certainly not a left/right issue.


I expect bullshit like that from Fox News, but when the media I used to enjoy, that I found credible starts to match and overtake that behavior, there is a problem. "When they go low, we go high"...shut up bitch, we're doing it our own way.

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Tim..thanks, but kerry has his mind made up that I'm a racist . I said in an earlier post we shouldn't say personal thing about people and kerry also said that he wasn't calling me a racist. Kerry is a liar and an idiot.


Mr liberal hasn't spent much time in the inner city. I was an inner city kid form an inner city family oh by the way I'm white. Asses like kerry would have been chewed up and spit out daily because they are pussys hiding behind their parents or saying they'd call the law.


I've lived it and i know what I'm talking about when i talk inner city, unlike kerry who has read or maybe driven through it with his windows rolled up tight afraid to look sideways.


Once I had to take a friend..a black friend to get his car and I had told him where I came from, he didn't believe me. As we drove my old neighborhood, he looked at me and said,"damn you did live in the hood"


Anyone who knows the area I grew up on Innis ave between parsons and high st...kerry go down and walk around they crew will love you.


If you are white you are a racist, unless you are a democrat. If you are black and a republican you are racist to your own race. This is the educated way to think. Children are being taught about white priveledge in school, it is a racism platform, but no mention of racism crossing color boundaries is given, just misconceptions about Michael Brown and talk about how white People hold others down. Tax dollars well spent!

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If you are white you are a racist, unless you are a democrat. If you are black and a republican you are racist to your own race. This is the educated way to think. Children are being taught about white priveledge in school, it is a racism platform, but no mention of racism crossing color boundaries is given, just misconceptions about Michael Brown and talk about how white People hold others down. Tax dollars well spent!



It's up to each of us to work with our kids and explain things more thoroughly than some of what they are being taught in school. So far our kids have been in pretty good shape as Dublin Schools aren't as polluted as others but we've also ensured they aren't brainwashed. Good news is most of the kids and parents in my sons high school class seem to be on the same page and the kids themselves have formed discussion groups to help combat the bullshit. Very cool.

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Tim..thanks, but kerry has his mind made up that I'm a racist . I said in an earlier post we shouldn't say personal thing about people and kerry also said that he wasn't calling me a racist. Kerry is a liar and an idiot.


Mr liberal hasn't spent much time in the inner city. I was an inner city kid form an inner city family oh by the way I'm white. Asses like kerry would have been chewed up and spit out daily because they are pussys hiding behind their parents or saying they'd call the law.


I've lived it and i know what I'm talking about when i talk inner city, unlike kerry who has read or maybe driven through it with his windows rolled up tight afraid to look sideways.


Once I had to take a friend..a black friend to get his car and I had told him where I came from, he didn't believe me. As we drove my old neighborhood, he looked at me and said,"damn you did live in the hood"


Anyone who knows the area I grew up on Innis ave between parsons and high st...kerry go down and walk around they crew will love you.



When is the last time you have been in your old hood? That area is is far from what it used to be. Children’s is gentrifying that area quickly...

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If you are white you are a racist, unless you are a democrat. If you are black and a republican you are racist to your own race. This is the educated way to think. Children are being taught about white priveledge in school, it is a racism platform, but no mention of racism crossing color boundaries is given, just misconceptions about Michael Brown and talk about how white People hold others down. Tax dollars well spent!


You bring up a valid point about conservative Blacks who are called racist for saying there own neighborhoods needs to take care of there issues. I mean shit, even Geetoo said I was racist against Blacks even though I'm Black.


The best advise that my dad says he receives to this day was from his grandmother... "don't wait around on white people or anyone else to take care of you because it isn't going to happen."

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Can we clear something up here?


Just because you say racist things doesn’t automatically mean someone is a racist.


Being a racist means you have hate in your heart for people based on their race, creed, or national origin. There is an intentional malicious component that needs to be there to confer status. Actual racists are people like white supremacists, black nationalists, etc... and are few in number.



People say lots of things that have racist impact all the time, and often times it is the result of them not seeing the other side of it or being ignorant as to the full scope of the issue. I’m guilty of this as much as anybody. Just because someone says “that’s a pretty racist thing to say” doesn’t mean they have automatically labeled you as having hate in your heart, it just means you have said something uninformed.


I don’t know what to do with absolutists like mace who are quick to self label and get Antagonistic when you point out their statements have racist overtones other than to say “knock that shit off, and if you are too precious to have someone disagree with you opinion maybe don’t share them with other people”


The point of having these tough conversations is to gain insight into others viewpoints, and sometimes that means saying and hearing tough things and being open to the possibility they are right.

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The best advise that my dad says he receives to this day was from his grandmother... "don't wait around on white people or anyone else to take care of you because it isn't going to happen."



Can't wait to watch this in coming days. Clips are awesome. This one is fairly appropriate. ffwd to 2:15



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I never got antagonistic unless refuting what you said is that.

All I said was say it to my face. I never threatened..EVER.

That is the way you took it...and you are very wrong.

One more thing kerry, you feel that everything you say is gospel..sorry it isn't. You really don't know squat about what or what isn't racist except what you've read. You haven't lived it nor experienced it as I haven't being white.

BUT where we differ is I've had a ton of black friends and watched the crap that has happened to them in my presence. So sit down and stfu.

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I never got antagonistic unless refuting what you said is that.

All I said was say it to my face. I never threatened..EVER.

That is the way you took it...and you are very wrong.

One more thing kerry, you feel that everything you say is gospel..sorry it isn't. You really don't know squat about what or what isn't racist except what you've read. You haven't lived it nor experienced it as I haven't being white.

BUT where we differ is I've had a ton of black friends and watched the crap that has happened to them in my presence. So sit down and stfu.


You cried that I was calling you a racist faster than a soccer player takes an "injury dive". And honestly I this isn't really about me having a wrong interpretation because all someone has to do is go back a few pages and it's there in writing (unless you decide to go back and edit or erase it - I'm not going to).


Also, bullshit on the "I didn't threaten you" crap. I saw it, one of the other moderators saw it, and a bunch of us had a good laugh about I have a penchant for getting these extreme conservative types on the board to threaten me. If you didn't intend for it to be a threat, then maybe choose...I dunno, less threatening words.


But let's be honest, you got hot and you did the high school "say it to my face" thing that so many kids use to start fights. That part is ok, it happens to us all. You know what's not ok? trying to walk it back like it didn't happen instead of manning up and owning that shit and admitting it probably was a moment of less clear thinking. Two things I want to point out: 1) do you really believe that people weren't going to see through the "say it to my face" enough that you could deny it was a threat later, and 2) how is it that you don't want to take personal responsibility for your own actions when you are so bent on others doing the same?


Again, I went out of my way to not call you a racist and try to understand your point of view by asking you questions but all you did was whine like a bitch about being called a racist and act like a 16 year old. I'm done with you. I don't think you are a racist, but I genuinely believe you are thinned skinned and belligerent and you have nothing to offer in this conversation.

Edited by Geeto67
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kerry..it wasn't a threat..really and you know why....look at my post in the gun section about the 10mm weapon. In it someone offered to take me shooting, then look at my response.


But your response was also very sophomoric.,you just whined like someone who like to talk tough but can only talk.


Again, keep me out of the conversation and there will be no response.


The seemed threat was because someone said kick his ass, mace. The mod then said no threats and again none was given, all I said was say it to my face. The mods would have done more than they did if it was a threat. Christ man, someone threatened you family and nothing was said. And if you look I said that was uncalled for, but in your revisionist way nothing was said about that.


I am not the extremest here you are but you can't face that fact either.


Lastly, you and another mentioned why do conservatives threaten violence. It's not being liberal or conservative, but it's just I am. I was a fighter and very hot headed when I was younger. A good friend of mine has stated several times that many people should be glad they didn't encounter me 30 years ago, and how much more mellow I am.


Have a good evening sir.

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I mean shit, even Geetoo said I was racist against Blacks even though I'm Black.


This is the liberal agenda and proves this without question. Everybody but geeto and his liberal friends are racist. Geeto says that even you are racist because he doesn’t agree with you. Pompous ass describes him exactly.

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I genuinely feel someone missed a great opportunity by not having it come with the option of a small stuffed cat sewn to the hand.


In other news.....


This is a really great article and gives great context as to why the Russian threat is relevant in American politics:


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the trumpy bear has been out for ever..well at least 6 months..when I first saw it too thought WTF..really..they should have made it with a phone for tweeting.


Or made a tweety bird trump..see what i did there..lol


Or they should have had it with a with as his wife is hot


I should be in marketing instead of computers

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