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Who's this on vinwiki youtube?


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Cant watch video at work but Casey hit a woman on sawmill in his viper on sawmill in powell. He claimed he was going to be a F1 driver on a Ferrari forum with no past experience. He is the OG of faking it until you make it.


Did that happen on sawmill??

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Cant watch video at work but Casey hit a woman on sawmill in his viper on sawmill in powell. He claimed he was going to be a F1 driver on a Ferrari forum with no past experience. He is the OG of faking it until you make it.


It's in the video with pictures. He claims she ran in front of him and he was found not to be at fault, but who knows.

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"It was basically my entire net worth in my *douche laugh* 20's, right?"




If you go to CC&C, go talk to Kevan Geier...he'll give you an earful about Casey Putsch.


I'm intrigued.


Cant watch video at work but Casey hit a woman on sawmill in his viper on sawmill in powell. He claimed he was going to be a F1 driver on a Ferrari forum with no past experience. He is the OG of faking it until you make it.


D. Wiggs Jr.


Did that happen on sawmill??


No. It was over on the other side of town on Sawmill.


Wow. I actually just took the time to watch the video, and that was tough. I’d like to hear his real story, not the one he has fabricated for the camera lol


I'm willing to bet it's not much different...if at all.






Cant watch video at work but Casey hit a woman on sawmill in his viper on sawmill in powell. He claimed he was going to be a F1 driver on a Ferrari forum with no past experience. He is the OG of faking it until you make it.
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I've often been skeptical of some of these stories... they feel a bit "Buzzfeed" if you know what I mean. Sometimes I just feel like some of the details are exaggerated or made up, but then again I attribute much of that channels success to the stories themselves. The tone these people use when telling their stories feels very friendly and sounds like a conversation you might have with someone at (the only) Cars & Coffee in Columbus. I don't doubt that there is "some" truth to these stories, but since it's a video you can't really debate with them or question what they are saying, so they are free to say whatever they damn well please.


idk... I always watch the VinWiki videos with a high level of skepticism

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Why do we care what he did to an old ass viper thats worth less than $40k?


Some people see a local person getting some attention and they say "hey look at that, some guy from my hometown, cool", because they have pride in their home town.


Some people see someone from their hometown and say "hey, fuck that guy and his richey rich ass" because it wasn't them.


Some people know the guy and come out of the woodwork to talk various shades of Shit and/or praise.


and then some people come in and shit on the people who want to have a conversation about it because....well...I don't know, why don't you tell me.


I've often been skeptical of some of these stories... they feel a bit "Buzzfeed" if you know what I mean. Sometimes I just feel like some of the details are exaggerated or made up, but then again I attribute much of that channels success to the stories themselves. The tone these people use when telling their stories feels very friendly and sounds like a conversation you might have with someone at (the only) Cars & Coffee in Columbus. I don't doubt that there is "some" truth to these stories, but since it's a video you can't really debate with them or question what they are saying, so they are free to say whatever they damn well please.


idk... I always watch the VinWiki videos with a high level of skepticism


Stories are stories not because they are "true" but because they are entertaining. If they were meant to be 100 factually accurate they would be called testimony. Everyone embellishes a little even accidentally because as time goes on the things that happened to a person change slightly in their memory. These things aren't supposed to be accurate court records of something that happened - they are stories like your buddies tell. If you are saying that you have to look at them with "skepticisim" I don't know what to tell you - maybe you forgot the fun of storytelling.


Stories like this are supposed to have some measure of bullshit, that's what makes them fun. If you are having a crisis over truthfulness, try drinking heavily while watching them.

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try drinking heavily while watching them.


That would end poorly for me my friend, :(


Anyways... I guess I don't criticize the videos for having some element of "BS", but I do enter them very skeptical. I watch them, enjoy them, and nod my head, but I don't trust the person as much as I should.


The basic script for a VinWiki video is very BuzzFeed in its presentation:


  • Step 1: Find a guy who has an interesting car or story
  • Step 2: What wacky, crazy, or unbelivable thing happend with you in relationship to cars?
  • Step 3: Title it! "You Won't Believe What Happened to This Supercar owner" or "10 Crazy Things Car Salesman Went Through (#8 will shock you and your family!!!)
  • Step 4: *Wet Fart Noise*
  • Step 5: Collect ad-revenue


Without being a hypocrite, I watch them and enjoy them... But God to I hate the script/presentation.


This guy seems like a douche.


TL;DR This Thread, ROFL!

"I jerk off with the lights off. I'm not looking at it, that shits gay" Casey Putsch: 2018

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That would end poorly for me my friend, :(


Anyways... I guess I don't criticize the videos for having some element of "BS", but I do enter them very skeptical. I watch them, enjoy them, and nod my head, but I don't trust the person as much as I should.


The basic script for a VinWiki video is very BuzzFeed in its presentation:


  • Step 1: Find a guy who has an interesting car or story
  • Step 2: What wacky, crazy, or unbelivable thing happend with you in relationship to cars?
  • Step 3: Title it! "You Won't Believe What Happened to This Supercar owner" or "10 Crazy Things Car Salesman Went Through (#8 will shock you and your family!!!)
  • Step 4: *Wet Fart Noise*
  • Step 5: Collect ad-revenue


Without being a hypocrite, I watch them and enjoy them... But God to I hate the script/presentation.


That's pretty much how lots of stories were told, even before the internet. Books, newspapers, and magazines were and still are like that. My grandmother used to read a magazine called true confessions and had since the 30's:






I can agree on the format, but really the thing that bugs me about vinwiki stories are that some of the people are just shite on camera. Ed, Rabbit, Doug...I could listen to those guys tell stories all day because they present very well and have a unique voice, but some of those guys may have had an interesting story in the bar but just fall apart in front of the lens.


I don't think they make all that much ad revenue from the videos - it probably barely covers their production costs (which are probably very low as well), the big value to them is traffic to the vinwiki site. Still their aggressive timeline means they have to churn content and sacrifice quality to do it. Hearing Rob tell random stories about strippers at SEMA or someone fumbling through some story about how he bought and sold a vette for cheap aren't that interesting, but they meet the deadline and keep the content churn going.

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Kerry brought up a good point...YouTube is not as profitable as it once was...




Most major channels have to rely on sponsors for product placement (revenue chain from businesses that use a YouTuber to promote the product/service) or use videos to drive awareness and traffic to another site for merch sales or click traffic.

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