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Big A

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I have been having some issues and wanted to see if anyone had any ideas or experience. While playing PS4 online my ping is all over the place. It will go from 30s up to 1000 and back down. As of lately it has been staying up around 300+ for entire games. When I plug directly into the modem the ping is fine and stays around 30. then go back to plugging in the router and hard wiring off of that and the issue is back.


I would think it would be the router, but the kicker is I have used 2 different routers and had the same ping issues with both. One being brand new, the other a friends. Tried setting the PS to highest priority and had no affect.


We have no issues streaming netflix or amazon on wifi. I have tried turning everything off of the wifi with the exception of alexa, themorstat and outlets.


Any chance it might be a bad/ shitty modem? any way to check that? Any other ideas?

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I would not think it's the modem if your ping is fast without the router in the way. Some routers have QOS (Quality of Service) settings you could try setting up. Your game packets would get priority over packets from other programs. Another thought would be to ask if your Wifi is secure? Do you have neighbors connecting to your wifi and sucking up your bandwidth?
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A few pieces of information I need to know. How far are you from the Router when on WiFi? 20 feet? 60 feet? Are there multiple walls in the way?


I usually ask people these questions right off the bat because interference is always a likely problem in most cases when it comes to console gaming. 2.4 or 5.0 ghz make more of a difference then you think. Here is a simple breakdown of the differences between the two.




The TL;DR is that you hop on 2.4GHz when you need maximum range or far from the router, but you use 5GHz for when you are closer and need maximum speed without possible interference.


If none of this applies to you, then I would check to see how many devices you have on your WiFi. Do you have family? Kids? Wife/GF who are all watching YouTube or Netflix? If your bandwidth is getting crushed then I would look to see what the other devices on your network are doing. A simple test could be to disconnect EVERY other device other then your PS4, then game for 30-45 minutes and see if that makes any difference. If you can verify that your PS4 is the ONLY device using the WiFi, then you have an interference problem for sure.


Do you best to rule out bandwidth or interference before going to hardware. I make that mistake sometimes and was just recently reminded by a good friend to follow proper trouble shooting procedure before jumping to conclusions. Check the simple stuff first, then move to the more complicated stuff like hardware, settings, and other things.


WORD OF WARNING! Not Brian gave a great suggestion on using the Google DNS, and I have used them in the past. Just be aware that a public DNS (like Google) cannot guarantee that your data is always safe/secure. Always be cautious when making a purchase or doing anything confidential on your PS4 while connected to a public DNS.

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5 or 2.4GHz? Is your NAT open? Turn on UPnP and change your DNS to either or (Google open servers).


PFFT Google DNS servers are so last year. Cloudfare is the go to now a days. and


Also OP who is your ISP. I had the very same issues when I was with ATT years ago.

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A few pieces of information I need to know. How far are you from the Router when on WiFi? 20 feet? 60 feet? Are there multiple walls in the way?


I usually ask people these questions right off the bat because interference is always a likely problem in most cases when it comes to console gaming. 2.4 or 5.0 ghz make more of a difference then you think. Here is a simple breakdown of the differences between the two.




The TL;DR is that you hop on 2.4GHz when you need maximum range or far from the router, but you use 5GHz for when you are closer and need maximum speed without possible interference.


If none of this applies to you, then I would check to see how many devices you have on your WiFi. Do you have family? Kids? Wife/GF who are all watching YouTube or Netflix? If your bandwidth is getting crushed then I would look to see what the other devices on your network are doing. A simple test could be to disconnect EVERY other device other then your PS4, then game for 30-45 minutes and see if that makes any difference. If you can verify that your PS4 is the ONLY device using the WiFi, then you have an interference problem for sure.


Do you best to rule out bandwidth or interference before going to hardware. I make that mistake sometimes and was just recently reminded by a good friend to follow proper trouble shooting procedure before jumping to conclusions. Check the simple stuff first, then move to the more complicated stuff like hardware, settings, and other things.


WORD OF WARNING! Not Brian gave a great suggestion on using the Google DNS, and I have used them in the past. Just be aware that a public DNS (like Google) cannot guarantee that your data is always safe/secure. Always be cautious when making a purchase or doing anything confidential on your PS4 while connected to a public DNS.


Thanks everyone for the ideas and help so far.


A little more information below and some of the other tech questions i will have to check out when i get home.


Sorry for the confusion, I have the PS hard wired into the router. the other night i just tried it on WIFI to see if it was maybe a bad cord or something else and had the same results. The PS is ~20' away from the router and in the same room.


I currently have a Netgear R6350 router and WOW internet. I will have to double check speeds but i think i have around 100DL. NAT is open, i did try QOS and it seemed worse so i factory reset the router. Router is password set up.


While hard wired and on WIFI i have turn off every device with the exception of Alexa, thermostat and smart outlets. It is just my wife and I, she was gone and i turned off and tablets and closed apps on my phone.

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Have you updated the firmware on the router? Are you positive your cables are good? You have confirmed that one of the cables, the modem, and the PS are good when you pulled the router out of the equation. The router and the other cable are now suspect.

Obviously the cable is the cheaper of those 2 to replace and test. If you can put a known good cable in the system and test again then you can narrow it down further. That being said, I have not seen cables fail that way without some outward signs of damage that are very noticeable. Right now my money is on the router.

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IMO if you ping Google and get good pings from a laptop and the speed tests from speedtest.net come back with good pings and good upload and download numbers the problem could be the play station.


Are play station able to access a web browser and do a speed test? Maybe you could compare the results with a laptop And then find something running on the PS that is slowing it down.


I think it's the router but if other things work fine on the router that's a little odd.

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Have you updated the firmware on the router? Are you positive your cables are good? You have confirmed that one of the cables, the modem, and the PS are good when you pulled the router out of the equation. The router and the other cable are now suspect.

Obviously the cable is the cheaper of those 2 to replace and test. If you can put a known good cable in the system and test again then you can narrow it down further. That being said, I have not seen cables fail that way without some outward signs of damage that are very noticeable. Right now my money is on the router.


I have not updated the firmware on the router. I will look into that. I was going to order a new cord to go from the router to PS but then it started working. My nephew was playing over the weekend and the people that were over were on and off their phones on the wifi and he had no ping issues the couple hours played. I did not change anything since the last time i played and the ping was 1100.


I Just tried playing and ping was back up to 1100. I figure if it was a cable issue it would be consistent. I will still order one just be able to take things out of the mix.


IMO if you ping Google and get good pings from a laptop and the speed tests from speedtest.net come back with good pings and good upload and download numbers the problem could be the play station.


Are play station able to access a web browser and do a speed test? Maybe you could compare the results with a laptop And then find something running on the PS that is slowing it down.


I think it's the router but if other things work fine on the router that's a little odd.


you can do a speed test on it, just did and got 160 MBPS down and 10+ up. went to the website on the PS and it confirm and had a ping of 80 on the first test then ping of 50 on the 2nd.


Tested on my laptop on the wifi and ping is in the 20's- 30's, only 23 down and 2 up however.


The inconsistency of working fine one day to completely fucked the next is making me wonder if it is internet provider based. If it was software/ router/ cord wouldn't you think it would be consistent 1100 ping all the time?

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Most of the router problems I see are intermittent and they get worse until you end up replacing it. Very common actually.


Based on everything you are saying this is my thought as well. I would try a firmware update to see if that changes anything, but there really isn't anything else to do.

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Set your PS4 internal IP address (192.168.*) on a DMZ and see if it fixes your issue. Your router should have the option somewhere in the admin portal. It is sort of the same thing as hardwiring right to your modem.
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