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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Terrible racist people as well - Should all be put to death. no room for this kind of bullshit in a modern society. White/black/green/yellow.


How about, instead of wishing death on a bunch of people you don't know (thoughts and prayers?), maybe you take the time to support organizations, individuals, and politicians that work towards making sure this doesn't happen.


Hint: it's not the guy who fell asleep in the tanning bed who dog whistles to groups that this activity is OK as long as you are white and can keep it out of the papers. Oh wait, those tax breaks were more important, my bad.

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I hate to say the victim agenda is very real and has infected our society. I had to deal with this week in the racing industry and it's very sad.


There is no place in this world for hating someone based on their race. I've distanced myself from a few people within the industry that push stereotypes on social media, I don't need to be around people like that.


The current political climate has only made it worse with all the "news" that gets thrown around these days and what you're supposed to be outraged about this week. The whole Brett Kavanaugh shitshow demonstrates how far people are willing to go to push the agenda of one group over the truth.

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I hate to say the victim agenda is very real and has infected our society. I had to deal with this week in the racing industry and it's very sad.


There is no place in this world for hating someone based on their race. I've distanced myself from a few people within the industry that push stereotypes on social media, I don't need to be around people like that.


The current political climate has only made it worse with all the "news" that gets thrown around these days and what you're supposed to be outraged about this week. The whole Brett Kavanaugh shitshow demonstrates how far people are willing to go to push the agenda of one group over the truth.


The media and some of society has put a currency on being a victim. It’s a problem

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It's one thing to say that the media is biased. All media has some bias, it's generated by human beings, so even the reporting that adheres strictly to the journalism code of ethics is going to have some inherent bias. But that cuts both ways: For every New York Times there is a Wall Street Journal, for every Atlantic there is the National Review, For every Huffington Post there is Fox news, for every Alex Jones I am sure there is a liberal version of a dumpster fire (I just can't think of the name of one). There is a wealth of options if maintaining your opinion bubble is more important than being informed and looking at things objectively. If you are worried about your new source being biased, the correct action is to fact check it against real sources, not just buy into the crazy, batshit loopy opinions of the other side because they sound more pleasing to you.


It's another to say that "victim agenda" conspiracy is real and the agenda of all media. Is there a kernel of truth to it? maybe at it's heart there is in the sense that political popularity is made, on both sides, from finding a victim and exploiting their situation to parlay more votes. Both sides do it, and the news reports on it. Currently the democratic "victim" are immigrants, and the conservative "victim" are white males (which always seem to be their victim - the white way of life has been under attack since the end of the civil war).


Anyway, I didn't understand the stream of consciousness nonsense that followed your first sentence, something about liberals fucking your mom or some shit, so I am just going to ignore it.

Well again the real you comes out, and you wonder why people threaten you and your family? Who said anything about someone’s mom? Sounds like you’re the threatening one. Quite a piece of work. Your true colors show more and more, keep it up

Edited by zeitgeist57
fixing the quote
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Quite a piece of work. Your true colors show more and more, keep it up


You thrown more insults at liberals in general and me and Kerry in particular than perhaps any other poster here. Is that your true self? Why can't you have a reasonable debate without resorting to insults?

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I hate to say the victim agenda is very real and has infected our society. I had to deal with this week in the racing industry and it's very sad.


There is no place in this world for hating someone based on their race. I've distanced myself from a few people within the industry that push stereotypes on social media, I don't need to be around people like that.


The current political climate has only made it worse with all the "news" that gets thrown around these days and what you're supposed to be outraged about this week. The whole Brett Kavanaugh shitshow demonstrates how far people are willing to go to push the agenda of one group over the truth.


Absolutely correct, teachers in schools teach about white priveledge and attempt to teach about racism in America. What they teach is the same rhetoric I see here, how white people are racist to other ethnicities, forgetting about black racism towards Asians, Asian towards blacks, Muslims to Jews and blacks towards whites. Liberals seem to forget that point, again the ignorance factor.


These agendas are dangerous, and the people who believe them even more so. These people don’t want the truth, they thrive on this controversy, and let you know you are wrong, because they or something they read says so.


Don’t forget to throw in how stupid you are, how smart they think they are, and something about them performing sexual assault on your mother while wondering how on earth would somebody threaten them and their family. Pompous ignorance at its best.

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Absolutely correct, teachers in schools teach about white priveledge and attempt to teach about racism in America. What they teach is the same rhetoric I see here, how white people are racist to other ethnicities, forgetting about black racism towards Asians, Asian towards blacks, Muslims to Jews and blacks towards whites. Liberals seem to forget that point, again the ignorance factor.


These agendas are dangerous, and the people who believe them even more so. These people don’t want the truth, they thrive on this controversy, and let you know you are wrong, because they or something they read says so.


Don’t forget to throw in how stupid you are, how smart they think they are, and something about them performing sexual assault on your mother while wondering how on earth would somebody threaten them and their family. Pompous ignorance at its best.


Not all but a lot of liberals believe in absolutes in regards to social issues. It’s a slippery slope and we’re seeing it become steeper everyday.

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And what about your "blue wave" comment? Have you been equally concerned about the alt-right media and #MAGA riling up these racists as well?


You think I came up with the term blue wave? Using it is now not PC? What the fuck?


I am equally outraged by the extremes on each side. No room for it.

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You think I came up with the term blue wave? Using it is now not PC? What the fuck?


I am equally outraged by the extremes on each side. No room for it.


No, I don't think you came up with the term. I don't think it's "not PC". Come on.


You did, however, bring it up out of nowhere. What does the "blue wave" have to do with Jussie Whatshisname and his lies? Seems to me you want to pin his behavior on some larger liberal movement. Was that not your intention? And if that was your intention, as I think it was, then you need address the elephant in the room.

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How about, instead of wishing death on a bunch of people you don't know (thoughts and prayers?), maybe you take the time to support organizations, individuals, and politicians that work towards making sure this doesn't happen.


Hint: it's not the guy who fell asleep in the tanning bed who dog whistles to groups that this activity is OK as long as you are white and can keep it out of the papers. Oh wait, those tax breaks were more important, my bad.


I dont need to join or support any other organizations than I already do. The circle around me is well cared for and those we reach as well.


I have no problem saying it again. People like that have decided they do not value human life and they do not get to live among us any longer. Either prison or death. Whatever is cheapest. Hard stop right there. I dont need to know them. At some point you have to draw a line in the sand. Thats where I draw it.

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No, I don't think you came up with the term. I don't think it's "not PC". Come on.


You did, however, bring it up out of nowhere. What does the "blue wave" have to do with Jussie Whatshisname and his lies? Seems to me you want to pin his behavior on some larger liberal movement. Was that not your intention? And if that was your intention, as I think it was, then you need address the elephant in the room.


the blue wave crowd on twitter threw gas on this thing.....its all bullshit. Everything they did in the coming hours since JS posted about it was liberal bullshit. Now, they need to sit in it. I hear nothing from the dems except deleting their tweets. Now they need to hear the facts....?


This is just another situation of fake outrage driven by the left. How do you not see that? Every single outrage in the last 5 weeks has been FAKE!!! Every week we have a new one.

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the blue wave crowd on twitter threw gas on this thing.....its all bullshit. Everything they did in the coming hours since JS posted about it was liberal bullshit. Now, they need to sit in it. I hear nothing from the dems except deleting their tweets. Now they need to hear the facts....?


This is just another situation of fake outrage driven by the left. How do you not see that? Every single outrage in the last 5 weeks has been FAKE!!! Every week we have a new one.


People jumping to conclusions and tweeting off the handle is not a left/right thing. Agree?

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People jumping to conclusions and tweeting off the handle is not a left/right thing. Agree?


the left Is amplified by the media that reports on them as fact.....This has been seen how many times in the last 5 weeks that has turned something FAKE into a shit storm trump hating orgy on CNN.


This isnt hard greg.


I imagine there will be more red pills to swallow in the coming weeks and months.

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Was Obama born in Kenya? Did Hillary sell uranium to Russia? Were the central park five guilty?


Was there a child sex ring in the basement of Comet Pizza?


All fake - none of those were taken as truth FIRST. The only station that maybe gave credit to these stories was Fox News.


Virtually every news outlet and Twitter (essentially all liberal or fake accounts) except Fox News has taken the last few “incidents” as truth FIRST before facts. Once these facts came out they were all fake or wrong...completely wrong.


The difference now is the truth doesn’t come out till 3-4 weeks later after the left whipped up thier base into a frenzy on twitter and CNN.

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Every video released by James O'Keefe/Project Veritas that the conservative ran with without double check to see if it was bullshit? ACORN? Planned Parenthood? Cesar Sayoc?


I'll go toe to toe on anecdotes if you want. The difference is that at least CNN issues apologies and retractions when they fuck up, and people get fired.



I'll admit this is worrying that the left gets so worked up without waiting for all the facts, but they're only playing catch up to the right in this regard.

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Here's an example of Tucker Carlson picking up a hoax created by 4chan and repeating it in order to smear feminists. We ARE doomed!


Fox News picks up a satirical article thinking it's real and uses it to smear Muslims. Where are all of the conservative fact checkers?

2011, 2014.....did I click on a time warp thread?


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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Yeah, it's been a problem for a long time.


Bottom line is the left is FAR louder with thier outrage. Mainly because it’s “cool” to be a Democrat since Beyoncé said so.


They have the megaphone that the conservatives just don’t have and never will since it’s not as cool to be a conservative. That’s why they have control over the media and optics of any given situation and they have shit the bed the last several “outrages”.


You won’t convince me or anyone else that isn’t true. You know it, everyone knows it.

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Oh please. Republicans run this country. Senate, presidency, scotus, 27 governors and 32 state legislatures. Fox News is the #1 media source. It IS the msm by any definition. Kerry and I are outnumbered here on CR like 5 to 1. Quit acting like being a conservative is all edgy and underdoggy. The left doesn't control shit.
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you are wrong and you know it Greg. Stop. It’s old now. You aren’t a martyr.


The left is absolutely the “cool” party. Everything they do is cool between the celebs, memes, sick burns, slams, eviscerations, pummeling of any and all conservative opinions.


I’m going to stop responding to you now. I just don’t care enough to spend this much time reading your response and then responding again.


I may check back if/when the mueller thing comes up empty and the libs go nuclear.

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