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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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You aren’t a martyr.


Never claimed to be, but neither can you.


Let me ask you -- the liberal reporting on Smollett came after he filed a police report. Now that the tables have turned and the Chicago PD have filed charges, it's the conservative media's turn to whip up outrage over this. But Smollett is denying the allegations. Shouldn't the conservative media be waiting for all the facts to come in before getting their readers all worked up into a frenzy?

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So when the Mueller investigation ends next week and they don't find shit, what will be the conspiracy the left pushes?


Aren't like 9 people already in jail from the Mueller investigation? Job well done, I'd say.



eta: Plus we already have Michael Cohen testifying under oath that Trump ordered him to commit a crime which Cohen is now in jail for. Trump could already be charged for that if he weren't president, and all a jury would have to do is believe Cohen's testimony to convict him. That's not even considering the chance that Cohen caught the order on tape. So the chance that the investigation "won't find shit" is already non-existent, if you consider this well supported criminal act to be "shit."

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all that time and money to pull such hardened criminals off the street :rolleyes:


The investigation is a net positive on money from all the Manafort seizures. But apparently you're pro-crime now? Weird flex but OK. Guess "lock her up" was about all the murders and assaults Hillary had committed.

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This is a very well thought out piece on the situation. It's the New Yorker so it's punditry and not straight reporting, but it covers all the bases of this issue.

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What a cunt


Yes/No and I can't believe I'm saying that about her as I am not at all a fan of hers.


I've watched the video of the teacher and kids in her office and that teacher is the dumb immature cunt who brainwashed those kids into talking points without presenting any reality to them. She did a piss-poor job of explaining to them how to properly communicate their concerns and ideas let alone why the green deal bullshit is just that. I feel bad for them because they are kids but teachers and adults guiding them are fucking them up in many ways. Seeing this really sets in why I'm no longer surprised we see the shit on campuses like Berkley and in Portland.

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You thrown more insults at liberals in general and me and Kerry in particular than perhaps any other poster here. Is that your true self? Why can't you have a reasonable debate without resorting to insults?


Yes you two suck dicks, I thought I had made that clear, but apparently not clear enough.

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Is the conservative media going to whip up outrage over these two every time they compete? We already did this a year ago, and they're probably going to get 1st and 2nd place again in June. I'm sure the Daily Caller already has it's story written for then, gotta get them clicks.
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Yeah, conservative media should just stop reporting altogether. That way we won't be bothered with anything but how brave these two confused young boys are.



They should probably stop reporting it the way they are reporting it. HS sports is about as far as these individuals can compete since all other pro and collegiate sports do hormone testing and bar athletes from competing if their hormone levels are over the threshold - regardless of biological gender (meaning a biological female can and has been excluded from pro sports and the Olympics because of high hormone levels).


How to address these athletes is an interesting and complex question with no simple solution. Fear mongering to whip some old white Midwestern dudes into a frothy foam that some guys with tits are beating up on their little girls in track isn't helping anything in this discussion. Neither has perpetuating the myth of anti-transgenderism in feminism, but if the conservative media didn't stop at falsely spreading propaganda that every Muslim is a radical terrorist, it certainly isn't going to reign in the lies and fear mongering for women.


BTW, it's not gone unnoticed that the transgender people being reported on are also people of color, I'm fairly certain this isn't the only example of transgender students competing in high school sports but this is the one they chose to focus on.

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Yeah, conservative media should just stop reporting altogether. That way we won't be bothered with anything but how brave these two confused young boys are.



That's a fair point. First they dominate local high school sports, but the next thing you know they're destabilizing global alliances, destroying jobs with ineffective trade wars, and blowing up the national debt that their kids probably won't even have to pay back because they're unlikely to have any kids. It's a good thing the conservative media is kicking the transgender community back into the margins of society where they belong, before they can really start wreaking havoc. Speaking truth to power is an important role for the media, and there's no one more powerful than transgender high school athletes.

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