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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Now, he needs to get back to work:

- Keeping the U.S. economy strong amidst global economic recessionary fears.

- A farming base in the U.S. heartland reeling from poor trade deals.

- Pro-growth tax strategies and agendas for businesses and individuals.

- Less romanticism of global dictators and despots (Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un...)

- Infrastructure improvements


7-year high on imports from Mexico:



Tax overhaul allowing repatriation of overseas cash falls far shorter than his $4 Trillion pledged. Most went to stock buybacks:



Trump's pick for the Federal Reserve chair has an almost $75k tax bill from 2014 that's still unpaid.





National debt at an all-time high. $22 TRILLION:







Unlike Kerry and Greg, I'm not so concerned with social injustices...I'm waaaaay more concerned that the "pro-business" President I voted for in 2016 is making some piss-poor decisions for our economy that WILL affect our livelihood.

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Trump has increased the debt 2 trillion in 2 years Obama 9 trillion in 8 years, not doing well on that one. The 7 year high for Mexican imports , sure since not much was being spent in the first 5 to 5 1/2 years of their 7 years, and the overseas money is still coming back at a much greater rate than it was.
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Unlike Kerry and Greg, I'm not so concerned with social injustices...I'm waaaaay more concerned that the "pro-business" President I voted for in 2016 is making some piss-poor decisions for our economy that WILL affect our livelihood.


I'm not having a go at you, but this is something I never understood. People who voted for him because he's a good business person, and the people who voted for him because they can relate to his "every man" or "average joe" ways.


Maybe he looks like a big, successful business man if you watched his reality show, but everything he touched turned to shit. Maybe he gave off different vibes in the 80s, when I was too young to know, and he fixed NYCs skating rink, but I just don't get it.


As for "average joe" ways, there couldn't possibly be any person further away from reality. He is the definition of being born with a silver spoon up his ass.


Social injustices? Jussie Smollett is the prime example of the reality of it all. You have to look pretty hard to find it, or just make it up. Then he gets away with it all on top of that. A friend of mine just had a former employee file a claim against his business for racial, sexual and religious discrimination. He just checked all the boxes I guess, but never mind the fact that he got caught stealing from the company, which is why he got fired. So far he was able to get unemployment pay out of it...not sure why anyone even bothers putting in hard work anymore if you can just play the victim.

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Trump has increased the debt 2 trillion in 2 years Obama 9 trillion in 8 years, not doing well on that one. The 7 year high for Mexican imports , sure since not much was being spent in the first 5 to 5 1/2 years of their 7 years, and the overseas money is still coming back at a much greater rate than it was.


That's fine if you want to support the numbers like it's still some part of the "new normal". Fact is, he campaigned - and made promises - of economic growth like we've never seen. So far, he's been flat AT BEST and likely going to sit atop a decline as whatever he's doing ain't working.


I'm not having a go at you, but this is something I never understood. People who voted for him because he's a good business person, and the people who voted for him because they can relate to his "every man" or "average joe" ways.


Maybe he looks like a big, successful business man if you watched his reality show, but everything he touched turned to shit. Maybe he gave off different vibes in the 80s, when I was too young to know, and he fixed NYCs skating rink, but I just don't get it.


As for "average joe" ways, there couldn't possibly be any person further away from reality. He is the definition of being born with a silver spoon up his ass.


To my comment at CDK above, I'm a realist and see business/economic data everyday, but there was at least a spectre that Trump would bring a successful family business mentality, and a little star power, to a global platform as a strong U.S. President. I didn't really believe that he would do all the things he said, but if he could do at least some of what he promised...


Compared to Hillary or Bernie - both strong candidates - that was enough for me to stick with the GOP.


I now realize from what I've observed that - indeed - he's all hat and no cattle. Watching FoxNews and his Twitter feed 65% of the day, hiding his tax returns and being self-defensive about his tiny hands, paying off porn-stars who still comment about his Toadstool dick, and making moronic comments in public. He's a joke. The only thing saving him is the business community knows he's not going to lift a finger to maintain regulatory stress on many industries.

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I now realize from what I've observed that - indeed - he's all hat and no cattle. Watching FoxNews and his Twitter feed 65% of the day, hiding his tax returns and being self-defensive about his tiny hands, paying off porn-stars who still comment about his Toadstool dick, and making moronic comments in public. He's a joke. The only thing saving him is the business community knows he's not going to lift a finger to maintain regulatory stress on many industries.


I love you, Clay. Clay pretty much wins the thread with that, mostly on the basis that it is coming from someone who actually voted for the man.

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Maybe he looks like a big, successful business man if you watched his reality show, but everything he touched turned to shit. Maybe he gave off different vibes in the 80s, when I was too young to know, and he fixed NYCs skating rink, but I just don't get it.


In the 60's and 70's Trump surrounded himself with very smart and savvy deal makers that helped grow his wealth. Fred Trump, who aside from being just an awful racist pile of feces masquerading as a human being, was very shrewd negotiator and real estate opportunist. He managed to turn the family investment of a few bungalows in the Rockaways started by his mother into significant property holdings by buying distressed housing and evicting all the poor. All of DJT's early projects were either partnerships with or fed to him by his father.


Roy Cohen, the human piss pot that took Joe McCarthy's mild communist dementia to a new level of political "red scare" in the 50's and mentored Trump, was also a very good deal maker and assisted in advising and putting together strong enough deals to secure Trumps legacy to the point where even Donald Couldn't fuck it up if he tried (and he certainly did).


Even in the 80's everyone knew he was both a gigantic floater that wouldn't flush in NY society. You didn't even have to be an insider, Page Six (the gossip column of the NY Post) reported on it for decades. He was a flashy spender. He epitomized the 1980's culture of selfish excess with his very few charitable acts and flashy gold plated everything. Fortunately for him there was no shortage of new rich idiots with money willing to invest in flashy vanity projects like airlines and casinos.


As someone who has to grow up in a pop culture in which he was always present, and even met his father (because he sat on the board of a school I attended), none of this behavior comes as any surprise. I have never met someone that knew him as a kid (aka some of my middle school teachers, neighbors in Queens, and parents of classmates) that ever had anything nice to say about him. The warning signs were there, they were always there, but it's easy to be lured in by his glossy and masterful self promotion.

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well put together article more than what I expected. If were all "equal", then why does a person have to pay more in taxes percentages per dollar and amount paid overall because they make more money? I don't blame anyone who balks at 55% inheritance taxes legally.

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I think they found out that taxing lazy people and people who take advantage of the system doesn’t work mathematically. The more responsible you are, personally and financially, the more you should get penalized. This is part of the common sense that has been forgotten. Everybody should be equal, and percentages certainly make an equal playing field, but again hypocrisy has taken over. Doesn’t take many to drag a few down to their level.
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Anyone making good coin does what they can to avoid having to pour money into a fucked up leaky bucket. To do otherwise is dumb. I don't hold it against him or his family for doing what was needed to ensure their earnings remained theirs. Especially given our country's leaders can't spend it wisely.
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There are good and bad things about every president and presidency, including this one. I like his tax proposals to help small to medium businesses. I like his pro'merica' outlook on trade and tariffs. I really wish her would stop tweeting.



What to super-pro trumpers say about the ballooning deficit? Solution? Is it the dem's fault?

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jp, as much as I would like to put the blame on the dems solely for the deficit it's both parties shit mess. At the rate its going, we cant afford to fix the worlds problems and will likely have to make ugly cuts to any social programs.
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There are good and bad things about every president and presidency, including this one. I like his tax proposals to help small to medium businesses. I like his pro'merica' outlook on trade and tariffs. I really wish her would stop tweeting.



What to super-pro trumpers say about the ballooning deficit? Solution? Is it the dem's fault?


I've been critical/leery of the Nat Debt since I learned of it in like 4th grade.


IMO it's our biggest threat to National security.

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Why social programs? Why not defense?


sorry that was included in not fixing the worlds problems. Also eliminating for profit corporations from private prison, either eliminate the fed or greatly reduce our addiction to borrowing money, etc.

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Funny (not funny) how Trump can say something like "and they say..." before something incredibly stupid like "THE NOISE CAUSES CANCER", like that releases him from liability. Who is "they"? It wasn't his comment...he just was repeating what he thought he heard someone else say. :rolleyes:

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Funny (not funny) how Trump can say something like "and they say..." before something incredibly stupid like "THE NOISE CAUSES CANCER", like that releases him from liability. Who is "they"? It wasn't his comment...he just was repeating what he thought he heard someone else say. :rolleyes:


He's that drunk guy at the bar that says crazy stuff he saw back in the day, but he has access to the nuclear codes.


I still want to see him have a meltdown on camera, like full-fledged Britney Spears smashing a chair into a car meltdown.

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Yes, the president should stop lying when he speaks. Also, water is wet.


If only people would hold him accountable...


It goes both ways. This person just said he should do better, but we ignore it to say we should hold him accountable. We get it, you don't like Trump. No biggie and that doesn't change one thing about what I think of you because I have never met or spent anytime with you in person. That would be unreasonable of me to do that. If people spent as much time attacking a politician or taking a "stance" online to feel better about themselves for a brief second versus taking care of those around them, we would be alot better as a country.

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It goes both ways. This person just said he should do better


What a stern admonition. I'm sure he'll stop now.


People actually need to not vote for this clown next time around. "Yes, Trump lies, but all politicians lie, what do you expect?" BS, not all politicians say wind generators give you cancer, this is extreme. "I don't like that he lies, but I can't vote for a Democrat." Aggghhh then we're fucked as a country because we clearly have no minimum standards other than party affiliation.

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