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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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So, what is it you have an issue with exactly?


It just looks like they've gone out of their way to not say Christians so much that they invented a new term. It's not like it was just one person either, the whole gang of them used it.


It's fine, all that has happened in the last year or so is that their true colors are showing, and a historically left-of-center/center person like myself will not give them my vote.


They're obsessed with calling people racists, even when it has nothing to do with race, in this case it's religion, but they are the racists, constantly looking to divide people based on race, religion, sex and culture.


In their minds, Christianity = western culture = white people = bad. But when it comes down to it, the bullshit they preach is not what they really want. They love their western way of living and will never want to trade it for anything else.


Dems: You are all racists for not wanting illegals in this country.

Trump: Ok, we'll let them come to the cities you live in.

Dems: You are a racist because you want to let them loose in our cities.


Hypocritical, ivory-tower living assholes.

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Must be in my head too.....



It’s clearly a concentrated effort to not call it what it is. ISIS bombed a bunch of Christians while they prayed.


Yes, it's in a lot of people's heads who are looking for something to get upset with liberals about.


You don't avoid saying Christian by saying Easter instead. It makes no fucking sense.



Are people sending their condolences? Are people covering this major story? Are people being upfront about saying that ISIS did it? Are people being upfront that many of the bombs were at churches during Easter mass? Is the stupidly obvious conclusion of anyone with a passing familiarity with the word "Easter" that most of the victims were therefore Christians?


The answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES. Your panties are in a bunch over nothing.

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If I lived in Sri Lanka, or was vacationing there from another country....and was well inside of a Christian church during an Easter service (as opposed to a non-Sunday morning visit to see the beautiful architecture or whatever).......it would be an easy logic-train to say that I was a Christian.


Not critical of Dems for using "Easter Worshippers", but why not use Christians? Would the family of any of the killed/injured victims be so offended that their beloved was actually an atheist that was at the wrong place at the wrong time? :lol:


If it wasn't for this thread, I wouldn't have known about 8 Dems offering condolences on social media anyway, so I'm not that riled up.

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Are any of you even on twitter? Do you follow Hillary Clinton? Do you only know about this "scandal" because some conservative media outlet packaged up this tidy little bit of outrage and fed it to you? Do you regularly rail about "the media" and how it's used to manipulate people? Do you think this might be one of those examples?
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If I lived in Sri Lanka, or was vacationing there from another country....and was well inside of a Christian church during an Easter service (as opposed to a non-Sunday morning visit to see the beautiful architecture or whatever).......it would be an easy logic-train to say that I was a Christian.


Not critical of Dems for using "Easter Worshippers", but why not use Christians? Would the family of any of the killed/injured victims be so offended that their beloved was actually an atheist that was at the wrong place at the wrong time? :lol:


Because "Christians and tourists" or "tourists and Christians" or "Christians and travelers" would make it seem like the tourists or travelers who were killed at the hotels that were bombed were not Christians.

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Not critical of Dems for using "Easter Worshippers", but why not use Christians? Would the family of any of the killed/injured victims be so offended that their beloved was actually an atheist that was at the wrong place at the wrong time? :lol:


If it wasn't for this thread, I wouldn't have known about 8 Dems offering condolences on social media anyway, so I'm not that riled up.


This one particular thing certainly isn't anything to get riled up about. It's just strange, and like you ask, why not just use Christians?


For me though it's just another tiny pube on the ever growing pile of pubes.



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Yeah, if Easter is clearly a Christian holiday, then why would anyone call them "Easter worshippers" to avoid calling them Christian? Makes no sense.



I agree but calling them Easter Worshipers is a bit stupid too. Does it bother me, no, not really other than stupid always bothers me. What is LOL though is how the talking points always roll with exact wording to nearly everyone. It would be one thing if say Obama said Easter Worshipers but when just about everyone on his team says it like has been repeated, etc. it's just laughably sad in a way. No different than the last two years worth of the same thing though.

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Tim didn't you get the memo? It's not "a bit stupid," it's a concentrated attack on Christianity! THINK WHAT YOUR MEDIA TELLS YOU TO THINK. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT BATTLE IN THE CULTURE WAR.



nah....I think it's just the continued pussification of America. first it was hip to hate on cops, then hate on whites now hate on 75% of the country....etc..etc...right up there with gender BS and the rest of it. This too shall pass.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Hillary and Obama had no problem giving their condolences to the Muslim community, acknowledging that they are in fact, Muslims after the NZ shooting. They then condemned the “alt-right” and “white people” which is fine given the situation, however why are they not calling out Muslims for this? If you can’t see the hypocrisy, you’re either blind or have a mental disorder.
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Why would they "call out Muslims?" Did they "call out Christians" after the mosque attacks? Where did they call out "white people?" Maybe I am blind.


Quit being a fucking pussy snowflake and finding ways to get offended. You're making up all of this animosity, it's not really there.

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I haven't found a bush that I've liked so far.









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What you did there....I see it. Also, i mostly agree with this. :-)


This guy gets it.




Nice bush




Everything is relative...I don't like bush, but I hate orange merkins.

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