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I hate winter, BUT..... I also hate bugs


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I've been loving the fact that every day it's over 40 degrees is another day winter loses it's grip on Central Ohio. I'm enjoying getting around and enjoying the outdoors without worrying about white death or hypothermia. This is my dream winter scenario for Ohio (thus far)...




I'm now noticing bugs flying around outside. In January. And I'm realizing, although the cold sucks, we need at least one several-day-long killing freeze to roast the bugs and the eggs they laid if we're going to avoid a crazy spring/summer. I noticed some Japanese beetles and stinkbugs coming out from the house too. Curious if anyone else was thinking about this. There's good evidence that flies/mosquitoes get bad after a mild winter, right?


I'm good with honeybees, spiders (when they're outside), butterflies, earthworms....stuff that's beneficial for the environment. But biting bugs/wasps/hornets can DIAF.

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I've been loving the fact that every day it's over 40 degrees is another day winter loses it's grip on Central Ohio. I'm enjoying getting around and enjoying the outdoors without worrying about white death or hypothermia. This is my dream winter scenario for Ohio (thus far)...




I'm now noticing bugs flying around outside. In January. And I'm realizing, although the cold sucks, we need at least one several-day-long killing freeze to roast the bugs and the eggs they laid if we're going to avoid a crazy spring/summer. I noticed some Japanese beetles and stinkbugs coming out from the house too. Curious if anyone else was thinking about this. There's good evidence that flies/mosquitoes get bad after a mild winter, right?


I'm good with honeybees, spiders (when they're outside), butterflies, earthworms....stuff that's beneficial for the environment. But biting bugs/wasps/hornets can DIAF.


Our ecosystem needs a winter.

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It isnt if, but when that counts according to this: https://www.mnn.com/your-home/organic-farming-gardening/stories/does-a-cold-winter-decrease-bugs


Makes sense. Doesnt matter if it gets cold this week...even the next 4 weeks....



If you think a bitterly cold winter will knock back insect pests and reduce the damage they'll do to your spring and summer gardens, you’ll be disappointed. That’s unless the groundhog was wrong and we really don’t have six more weeks of winter.


What impacts insect populations is not how cold it gets in the winter but when spring arrives, said Paul Guillebeau, a professor of entomology at the University of Georgia. “Insects survive the winter as eggs, pupae, larvae or, in some cases, as adults in tiny micro habits in leaf litter, the ground, bark on trees or even in your house,” he explained. “When the temperature is at 40 degrees [Fahrenheit] or lower, they can’t move. At 45 degrees, they begin moving, but only slowly. If the temperature gets to 70 degrees in mid-March or early April, insects get a fast start and quickly produce multiple generations that can quickly soar to hundreds of thousands. If, however, cold temperatures extend into April or even May, insects will miss one or more of their population cycles.”

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The weather had definitely changed. I have 4 large maple trees already budding (have been for 2 weeks). I have never seen them bud this early that I can recall in my life. So bugs aside, I wonder what these mild winters will do to plant life and growth in general.
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The weather had definitely changed. I have 4 large maple trees already budding (have been for 2 weeks). I have never seen them bud this early that I can recall in my life. So bugs aside, I wonder what these mild winters will do to plant life and growth in general.



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:wtf: Can't tell if your serious.


Mainly because I saw our Chinese Neighbors mowing the other day and was like WTF!


My place was still a little damp, or I'd have had my mower out again as well to suck up the oak leaves still littering the front (bastards take forever to fall off the tree)

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I still have stink bugs in my house and normally do most of the winter. Not a ton, but a few here and there.


They are pure enjoyment for me if they're in the house. Our one cat is a dead eye at zoning in on them. It's fun as hell to watch her get them.


Biggest issue we have is those damn false ladybugs. They come in swarms and end up piling together in a corner of the bedroom like a bug orgy. Easy to suck them down with the vacuum but still a nuisance.

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If it makes you feel any better it's been cold and rainy here in Phoenix almost all winter. The usual dirt mountains are turning green.


Must be a nice change of pace then lol.



I can tolerate a lot of different bugs, definitely more than my wife, as long as they are staying out of my food and bed.


BUT!!! the one I cannot stand, and hope to god they aren't as bad this year as they have been the last 2, are fucking fleas!!!! My gawd what a useless existence of a species. Those little bastards are a pain in the ass to get rid of once they're in the house. :mad:

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