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No 7th gen Camaro?


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More power but 400lbs heavier. Congrats on being slower at everything still. Also, Challenger visibility is just as bad, so.. you're dumb.


Different strokes for different folks, and I guess the challenger sales prove I’m not the only one who thinks that way. Shrug. If it makes you feel better to insult, party on Wayne.

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Know how many Challengers I see at the race track? Literally zero. They sell because wannabe gangsters and old retired has-beens buy them. Their demographic is nothing but irrelevant retards. That demographic just so happens to outweigh people who actually drive cars as they were meant to be driven, so yeah, they sell more. It doesn't mean it's a better car.
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Not to turn this into the political thread, but since you brought it up - most of the autonomous regulation is bipartisan and slightly conservative leaning.


A lot of silicon valley is getting a pass on the development of this more so than any other companies in the name of "free market capitalism" - not progressive legislation that wants to hold the companies accountable for the accidents they cause. Silicon valley as a whole is right leaning to begin with on this issues of business and technology, so much so it has it's own name: cyberlibertarianism.


A lot of the traditional organizational supporters of democrats like the teamsters union are against self driving tech. This idea that self driving cars are the tool of the hippie liberals is just garbage built on stereotypes, not actual policy or what's really happening in the legislative world. It's seems like nonsense rush limbaugh would say just to get raitings.








You simply over thought what I was saying. The way conservatives and liberals would go about implementing autonomous cars on society will be different. I’d like to think one would just make owning them possible while the other would push them on you and make it difficult to do something else.


Politics aside, I absolutely hate thinking about how many fucked up ways autonomous vehicles could be forced down our throats.

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You simply over thought what I was saying. The way conservatives and liberals would go about implementing autonomous cars on society will be different. I’d like to think one would just make owning them possible while the other would push them on you and make it difficult to do something else.


Politics aside, I absolutely hate thinking about how many fucked up ways autonomous vehicles could be forced down our throats.


That's not really the precedent, neither party is going to "ram it down our throats". What they will do is make it easier for the manufacturers to ram it down our throats through a series of tax breaks for both the companies and the purchasers, plus favorable actions (including eminent domain) in favor of the companies to make it easier to disassemble the old infrastructure. Most of it will happen in the name of "smaller government and fewer laws" that will remove restrictions from car companies buying certain industries, or privatizing otherwise public utilities.


It will be the private companies themselves that force us to comply by taking a viable market and pumping it up while phasing out the old product. Tesla already proved that semi-autonomous cars are a market driver, and all the OEM's are already on-board, now its just moving market efficiency over to that being the norm so the companies can maximize profits and it becomes more expensive to have a car without autonomous tech.


Once we have all already semi-voluntary adopted it by buying the tech because we have little choice, then they will legislate it out for good because there won't be that many to oppose them and by then it will feel normal anyway. That's maybe 50-60 years from now. the greatest motivator for adoption is always money. Look at how quickly EV's and plug in hybrids became viable as soon as the government offered massive tax incentives. I don't feel like a bolt is any more or less complex than the Ev1 from the 1990's, the battery tech got better and that's about it.


if you want historical examples see:


General Motors streetcar conspiracy



decline of national public transportation in america




The history of the gas station infrastructure:


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After all is said and done I don't think this gen camaro looks as good as the previous and mustang and challenger look better...IMHO


I love the 2016-18 Camaro, and I plan on buying one soon. But the 2019+ look goofy IMO.

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Know how many Challengers I see at the race track? Literally zero. They sell because wannabe gangsters and old retired has-beens buy them. Their demographic is nothing but irrelevant retards. That demographic just so happens to outweigh people who actually drive cars as they were meant to be driven, so yeah, they sell more. It doesn't mean it's a better car.

I see a shit load of challengers and chargers at the track. Every time I have gone for a test and tune night. I also have seen low 12/high 11 second passes out of stock 6th gen Camaros, which is impressive. Not just a random ringer car either.

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I see a shit load of challengers and chargers at the track. Every time I have gone for a test and tune night. I also have seen low 12/high 11 second passes out of stock 6th gen Camaros, which is impressive. Not just a random ringer car either.


Drag strip is the only track I see any mopar things at, aside from the odd viper at an hpde or autox. I almost think I saw one time-attack challenger in the last 3 years at mid ohio?

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