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CR, then and now.


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CR has a long history of having members who post aggressive, insulting and belligerent comments. While the site is not as young as it once was, and the posts not as frequent as they once were, some of that still remains. It was a point of pride for many members here to be able to destroy somebody online. I myself, felt at times I was a bit gifted at being able to prove someone wrong or mock them for their way of thinking or doing things. The turning point for me was actually getting a history lesson. I’ll summarize it and share it with you, and maybe some of you can reflect.

Abraham Lincoln was challenge to a duel by James Shields. Lincoln had written several very strong articles that were published in the local paper under the pen name of Jeff and Rebecca. These articles attacked Shields, even to say that he didn’t do well with the ladies. To save face, Shields challenge Lincoln to a duel. I won’t go into the details of the duel, but they’re worth looking into, as Lincoln was clever in how he said it would go down. Just as the dual was supposed to happen, a General intervened and said that it was not to happen. The two men agreed and went on their way. It’s worth noting that at that time, Lincoln was a young and talented attorney coming up in the political world. The impact of the challenge to a duel ended up being a lifelong lesson for Lincoln. He knew he was a talented writer, a tremendous human being at 6‘4“ tall and extremely strong for his time and age. But, what he had never realized was the strength of his words. He had written about a man in a manner to upset him so much, that that man was willing to die or kill for those words. After that incident, Lincoln never wrote or spoke in a derogatory or ill mannered way about another person.

In Lincolns day, things were certainly tougher than what we experience in today’s world. My thought is if Lincoln can have the outlook in those days to realize it’s not worth it don’t argue with someone or say demeaning things about them, that maybe in today’s day, we can be thoughtful enough to see a bigger picture to approaching a conflict. It certainly was not a matter of Lincoln being weak. He decided to use the strength of his mind and his actions to change how he was. Some people conduct themselves like they have something to prove, I myself am guilty of that at times. Maybe CR can just keep in mind that we’re all here because we are car enthusiasts. If you truly do have something you feel you want to voice about a member on this board, be good enough to just send them a PM let them know you think they’re a piece of shit and the two of you can address it from there. I think CR has the shared opinion of attacks in threads on an individual being counterproductive to the discussion of the thread. If we would get away from the feeding the ego of person firing shots at the other person that may also lend to better discussion.


This is simply my .02. Someone can make change with it if they like.

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Maybe CR can just keep in mind that we’re all here because we are car enthusiasts. If you truly do have something you feel you want to voice about a member on this board, be good enough to just send them a PM let them know you think they’re a piece of shit and the two of you can address it from there. I think CR has the shared opinion of attacks in threads on an individual being counterproductive to the discussion of the thread. If we would get away from the feeding the ego of person firing shots at the other person that may also lend to better discussion.



All this is meaningless if you don't remove the post. Letting it stand means you condone the behavior.


Frankly I am disappointed in you Joe but honestly I don't really expect equal or fair treatment from this board or it's moderators. You basically spelled it out in your PM, people are allowed to make personal unprovoked attacks against me because of who I am.


It’s quite easy for anybody to search your name and read through your replies, and see where you have argued and manipulated thread conversations. While I appreciate your approach and not resorting to name-calling for most of them, your condescending replies can certainly be viewed as harassing as well.


While this person‘s opinion of you and their post to you is irritating. It would seem this is one person to you, Vs the several people that have stated they feel attacked by you when they post. I am not the final authority for the website on what happens here. But, know that I have made Other admin’s aware of your concerns.



Let's be honest, you posted this history lesson so you can feel good about making the moral justification that a person can make unprovoked attacks in any non-kitchen thread they like unrelated to any conversation just because I have controversial opinions to the board status quo. Like it or not Joe, this is not the right call and you know it deep down, but because you and I have not seen eye to eye on things you feel I am getting what I deserve.

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CR has a long history of having members who post aggressive, insulting and belligerent comments. While the site is not as young as it once was, and the posts not as frequent as they once were, some of that still remains. It was a point of pride for many members here to be able to destroy somebody online. I myself, felt at times I was a bit gifted at being able to prove someone wrong or mock them for their way of thinking or doing things. The turning point for me was actually getting a history lesson. I’ll summarize it and share it with you, and maybe some of you can reflect.

Abraham Lincoln was challenge to a duel by James Shields. Lincoln had written several very strong articles that were published in the local paper under the pen name of Jeff and Rebecca. These articles attacked Shields, even to say that he didn’t do well with the ladies. To save face, Shields challenge Lincoln to a duel. I won’t go into the details of the duel, but they’re worth looking into, as Lincoln was clever in how he said it would go down. Just as the dual was supposed to happen, a General intervened and said that it was not to happen. The two men agreed and went on their way. It’s worth noting that at that time, Lincoln was a young and talented attorney coming up in the political world. The impact of the challenge to a duel ended up being a lifelong lesson for Lincoln. He knew he was a talented writer, a tremendous human being at 6‘4“ tall and extremely strong for his time and age. But, what he had never realized was the strength of his words. He had written about a man in a manner to upset him so much, that that man was willing to die or kill for those words. After that incident, Lincoln never wrote or spoke in a derogatory or ill mannered way about another person.

In Lincolns day, things were certainly tougher than what we experience in today’s world. My thought is if Lincoln can have the outlook in those days to realize it’s not worth it don’t argue with someone or say demeaning things about them, that maybe in today’s day, we can be thoughtful enough to see a bigger picture to approaching a conflict. It certainly was not a matter of Lincoln being weak. He decided to use the strength of his mind and his actions to change how he was. Some people conduct themselves like they have something to prove, I myself am guilty of that at times. Maybe CR can just keep in mind that we’re all here because we are car enthusiasts. If you truly do have something you feel you want to voice about a member on this board, be good enough to just send them a PM let them know you think they’re a piece of shit and the two of you can address it from there. I think CR has the shared opinion of attacks in threads on an individual being counterproductive to the discussion of the thread. If we would get away from the feeding the ego of person firing shots at the other person that may also lend to better discussion.


This is simply my .02. Someone can make change with it if they like.


lol k

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You always tell people that they dissapoint you. How do you think that makes them feel?


As a refressher:


- this forum did very little when a member (Bstowers) made personal threats against me and my family. As of right now I believe the member is still a member in good standing here, and only the post making the initial threat was removed.


- This forum allowed someone to make the case that affirmative action is a form of white genocide and those comments are still here if you want to search for them.


- Some of my comments, all of which were not personal attacks but may have been off topic for the thread were removed for being thread shitting. But when someone makes a threadshitting personal attack against me....I get a lecture about how my actions have consequences using Abraham Lincoln.


So, yeah, telling them I am disappointed in them is the least I can do.

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Abraham Lincoln was challenge to a duel by James Shields..




Frankly I am disappointed in you Joe but honestly I don't really expect equal or fair treatment from this board or it's moderators. You basically spelled it out in your PM, people are allowed to make personal unprovoked attacks against me because of who I am.


If you're gonna make a bed be willing to lie in it.


Let's be honest, you posted this history lesson so you can feel good about making the moral justification that a person can make unprovoked attacks in any non-kitchen thread they like unrelated to any conversation just because I have controversial opinions to the board status quo. Like it or not Joe, this is not the right call and you know it deep down, but because you and I have not seen eye to eye on things you feel I am getting what I deserve.


The irony is not lost on me.


Fuck you


Duel me


So which are you wanting to do?


You always tell people that they dissapoint you. How do you think that makes them feel?




My comment went over your head...but as an aside if you dont like the service, dont frequent the restaurant....


...but the waiters are so sexy and the beer is cheap.

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I have seen in the last year that several of your posts have been extremely helpful. That’s the interaction I remember From CR as members.

After having a chance to reply to Howard above, I went into my private messages and sent you a private message. My private message I sent you was to basically to let bygones be bygones and hope we both move forward. Then, I refresh the page to see that you’re still stuck in the same place. Being entrusted to help on this forum is something I do with care and regard for the person and CR. After our exchange this morning, your situation was still on my mind. The reality is is that you reported a post complaining about how somebody spoke to you in a thread. And yet you continue to badger people with your comments and overbearing approach in nearly every thread you enter. You are a wealth of knowledge that comes with an expensive price of dealing with your attitude. Me creating this thread was in hopes of helping CR as a whole. I hoped the person you reported would see it, as well as you and hopefully others being able to reflect on how they’ve conducted themselves here. As I said, I myself have been involved in argumentative post here. You don’t have to like what other people post and if you don’t like what they post about you, take it up with them.


Arguing here is a waste of time. I don’t have that amount of time. To be realistic, is anyone here willing to fight each other physically over what someone posted here? The 95% answer to that is no. So none of this really matters and turns in to terrible bickering back-and-forth. That’s not something I’m able to rationalize. As I said in the PM Kerry I hope things are well with you.

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I'm no Abraham Lincoln but I have stayed at a Holiday inn......express. I go to a site regularly where the vast majority of the boards political views are completely opposite of mine. I figured that out rather early but instead of meaningless arguments with them I just don't post in those threads. I see no point in it....I'm not changing their minds and they're not changing mine.
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I have seen in the last year that several of your posts have been extremely helpful. That’s the interaction I remember From CR as members.


I have always come here to want to talk cars, and for the most part it's the best part of this site. However, like many here I have strong opinions and do my best to live within the forum rules. To that end I feel like the rules should apply to ALL members.




After having a chance to reply to Howard above, I went into my private messages and sent you a private message. My private message I sent you was to basically to let bygones be bygones and hope we both move forward.


You had the opportunity to let sleeping dogs lie at the end of our PM's. You chose instead to take no action on the post and create this thread. This was not an olive branch move.


Being entrusted to help on this forum is something I do with care and regard for the person and CR.


For some but not all.


After our exchange this morning, your situation was still on my mind. The reality is is that you reported a post complaining about how somebody spoke to you in a thread.


That isn't "reality" its your perspective. My perspective is that a forum member broke forum rules by threadshitting a personal attach unprovoked and unrelated to the topic at hand. I have approached this with an attempt to get you to see it from my perspective and from my perspective your answer was "fuck you, you deserve this so I am going to ignore the forum rules and let it stand.


At this point we aren't really arguing for each other, it's on display in the court of public opinion that is CR.


You are a wealth of knowledge that comes with an expensive price of dealing with your attitude.
So are you, so is Cordell, so are many others on this forum. My point is because I have the unpopular opinion the rules are different for me and you are just proving my point.


Me creating this thread was in hopes of helping CR as a whole. I hoped the person you reported would see it, as well as you and hopefully others being able to reflect on how they’ve conducted themselves here. As I said, I myself have been involved in argumentative post here. You don’t have to like what other people post and if you don’t like what they post about you, take it up with them.


I am sure that wasn't your only reason. Prove me wrong. IF you really meant ANYTHING you said in the top of this thread you would have removed the post we were discussing. You didn't so all is all empty and hallow words.


Arguing here is a waste of time. I don’t have that amount of time. To be realistic, is anyone here willing to fight each other physically over what someone posted here? The 95% answer to that is no. So none of this really matters and turns in to terrible bickering back-and-forth. That’s not something I’m able to rationalize. As I said in the PM Kerry I hope things are well with you.


I do believe Bstowers did drive by my house and try to find out where I live so, maybe I just found that lucky 5%.


You had many opportunities to avoid all this, you could have deleted the initial post, or you could have let it lie after our initial PM exchange, and well actions have consequences and here we are. Two pissed off CR members.

Edited by Geeto67
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The rules have always been relaxed on this site. If they were strictly enforced it would strangle the atmosphere. Everything is done on a case by case basis, and the administrators on this site back each other up when someone feels things need addressed, of course if one of us is overstepping we talk about it too. That being said Joe was the only one who thought your reported post deserved a response. I felt like it was more like a kid whining that he got called a name. Most of us will not respond to things like that. That falls into the gray area I don’t think CR needs to moderate. Real threats, threatening language, being racist, ect will and have been taken seriously.
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So John Doe brut out da G body wit a swirl. Runnin paid wit yay, paid wit yay gotta g body also, all motor wit a lil juice, no specs on da jets. we get to da water hole paid wit yay putting sum spray on da tires saying it join cum strong out da hole. John Doe aint ein worried dey running for 10 ben franks. Paid with yay snaps out da whole like a scolded dog and losses it about 2nd gear hi. John pull up round hem. Leaving paid wit yay till da big en with paid wit yay use day juice, photo finish. so finally we come to da conclusion dat paid wit yay lost but he claim he ain gone pay. so we say he ain gon com back roun here. so he wine up paying.







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