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Harbor Freight denies my claim


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About a month ago I walked into HF and snagged my jacket on their sign.I wouldn't have thought anything about it other than it tore a nice little rip in the arm enough that if it was skin would have cut and drawn blood.


Did their claim process to be told today by them that,


"one of our employees said that you were careless walking into the store"


I was not doing cartwheels and backflips but whatever dude.



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About a month ago I walked into HF and snagged my jacket on their sign.I wouldn't have thought anything about it other than it tore a nice little rip in the arm enough that if it was skin would have cut and drawn blood.


Did their claim process to be told today by them that,


"one of our employees said that you were careless walking into the store"


I was not doing cartwheels and backflips but whatever dude.




All claims are denied at first, to weed out potential fraud. Push back, ask for details, ensure them that you aren't after a big settlement (at this time), just your jacket paid for, which wouldn't be necessary had you not walked into their store that day. Pressure gets claims rectified.

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Yeah, I would ask them to elaborate on what the employee witnessed that they consider "careless". Like they have an employee who is always staring at the door watching every customer's mannerisms as they enter the building.....
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BS, just like any insurance claim, never take the first offer. I'd definitely push back in a professional and courteous manner and see what the response is.

Please define walking wrecklesly, lol


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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Pretty much what I would say has already been said. Any claims process will have an appeal process, it may be hidden in the fine print of the paperwork but it's there. Figure out how to appeal the decision and follow their protocols.
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Thanks for the feedback chaps, I will appeal.


Stupid question,do you find the paperwork or link to it on their website? or?




how did they notify you that the claim was denied? if it was by email or letter it might have the process or contact spelled out on that. if not, just call the customer service help line and ask.

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they have attorneys sitting around all day to fuck with you and fight it in court, the retainer fee will cost more than the jacket for you


quit buying expensive shit and move on


Terrible advice. You really think Harbor Freight would fight him in court over this? Only a cuck would "move on" so easily after the initial rebuff. It'll probably take about 5 minutes of effort from him to push back and get his claim approved.

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LOL wtf he on?






they have attorneys sitting around all day to fuck with you and fight it in court, the retainer fee will cost more than the jacket for you


quit buying expensive shit and move on


Its a 10 yr old Columbia jacket not too spendy point is its my fav one to wear and some dipshit ruined it with a wehavespecialsatharbourfreighdontuknow sign.

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