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Impeachment / 2020 Theories


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Fun video below. Timestamps as follows:


0:00 - Legal background and description of impeachment.

8:00 - Articles against Andrew Johnson

11:25 - Articles against Richard Nixon

14:47 - Articles against Bill Clinton

16:50 - Summary

17:34 - Prediction regarding Donald Trump



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You are basically making the argument that police shouldn't arrest criminals because they are always watching and waiting for people to commit crime.



not quite. my point is many of them already made up their minds about impeaching him regardless of whatever facts would be coming. they flat out wanted him out from day one and were clear about it. they were clear about making just about anything they could stick and held true to that by putting us through the last 3 years of throwing stuff on the wall to see if it would stick.



IMO it was a bad move for the country and our foundation to attempt this. It's clearly partisan and now has forever fucked up the faith in our system because as many of them have noted, no POTUS going forward will be safe from similar tactics. Weaponizing the system like this is on the Dems now and that's sad for all of us. They couldn't just wait until Nov. next year right......no....because they don't want to take a chance on us the voters putting him back in office. THAT is IMO what pisses me off.


I wasn't at all a fan of Obama and many times said America was stupid for putting him in office. I was disappointed for years but never would have supported weaponizing the system like they are doing simply to remove him.

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IMO it was a bad move for the country and our foundation to attempt this. It's clearly partisan and now has forever fucked up the faith in our system because as many of them have noted, no POTUS going forward will be safe from similar tactics.


And without any check on this behavior, future presidents would forever think it's A-OK to ask foreign powers to investigate private citizens for their own benefit, and then to stonewall congress and attack anyone who dared to criticize their behavior.


For all the anger that Republicans are lobbing at Democrats for daring to exercise their power, there's very little anger being lobbed at Trump for making such an idiotic blunder in leadership. Consider the ways that Trump could have avoided this mess:


1) He could be the kind of person who listens to career intelligence officers and stop buying into conspiracy theories. The Crowdstrike conspiracy that Trump brought up on his call with Zelensky is pretty close to flat-Earth nonsnse. Trump has access to the most sophisticated intelligence agencies on the planet, and he doesn't trust or use them.


2) He could use effective communication to convey his methods and processes to his staff, so that people aren't blindsided by his actions. Time and again we heard from witnesses within the state department who could not explain to Ukraine or their associates why aid was withheld. Trump and his advisers now claim that they did it to ensure that Zelensky was serious about corruption. "Hey state department, I'm withholding aid until I get a good feeling about Zelensky," is all it would have taken to avoid several people reporting things to their respective IGs and lawyers, and Trump didn't take this simple, obvious leadership step.


3) He could own up to the bad optics of asking a foreign nation to investigate a US citizen instead of attacking people who saw this as an obvious concern. "I see now how that looks bad, but I assure you that I only had the best interest of America at heart." Even if that's a lie, acknowledging the ethical concerns of your subordinates is, again, a basic leadership skill that Trump seems not to have employed.


4) He could have cooperated with congress. I know people like Trump because he "tells it like it is," and "doesn't back down from a fight," and "isn't a politician," but sometimes playing the game is better than spending 10x the time and energy fighting it.



The way I see it, Trump did everything he could to get impeached, and then everyone acts all shocked and angry that it actually happened. He could have made this go away at any number of stages, first and foremost by not doing something unethical in the first place. The only way I can see not agreeing here is if you don't think he did anything unethical at all, in which case have a nice day.

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Trump on twitter is what makes Trump, Trump.


We elected this brazen asshole and he is pulling out the worst in others and exposing ....=.....is driving the economy like fucking mad? Yes.





I think that THIS core thought which is echoed among many staunch Trump supporters is part of the issue. Yes, I agree Trump has been good overall for the economy. But, equating his brazen juvenile behavior to that economic result is insanity. The economy is not up because he wanted to grab it right in the pussy.


Do 2 munites of fact-finding on the why, and the how, the economy is up. It is up mostly due to tax cuts which have sparked higher spending. This is a good thing. The problem? Trump has done little to nothing to lower government spending. The budget deficit is now increasing by over 20% per year. Unless this starts going the right way, its just smoke in mirrors. You lower taxes, you HAVE to skinny up the government. This is like doing a heart transplant, not stitching up the chest incision and calling it good.



I know its fun to laugh about, but I can tell you as someone who works with technical people around the globe, his public actions are embarrassing. If someone would just take his cell phone away, I don't think we would have any of these problems. But he is a complete sociopath and just can't help himself. That is an issue.


To have an accurate opinion on the impeachment, you have to look at both sides and consider how we got there. This is the least bias summary I have found.





My cliff notes opinion on the impeachment. It's not good for Trump. It's not good for Democrats. It's not good for anyone or any party and really, no one should be cheering about it. Seeing the house just blindly vote right down the party line has only highlighted how FUCKED the system is. No one is actually listening, and making a decision based on what they think is right- they are simply going with what party is on their name tag. We as the American people are paying trillions of dollars to run a dog and pony show.


Its sad on many levels, but Trump was absolutely the better choice when it comes to who was on the ballot last election. The problem? Our choices were a social path and a criminal. :lolguy:

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Because there’s little to no precedent set for what the Dems are doing now, Mitch can literally rewrite the senate rules and set a date for the trial to start when he would like it to start. If the Dems don’t show up, the case is dismissed. If they do, they will vote and acquit him in the exact same partisan way he was impeached.


Growing up hearing about Bill Clinton’s impeachment I thought it was the worst thing ever to happen to a president. Now, it seems like a political tool that only matters if you have the right people in place at the right time. The bar for impeachment has been lowered to a dangerous level moving forward. This was Pelosis biggest mistake and could be the biggest regret of her life. She willingly went scorched earth and now she’s created a political vortex of shit for every president that is opposite of the house majority party.

Edited by Panduh
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This, so much this!


I think that THIS core thought which is echoed among many staunch Trump supporters is part of the issue. Yes, I agree Trump has been good overall for the economy. But, equating his brazen juvenile behavior to that economic result is insanity. The economy is not up because he wanted to grab it right in the pussy.


Do 2 munites of fact-finding on the why, and the how, the economy is up. It is up mostly due to tax cuts which have sparked higher spending. This is a good thing. The problem? Trump has done little to nothing to lower government spending. The budget deficit is now increasing by over 20% per year. Unless this starts going the right way, its just smoke in mirrors. You lower taxes, you HAVE to skinny up the government. This is like doing a heart transplant, not stitching up the chest incision and calling it good.



I know its fun to laugh about, but I can tell you as someone who works with technical people around the globe, his public actions are embarrassing. If someone would just take his cell phone away, I don't think we would have any of these problems. But he is a complete sociopath and just can't help himself. That is an issue.


To have an accurate opinion on the impeachment, you have to look at both sides and consider how we got there. This is the least bias summary I have found.





My cliff notes opinion on the impeachment. It's not good for Trump. It's not good for Democrats. It's not good for anyone or any party and really, no one should be cheering about it. Seeing the house just blindly vote right down the party line has only highlighted how FUCKED the system is. No one is actually listening, and making a decision based on what they think is right- they are simply going with what party is on their name tag. We as the American people are paying trillions of dollars to run a dog and pony show.


Its sad on many levels, but Trump was absolutely the better choice when it comes to who was on the ballot last election. The problem? Our choices were a social path and a criminal. :lolguy:

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I think time lapse shows a big part of the problem with the state of our political system.




I think that THIS core thought which is echoed among many staunch Trump supporters is part of the issue. Yes, I agree Trump has been good overall for the economy. But, equating his brazen juvenile behavior to that economic result is insanity. The economy is not up because he wanted to grab it right in the pussy.


Do 2 munites of fact-finding on the why, and the how, the economy is up. It is up mostly due to tax cuts which have sparked higher spending. This is a good thing. The problem? Trump has done little to nothing to lower government spending. The budget deficit is now increasing by over 20% per year. Unless this starts going the right way, its just smoke in mirrors. You lower taxes, you HAVE to skinny up the government. This is like doing a heart transplant, not stitching up the chest incision and calling it good.



I know its fun to laugh about, but I can tell you as someone who works with technical people around the globe, his public actions are embarrassing. If someone would just take his cell phone away, I don't think we would have any of these problems. But he is a complete sociopath and just can't help himself. That is an issue.


To have an accurate opinion on the impeachment, you have to look at both sides and consider how we got there. This is the least bias summary I have found.





My cliff notes opinion on the impeachment. It's not good for Trump. It's not good for Democrats. It's not good for anyone or any party and really, no one should be cheering about it. Seeing the house just blindly vote right down the party line has only highlighted how FUCKED the system is. No one is actually listening, and making a decision based on what they think is right- they are simply going with what party is on their name tag. We as the American people are paying trillions of dollars to run a dog and pony show.


Its sad on many levels, but Trump was absolutely the better choice when it comes to who was on the ballot last election. The problem? Our choices were a social path and a criminal. :lolguy:

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Growing up hearing about Bill Clinton’s impeachment I thought it was the worst thing ever to happen to a president.


To expand a bit now that I'm at a computer, I'm not sure what you mean but this, but Clinton's impeachment was a partisan hit job. Ken Starr's investigation started in 1994, 2 years into Clinton's first term, to investigate accusations of misdealings with the Whitewater real estate venture. Clinton committed perjury in 1998, over 3 years later, after Starr strayed from Whitewater to look at several other issues, including sexual harassment accusations from Paula Jones.


Depending on where you're sitting, spending more than 3 years going from potential crime to potential crime, and turning up nothing, was either necessary watchdogging or a partisan fishing expedition. I'd be honestly surprised if, 25 years later, anyone doesn't see it for the latter. Republicans set out in 1994 certain they would find something in the Whitewater scandal to impeach Clinton for, and they didn't stop until Jan 2018, when they finally hit gold.


During that deposition, Starr already know about Clinton's affair with Lewinsky, and so set the trap for him. And shortly thereafter, made a recommendation to impeach Clinton for, among other things, Abuse of Power and Perjury. The house picked 2 charges (Perjury and Obstruction) and voted to impeach along partisan lines (only 11 members of the house strayed from their side).


It's worth noting that while the Clinton impeachment did at least feature a "crime" as it were, the Perjury case was actually fairly week and destined to get mired in semantics, as it focused on 2 specific statements. "I did not have sexual relations," by which Clinton later argued he meant didn't include BJs, and "There's nothing going on between us," by which Clinton later argued that he meant "at this specific time." That's why Ken Starr recommended 3 other charges for impeachment.


Unfortunately for the Republicans, they only had 55 seats in the senate, and they couldn't even get their party to fall in line for a majority vote, yet alone the required 2/3rds. But to think that the Clinton impeachment was any less partisan, or any less premeditated, than the Trump impeachment is to rewrite history.


I think there are some important differences between the two, namely the nature of the offense -- Clinton's was a personal matter whereas Trump's involved public money, Clinton was allowed to be investigated via Janet Reno while Bill Barr refused to follow up on the IG complaint, leaving congress to investigate on their own, and the lengths Trump has gone not to cooperate with congressional subpoenas. I think it's a weak hand for the Democrats to play, but I'm honestly not sure what they're supposed to do when the Executive thumbs its nose so flagrantly at the conventions of good conduct.


Ever since Clinton, Republicans have slowly been acknowledging that the Clinton impeachment was a political mistake, and some of the same congress-critters are now out there concern trolling the Democrats, "don't make the same mistake we did 20 years ago," but the real lesson we learned from the past 2 impeachments isn't don't impeach, it's don't even pretend to cooperate with congress, because your party will just circle the wagons no matter what you did. Clinton should have just refused to have sat down for the deposition in 1998, he should have said he relationship with Paula Jones was "perfect" and just kept repeating it until people started to believe it. He should have made up cute names for Ken Starr and just declared everything a "witch hunt" or "discredited." Certainly we've learned there's enough rubes in the world who will go along with anything as long as taxes go down.

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Because there’s little to no precedent set for what the Dems are doing now, Mitch can literally rewrite the senate rules and set a date for the trial to start when he would like it to start. If the Dems don’t show up, the case is dismissed. If they do, they will vote and acquit him in the exact same partisan way he was impeached.


Growing up hearing about Bill Clinton’s impeachment I thought it was the worst thing ever to happen to a president. Now, it seems like a political tool that only matters if you have the right people in place at the right time. The bar for impeachment has been lowered to a dangerous level moving forward. This was Pelosis biggest mistake and could be the biggest regret of her life. She willingly went scorched earth and now she’s created a political vortex of shit for every president that is opposite of the house majority party.

I actually disagree that this has lowered the bar for Impeachment, when in fact Trump (and his administration's) behavior has lowered the ethical bar for the presidency many times over.


The voting is also not completely down party lines...on Democrat voted present and any Republican that says the slightest thing against Trump gets kicked out of the party. The blind partisanship started with Mitch McConnell and only gotten worse, it's not a Democratic phenomenon.


I'm tired of hearing that this was about the Democrats reversing an election and keeping him out of office in 2020. Even if Trump were removed from office there's nothing keeping for running again, and his campaign donations basically guarantee it. If they wanted to keep him out they would have stalled the investigation until after the election and impeached him in 2021.


Trump's behavior forced their hand when he instructed everyone to defy congressional subpoena. Had they shown up and claimed executive privilege the obstruction of justice charge wouldn't have stuck and it still may be stuck in the courts.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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I'm tired of hearing that this was about the Democrats reversing an election and keeping him out of office in 2020. Even if Trump were removed from office there's nothing keeping for running again, and his campaign donations basically guarantee it. If they wanted to keep him out they would have stalled the investigation until after the election and impeached him in 2021.


except there have been many dems bitching about this, hoping and working to get him impeached since day one. it's all been a complete farce shit-show and waste of money and ironically represents why he was put in place to begin with because most of us know the "politics" of all this is a complete bullshit move as is most of how Washington behaves. sure, he could run again, blah blah, but the dems put themselves in a corner by chanting impeachment since day one because they had to do it at some point or risk looking like pussies without a cause to their base. now they are damned if they do.


he's crass and out of line and politically incorrect, but he says what most people are thinking on just about any of his policies. no direct crime was recorded or testified to here and what he is being accused of is nothing more egregious than what Biden did by threatening them or what the Clinton's were up to by selling access through their foundation. cry speculation and BS all you want, it's pretty obvious to most why Hunter got what he did and a dead canary in the coal mine isn't needed to prove it in the minds of most with common sense just the same as what they are saying about Trump and his actions with Ukraine. Even if the Hunter thing was all legal, it's optics are so bad that just calling it out and bringing it to the attention of the average citizen is enough to hurt sleepy Joe. what really scortches Pelosi IMO is that the exact opposite is true for Trump, even if what he did was illegal and the optics are bad, it's out in the open and his numbers won't likely budge.


at the end of the day, what's happened thus far changes nothing. My understanding is if the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president and Trump can legitimately say that he wasn’t ever really impeached. Even if he is he impeached will it even fucking matter? not really, he's still in office now, won't likely be removed, he isn't going to change his behavior, his base still supports him and most could care less about what he supposedly did and until the dems put up a good candidate with policies worth a shit that compete with his policies they won't likely win. All this shit show did was solidify support for him and put him in the history books for yet another event and even sets the stage for an even bigger bullet point should Orange Man painted Peach win yet again. If you thought his head was big now just wait until if that happens.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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My understanding is if the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president and Trump can legitimately say that he wasn’t ever really impeached.


Your understanding isn't correct, Trump has officially been impeached regardless of what happens from now on, including whether or not the senate ever hears the case.


at the end of the day, what's happened thus far changes nothing. ... not really, he's still in office now, won't likely be removed, he isn't going to change his behavior, his base still supports him and most could care less about what he supposedly did


Isn't this a bad thing? You're saying that a Republican president of the US can do something illegal and/or unethical right out in the open and nobody will ever be able to do anything about it. And if anyone does try to do something about it (say, Democrats), it will just backfire and people will hate them even more. This speaks very, very poorly of Republicans in general and Trump voters specifically.


What a country we live in!

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sure, he could run again, blah blah, but the dems put themselves in a corner by chanting impeachment since day one because they had to do it at some point or risk looking like pussies without a cause to their base.


Wrong. The Democratic voting base is not going to change their vote based on anyone "looking like pussies." Trump forced their hand with his behavior. This is setting a precedent for acceptable behavior of a President, and if these allegations are not impeachable then what is?


he's crass and out of line and politically incorrect, but he says what most people are thinking on just about any of his policies.


Absolutely, 100% wrong.


no direct crime was recorded or testified to here and what he is being accused of is nothing more egregious than what Biden did by threatening them


Absolutely, 100% wrong.


Biden "threatening them" was official State Department policy that was aligned with the European union. The prosecutor that was removed was NOT investigating Burisma, and the reason he was removed was because he was not investigating corruption, so logic would say that if Burisma was corrupt he would have been calling for their investigation.


The testimony so far is pretty clear that the State Department officials were acting under direction that Joe Biden and his son needed to be investigated. The investigation didn't even have to occur, it just had to be announced publicly. There's no direct, written communication from Trump stating a quid-pro-quo, but that's not how this typically works. There's also a lack of evidence with direct communication from Trump because he has directed all of those officials to defy a congressional subpoena. It's not necessarily because it doesnt exist.


Even if the Hunter thing was all legal, it's optics are so bad that just calling it out and bringing it to the attention of the average citizen is enough to hurt sleepy Joe.

What Hunter did was not illegal, may have been unethical (although passed ethics checks of the time and even Republicans never cried foul until now), but the optics are not good. Trump also asked about a debunked conspiracy theory in Crowdstrike, and has said he believes Ukraine hacked in 2016, not Russia, because Putin told him so. This is a man that believes Putin over his own intelligence agencies, as well as crazy conspiracy theories born on the internet. He also has his personal attorney running a shadow program in Ukraine in order to conceal his methods and motives.


at the end of the day, what's happened thus far changes nothing.


Even if he is he impeached will it even fucking matter? not really, he's still in office now, won't likely be removed, he isn't going to change his behavior, his base still supports him and most could care less about what he supposedly did


I agree that it changes nothing, except for attempting to set a bar for acceptable Presidential behavior, and I guarantee that Pelosi and other Dems knows this as well. Again, if these allegations are not impeachable, what is? Our government is based on checks and balances and he is openly, purposefully preventing that. I actually prefer that he's not removed from office and runs for reelection, because that increases the odds of the Republicans losing the seat next year. His base may be strong, but he's lost swing voters that he had in 2016, and if a different candidate ran I'm 2020 those swing voters could largely excuse his behavior as his alone and not that of the Republican party.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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Be Tim: sees Trump tweeting from Oval Office, think that he wasn't impeached.


Now that this mess is over, he needs to focus on...uhh...delivering on his promises?



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Isn't this a bad thing? You're saying that a Republican president of the US can do something illegal and/or unethical right out in the open and nobody will ever be able to do anything about it. And if anyone does try to do something about it (say, Democrats), it will just backfire and people will hate them even more. This speaks very, very poorly of Republicans in general and Trump voters specifically.


What a country we live in!



Why couldn't you have said a president, here as we all know just like the troup or tribe or whatever they call themselves have shown you prejudice.

Edited by Mace
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Your understanding isn't correct, Trump has officially been impeached regardless of what happens from now on, including whether or not the senate ever hears the case.


so he's been charged but that really doesn't mean shit unless they act on it right? did we really need to go through all that BS to know the dems hate him and don't approve of his actions?


Isn't this a bad thing? You're saying that a Republican president of the US can do something illegal and/or unethical right out in the open and nobody will ever be able to do anything about it.

I'm giving my opinion and sharing that many others feel the same that what Trump is being accused of isn't a big deal. Given he's only been charged and not actually tried and convicted my point still stands that IMO he's still not been proven guilty of anything, only charged with it. To your last point, we have done something about it...the Dems according to you have impeached him. Has that vote on those articles changed anything?


And if anyone does try to do something about it (say, Democrats), it will just backfire and people will hate them even more.

^^ well if the actions the dems took backfires and people hate them even more, one can hardly blame that on anyone but the dems. the resulting outcome has nothing to do with Trump.


This speaks very, very poorly of Republicans in general and Trump voters specifically. What a country we live in!

Not to me, I don't support many of the policies those opposing Trump have presented. I support Trumps stance on many / most things far more. What that says about this country is we are a free society.


Wrong. The Democratic voting base is not going to change their vote based on anyone "looking like pussies."


perhaps you feel that way but I know a number of democratic leaning/non conservatives that were waiting for them to finally pull the trigger and were on the edge of being seriously PO'd if they didn't.


This is setting a precedent for acceptable behavior of a President, and if these allegations are not impeachable then what is?

LOL....there have been a lot more corrupt and worse actions than what they are accusing Trump of doing. All we have is implied words and interpretation that what he was doing was leveraging money for action. Pretty telling when even the Ukrainian Prez is stating there wasn't funny business going on.


Absolutely, 100% wrong.

60+M people disagree. Let's reconvene on this in November of next year shall we?


Absolutely, 100% wrong. "There's also a lack of evidence with direct communication from Trump because he has directed all of those officials to defy a congressional subpoena. It's not necessarily because it doesn't exist. "

Oh well.....I guess the Dems shouldn't have rushed the process and instead gone down the path of enforcing the subpoena's.....but they chose not to. When you don't fully bake a cake, you get a less than fully baked cake. Surprised?


What Hunter did was not illegal, may have been unethical (although passed ethics checks of the time and even Republicans never cried foul until now), but the optics are not good.

Agree...no charges have ever been filed and he's never been convicted. That said, he didn't just get all that money for nothing though....and not likely "just because" his daddy was VP. Something traded hands for all that cash. You're not stupid so let's not pretend it was because he was such a smart guy.


Trump also asked about a debunked conspiracy theory in Crowdstrike, and has said he believes Ukraine hacked in 2016, not Russia, because Putin told him so.

and the Dems leveraged a complete BS Steele Dossier to do what they did including going after a guy who was their own informant. Stupidity and or Corruption abounds in DC.


I agree that it changes nothing, except for attempting to set a bar for acceptable Presidential behavior, and I guarantee that Pelosi and other Dems knows this as well.

Please, the behavior of the dems and the continued saga of BS to try and get Trump is what set the bar for a new low. It's not surprising though.....again, 60M+ know the bullshit that goes on and that's again, why Trump is there vs the 16 other Republicans that could have been in his place.


I actually prefer that he's not removed from office and runs for reelection, because that increases the odds of the Republicans losing the seat next year. His base may be strong, but he's lost swing voters that he had in 2016, and if a different candidate ran I'm 2020 those swing voters could largely excuse his behavior as his alone and not that of the Republican party.

The first half of your statement will likely happen...the second part, we'll find out next November.


Be Tim: sees Trump tweeting from Oval Office, think that he wasn't impeached.


I see it as being nothing more than a new word of the day for the news outlets with nothing in the day to day real-world changing.


Now that this mess is over, he needs to focus on...uhh...delivering on his promises?

There's about 145 others he's put in writing and is checking off as times goes by as they are indeed fulfilled. Again, those policies and beliefs are what his voters prefer over anything the alternative candidates on either side are offering.

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