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Forrest Gump 9

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I'm so cynical I just don't believe much of anything anymore. They ain't the first person connected to COVID-19 research that I've heard had an accident over the past few weeks.


Is this shit even possible? I love watching the original x files and the r/l shit we've read the past 10-15 years must make the shows writers feel kinda odd.

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I'm so cynical I just don't believe much of anything anymore. They ain't the first person connected to COVID-19 research that I've heard had an accident over the past few weeks.




Is this shit even possible? I love watching the original x files and the r/l shit we've read the past 10-15 years must make the shows writers feel kinda odd.

I hear you. I've litterally never seen such fishy and shady stuff before as I am seeing today. I suppose the clinton email and IRS scandal would be up there in fishyness lol
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4th of July parade in UA is also cancelled...just hasn't been announced yet.


Really hoping some of the easing this month won't contribute to COVID numbers...otherwise this summer's gonna be a bummer.

It's inevitable. Too many people will ignore any guidelines, and cases will spike anyway just from more people interacting/being out.




Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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NASA sent an email stating their Memorial Day event is now in limbo with more news expected next week. Surprisingly Chin still says they’re all-go at Mid Ohio the weekend prior to that.


On the Karting front our club cancelled our May race and won’t try to pick up until mid June at the earliest. New Castle in Indiana had a race over the last weekend, but now has been shut down.


Supposedly KilKare had a race over the weekend and are facing fines from it, but that’s the rumor mill no first hand knowledge.

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I was on a construction project all morning today at a city facility. There were 8 or 10 contractors onsite and I was the only one wearing a mask (not N95 just a gaiter I wear fishing rolled up to double layer) so not super confident that people will do what is asked... even when mandated.


My opinions aside, my employer requires a mask unless isolated to your own office space or a closed room at a customer site. Ive not questioned anyone directly on it, but I've heard people quoting the mantra of "I have a health condition that does not allow me to wear a mask, HIPPA protects me from having to disclose my specific condition". Not saying there aren't a good chunk of folks for which this truly applies, but so far I've only heard assholes reciting it with a smirk on their face.


Should work great for everyone.

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NASA sent an email stating their Memorial Day event is now in limbo with more news expected next week. Surprisingly Chin still says they’re all-go at Mid Ohio the weekend prior to that.


On the Karting front our club cancelled our May race and won’t try to pick up until mid June at the earliest. New Castle in Indiana had a race over the last weekend, but now has been shut down.


Supposedly KilKare had a race over the weekend and are facing fines from it, but that’s the rumor mill no first hand knowledge.


It wasn't KillKare, it was Edgewater. That whole deal is pretty jacked up, they got the shaft from the government totally and it shows why you shouldn't trust the media at all.


Now, let me explain why I have made this statement so there is zero confusion.


1. The track manager went to his local officials and told them what he was going to do and explained what precautions they were going to take. The problem is, he never got it in writing, so when things went sideways and the Dirty 30 crash happened they burnt him.


2. The media put a story out that the track manager was arrested during the event and even went as far as to cite charges against him. This is 100% false and was totally fabricated by the media. I talked with a couple of people that were there, it flat never happened, period.


So, keep this in mind when you buy into every word the media has to say on both sides of the COVID-19 argument. We as a country are being manipulated from all sides.

Edited by Wagner
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So I went to Google News and searched Edgewater, founda lot of stories from local news quoting Hamilton County sheriff saying that Stanley Thomakos was arrested. I then went to the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts and looked up cases against Stanley Thomakos.





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So I went to Google News and searched Edgewater, founda lot of stories from local news quoting Hamilton County sheriff saying that Stanley Thomakos was arrested. I then went to the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts and looked up cases against Stanley Thomakos.





But it's on the internet and on a government web site, and we should never trust either of those things. How can we be sure it's true?! Probably more of the lying media conspiring against the public while getting paid off by Soros and Gates, who want to implant tracking devices in people and control them through vaccine injections. Get your guns, turn on Fox News, OAN, or Brietbart and wait for instructions.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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You're ALMOST right....


If you would have dug just a little deeper you would have seen the notes...


05/02/2020 CITED


(Arrest does not necessarily mean physical arrest,but may just be the issuance of a citation.)


I'm guessing he was CITED for the violation.

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So which part of the media reports were wrong?


eta: Arrest does necessarily mean physical arrest, it just doesn't necessarily mean cuffed and hauled off to central booking. I was arrested once, ironically in Hamilton County, issued a citation, and sent on my way. I was not cuffed but I was put in the back of a patrol car while my citation was issued. I was not free to leave. It's a pretty lame example of being arrested, but it doesn't mean I wasn't.


Likewise, it appears that Thomakos was arrested, issued a citation, and then presumably sent on his way. This is documented in public records. The Hamilton County Sheriff relayed this information to reporters, who appear to have correctly relayed it to us. There is no lie, there is no manipulation. Your two sources were wrong. This took me like 2 minutes to fact check while lying in bed with a hangover. Be. a. better. skeptic.

Edited by greg
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So which part of the media reports were wrong?


eta: Arrest does necessarily mean physical arrest, it just doesn't necessarily mean cuffed and hauled off to central booking. I was arrested once, ironically in Hamilton County, issued a citation, and sent on my way. I was not cuffed but I was put in the back of a patrol car while my citation was issued. I was not free to leave. It's a pretty lame example of being arrested, but it doesn't mean I wasn't.


Likewise, it appears that Thomakos was arrested, issued a citation, and then presumably sent on his way. This is documented in public records. The Hamilton County Sheriff relayed this information to reporters, who appear to have correctly relayed it to us. There is no lie, there is no manipulation. Your two sources were wrong. This took me like 2 minutes to fact check while lying in bed with a hangover. Be. a. better. skeptic.


I actually looked up the citation/arrest thing later and saw they can be used interchangeably. I had no idea and learned something new.


Now, this is also something that a lot of people know, hence why the people I talked to that were physically there said he wasn't arrested.


Now, as for manipulation by the media, I still stand by that statement and here's why.


It all comes down to how you word something, I deal with this every day as I write different stories and social media posts. The use of a single word will completely change context and how something is viewed, trust me, learned that lesson.


So, from a journalistic standpoint what is going to get more clicks/views during the COVID-19 craze? A story about a person who opened up a business and was "cited" or someone who opened up a business and was "arrested".


As you pointed out, both terms are correct, but someone being "arrested" has more pop to it. This is something I see all the time in modern shit journalism, the use of different words to drive the narrative ever so slightly in a different way, the use of a different image or video, or trying to be the first to break a story without all the facts.


This Plandemic video is another example, lots of pop, but how true is it really? Should you trust someone who just got out of the county hotel? My experience tells me that everyone that's been on the wrong side of the law has a compelling story as to why they shouldn't have been locked up...

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As you pointed out, both terms are correct, but someone being "arrested" has more pop to it. This is something I see all the time in modern shit journalism, the use of different words to drive the narrative ever so slightly in a different way, the use of a different image or video, or trying to be the first to break a story without all the facts.


So just to clarify, citation and arrest are two different things. The citation is the issuance of the charge, the arrest is just the temporary detention while the charge is issued. Arrest is just a word that means "stop," like cardiac arrest. In one manner of thinking, all traffic stops are arrests, but I believe the US common law legal system has carved out a different category for traffic stops because police have less power to search someone. Regardless, the lines between a questioning, a detention, an arrest, or whatever other term you want to use for an LEO stopping a human being are trivia for supreme court nerds.



The point is, the SHERIFF said he arrested Mr Thomakos. The media reported what the sheriff said. There's hardly any room for manipulation there. Unless you expect journalists to always make clear the difference between an arrest to issue a citation and throwing someone in county jail, but at some point it's our responsibility as good citizens to know how to parse the words of our elected officials (which Sheriffs are). In that sense it's good to know that when a Sheriff says he arrested someone, it doesn't necessarily mean they were thrown in the klink. I'm glad you learned something today, but I still see absolutely no wrongdoing on the part of the media.

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In regards to the citation itself, I agree that it's frustrating to see parks and stuff packed with people while an event like this is treated like the worst sin in the world. But I don't put much on whatever verbal agreement he thought he had. The stay-at-home order is pretty clear, no gatherings for purposes of entertainment or recreation until May 29, even if outdoors, excepting certain business categories. I'm not sure why Mid-Ohio thinks they're going to get approval from the State authorities, but regardless, and crucially, they're WAITING FOR APPROVAL FROM THE STATE AUTHORITIES. That this guy squinted at the stay-at-home order and thought that a handshake deal from some local official would be enough seems pretty naive.
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