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Forrest Gump 9

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I think a few things that can be done that will yield big improvements have already been discussed here.


1. The ROE for Police interacting with civilians should not be the same as Military engaging a hostile enemy. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and countless other examples.


Someone noted that "he shouldn't have shot at police" during a no knock raid. Well no knock raids shouldn't even be a thing. I can only speculate what I would do if my door was kicked in in the middle of the night.


2. Remove qualified immunity. There should not be two sets of laws. One for "the state" and one for us poor cattle. Everyone should play by the same sets of rules. If I make an error on my job I am responsible. If a doctor makes an error during an operation they are responsible. Police should be held accountable for their errors as well, especially when it involves life and death.


This. 100% this.


I still wish there was something I could do about the botched procedure that killed my grandma in 1999 and the one that killed my grandpa in 2011, but that's another discussion.

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wanna know the stupidest thing i've heard in my whole life?


It's a bunch of grown ass men calling "dismantling" or "de-funding" the police "stupid" because they think lawlessness will instantly set in, as if these organizations didn't have continuity, transition, and coverage plans for just this situation. Like all of a sudden all the police and prison guards are just going to turn the lights off, lock up, and go home. :dumb:


There isn't even an agreed definition of what de-fund means right now, so cool your panties, it's not going to suddenly become Beyond the Thunderdome just because people want to take away the money the cops use to buy tanks. Even if they don't call them police officers, I can guarantee you if you call 911 someone will still show up, to do that job.




I dunno, based on the chatter out of the conservative media - someone is buying that bullshit line. I mean tucker carlson isn't screaming about it to an empty room.


You may think it’s stupid, but we shut down the world because some lousy “coronavirus”. During WWI and WWII, the world economy was still running. We are in an unprecedented time my friend

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wanna know the stupidest thing i've heard in my whole life?


It's a bunch of grown ass men calling "dismantling" or "de-funding" the police "stupid" because they think lawlessness will instantly set in, as if these organizations didn't have continuity, transition, and coverage plans for just this situation. Like all of a sudden all the police and prison guards are just going to turn the lights off, lock up, and go home. :dumb:


There isn't even an agreed definition of what de-fund means right now, so cool your panties, it's not going to suddenly become Beyond the Thunderdome just because people want to take away the money the cops use to buy tanks. Even if they don't call them police officers, I can guarantee you if you call 911 someone will still show up, to do that job.




I dunno, based on the chatter out of the conservative media - someone is buying that bullshit line. I mean tucker carlson isn't screaming about it to an empty room.


Look at what's going on in Seattle in the new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. You'll have to dig a bit because the mainstream media doesn't seem to be aware of it yet.

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Look at what's going on in Seattle in the new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. You'll have to dig a bit because the mainstream media doesn't seem to be aware of it yet.




^^ not going to end well. this is what happens when weak leadership even gives the time of day to stupid.



img[src=/banners/smilies/LOLguy.png] {display:none !important;}img[src=/banners/smilies/LOLguy.png] {display:none !important;}

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At least the comment section is entertaining.


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Can someone explain why it is necessary to eliminate the pensions of retired officers??? Oh wait, because they are all evil.

If this actually happens anywhere, I really hope the courts step in to prevent it. These people served the public for an entire career.


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Can someone explain why it is necessary to eliminate the pensions of retired officers??? Oh wait, because they are all evil.

If this actually happens anywhere, I really hope the courts step in to prevent it. These people served the public for an entire career.


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Who's proposing this?

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Who's proposing this?
It's been in two different cities protest demands that I've seen. One being the list of demands above. I can find the other if necessary, but I'd bet it can quickly be found in the Times, Post, WSJ, etc....

Some instances only call for suspension of benefits during investigation, others want to completely defund pensions.

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Well, they have some other issues they need to figure out...



A co-worker of mine walked around that little area and took video, it's a train wreck. He also confirmed it has a protection racket now as well with other issues.


Let them have their experiment I say, let's see if we can come up with some type of real solution to this police problem.

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Well, they have some other issues they need to figure out...







A co-worker of mine walked around that little area and took video, it's a train wreck. He also confirmed it has a protection racket now as well with other issues.




Let them have their experiment I say, let's see if we can come up with some type of real solution to this police problem.

What is in this area of Seattle? Government buildings, businesses, residences, All of the above?


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It's been in two different cities protest demands that I've seen. One being the list of demands above. I can find the other if necessary, but I'd bet it can quickly be found in the Times, Post, WSJ, etc....

Some instances only call for suspension of benefits during investigation, others want to completely defund pensions.

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Ah. Well that's dumb and will never happen due to contract laws.

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What is in this area of Seattle? Government buildings, businesses, residences, All of the above?


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I think all of the above, although I assume residences means apartments/condos. CHAZ organizers claim to be making sure people coming in are residents, apparently checking IDs in some cases.



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apparently checking IDs in some cases.


So since they are independent now they issued their own IDs already? Also where are they getting water, electric, and food to support this independence?


Wait till a fire starts and see how independent they want to be.

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