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CR IT Please Help - Edge Router Lite issues


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Yet another WiFi router has died. I don't know why but here in my house, i'm lucky if they last a year. Last was a TPlink Archer C3200, now it was an Archer C5400X. For some reason, on both, there is no LAN to WAN communication. They seem to work ok as an AP by turning off DHCP but they are still overall flaky needing reboots about daily now.


With that rant out of the way, I installed my EdgeRouter Lite and put the old routers both in AP mode to handle wifi. The problem is the ERL is garbage. I was getting 600Mbps throughput, then I tied it to UNMS cloud or some shit like the interface recommended. Then I updated the firmware and boot loader is some shit that was also recommended but now the throughput is around 90Mbps... This thing is terribly slow. It was WAY snappier and much better throughput before all their BS updates. Any ideas?


What the hell kind of router can I buy that is a tank? I'd prefer something wired and robust so I can just leave the setup as it is but why pay for gigabit service if this trash router throttles it?

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You have to enable hardware acceleration in the CLI to get the full performance out of Ubiquiti products. I agree its horseshit we have to do that as well, but I feel your pain. I have an Edge Router X. Probably going to put together a pfSense box or configure a Cisco router to take it's place, then I'm going to punt this piece of shit into the ocean.




Edit: Look in to seeing if "netflow" is enabled too, which I read gets enabled by default when UNMS is connected to it or something. Apparently that will also cause hardware offloading to be disabled.



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You have to enable hardware acceleration in the CLI to get the full performance out of Ubiquiti products. I agree its horseshit we have to do that as well, but I feel your pain. I have an Edge Router X. Probably going to put together a pfSense box or configure a Cisco router to take it's place, then I'm going to punt this piece of shit into the ocean.




Edit: Look in to seeing if "netflow" is enabled too, which I read gets enabled by default when UNMS is connected to it or something. Apparently that will also cause hardware offloading to be disabled.




As a ubiquiti whore...this.


Otherwise I'd tell you to go bigger as the ER-L is aging. ER-4 or USG-PRO-4. I have the USG-PRO-4 right now and can push 970/970 during off hours w/ AT&T gigabit.


Or Fortigate, which if I can get them to send me "demo" units I'll switch to them.

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It's already been done. Thought I mentioned that in the OP but guess not. I suspect I screwed something up somewhere but I can't seem to find the hiccup.

IP offload module : loaded


forwarding: enabled

vlan : enabled

pppoe : enabled

gre : enabled

bonding : enabled


forwarding: enabled

vlan : disabled

pppoe : enabled

bonding : enabled


IPSec offload module: loaded


Traffic Analysis :

export : disabled

dpi : disabled

version : 1.480


I also signed up for the UNMS thing on their website because of the nag screens but it'll get deleted because I don't have more than 10 devices or something... Anyway, I keep getting this warning.

CPU on device gbt-ubnt has been over 90% for over 5 seconds.


EDIT: I've been looking for an ER4 but seems like everyone else is also because I can't find one reasonably priced. I'm not tied to this thing, only using it because it was here so if I can find a reasonable replacement i'll do that too. Just tired of dropping hundreds on routers every year.

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You have to enable hardware acceleration in the CLI to get the full performance out of Ubiquiti products. I agree its horseshit we have to do that as well, but I feel your pain. I have an Edge Router X. Probably going to put together a pfSense box or configure a Cisco router to take it's place, then I'm going to punt this piece of shit into the ocean.




Edit: Look in to seeing if "netflow" is enabled too, which I read gets enabled by default when UNMS is connected to it or something. Apparently that will also cause hardware offloading to be disabled.




Echo the Ubiquiti recommendation as I have been running the (Ubiquiti) Amplifi with a single mesh point in my 2700 sq feet ranch house and can do everything on porches w/out issues. I also had it at the old house (About 2 years) and really like the product. I have heard the newer ones provide additional capabilities (Mostly gaming)..

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Probably going to put together a pfSense box or configure a Cisco router to take it's place, then I'm going to punt this piece of shit into the ocean.


Just got my pfSense unit and installed the latest pfSense, it's up next and we'll see how it compares. If it can handle the task, i'm also going to punt my ERL.

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the ER-L is basically end of life at this point. UI trying to bake in new features has resulted in a lot of broken updates.


Keep in mind - this thing launched in 2013? Imagine your smartphone back then, basically same hardware. It's what put ubiquiti on the map, like the OG iphone.


Go big dick with ubiquiti and you will have an amazing time.


Also fuck pfsense, go vyos

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I've been trying to scrounge up an ER4 but OOS or tater prices everywhere. I like the ubiquiti line but am also having issues with port blocking. Any good tutorials there? Tried the site help and when I applied, it locked down ALL traffic so i'm a tard.
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I've been trying to scrounge up an ER4 but OOS or tater prices everywhere. I like the ubiquiti line but am also having issues with port blocking. Any good tutorials there? Tried the site help and when I applied, it locked down ALL traffic so i'm a tard.



I got annoyed with doing port blocking on my ERX. Ive only got the WAP setup now and even then i'm kinda at the point Id like to look at something else but the price is so right for the ubnt stuff.

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Yeah, i'm still digging the ERL mostly but there are a few things I can't get it to do or work right. I got this thing like forever ago and it mostly sat on a shelf but i'm over consumer routers as they never seem to last me more than a year if i'm lucky.


I got the pfSense unit set up but I haven't tried it out yet. Mainly just installed it and set the IP so I could poke around the web config page. Aside from that it's been sitting on my desk esiting for the ERL to piss me off again, lol.

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Yeah, i'm still digging the ERL mostly but there are a few things I can't get it to do or work right. I got this thing like forever ago and it mostly sat on a shelf but i'm over consumer routers as they never seem to last me more than a year if i'm lucky.


I got the pfSense unit set up but I haven't tried it out yet. Mainly just installed it and set the IP so I could poke around the web config page. Aside from that it's been sitting on my desk esiting for the ERL to piss me off again, lol.





I have pfSense running as a VM and its controlling my VPN network so anything on that network is going over a VPN tunnel. I was using that to stream Masterchef Australlia but it seems 10play got wise to Express VPN's IPs and blocked it again so it kinda became a bit useless for me. Wish Palo Alto would allow connectivity to OpenVPN but noooo.

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