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Mice, rodents, assholes that chew through shit.


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It seems I have an issue with critters making homes or helping themselves to resources under my hood. Both on the Camaro and the Cherokee, I've found insulation shredded. Camaro won't be driven much as it grows colder. We have squirrels and chipmunks that could be the culprit. Of course I'm worried about them chewing up wiring. Is there any old timers way to deter these shitheads from messing around in there? I don't have any garage space for my cars, that goes to the GF.


You guys got any ideas?

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For my tractor and zero turn in the barn, I put moth balls on them and it seems to deter mice.


Maybe, probably, I did something wrong but MOTHBALLS NEVER AGAIN!


The S2000 is the first car I've had that I don't drive at all during the winter. So the first winter about three years ago I put mothballs under the front and back of the car, maybe a few in the engine bay. I did not touch them, they touched nothing on me, I wore gloves the entire time. I even left them in the little bags they come in. I went back inside, sat on the couch to watch some TV. I could still smell them, but I thought it was in my nose. No, it transferred onto my clothes I guess just through the air. It got into the couch which we had to clean. Then I washed my clothes separately from anything else. The next load of clothes we washed the smell also got into those. So we had to run an empty cleaning load through to clean the washer, wash those clothes again, run another empty load to clean the washer again. Finally all of the smell was out of our house and clothes.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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I did this on my Silverado that was parked outside. They tore up the hood liner and made a nest. Then I put this in and didn't have an issue with the new hood liner.



Watch out if you have cats or dogs, they will hate this device.

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I have always used:

Dyer sheets

Irish spring

Moth balls


I put it in the cabin and engine bay. If stored in the garage I put them under the car also. I use gloves and make sure not to let any of the above touch me or my clothes.

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I have always used:

Dyer sheets

Irish spring

Moth balls


I put it in the cabin and engine bay. If stored in the garage I put them under the car also. I use gloves and make sure not to let any of the above touch me or my clothes.


Add in coffee grinding too!

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I use these in the garages and have only seen 1 mouse in a year compared to 4 the first few weeks after we moved in. We live next to a wildlife preserve and farmer fields with a ton of wildlife. These have been awesome and should work well with an extension cord from the garage out to your vehicle.



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I use these in the garages and have only seen 1 mouse in a year compared to 4 the first few weeks after we moved in. We live next to a wildlife preserve and farmer fields with a ton of wildlife. These have been awesome and should work well with an extension cord from the garage out to your vehicle.




Do you have any pets? Neighbors with animals?

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I use these in the garages and have only seen 1 mouse in a year compared to 4 the first few weeks after we moved in. We live next to a wildlife preserve and farmer fields with a ton of wildlife. These have been awesome and should work well with an extension cord from the garage out to your vehicle.





I just ordered and will give this a try and add to my other methods.

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