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Fiji ST

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Dr. Flue for Chimney inspection and cleaning.


A while back I had called them to schedule an inspection and cleaning of my chimney. A couple days before the appointment we had a large storm come through and a neighbors tree fell and hit my house. On the day of the appointment they showed up right on time. The two employees were clean, professional, and polite. They insisted on wearing paper booties over their work boots even after I told them not to worry about it. They inspected my chimney, and let me know it was good to go and didn't even need cleaned. They did recommend a chimney cap to keep wildlife out. We had chimney swallows at the time. My chimney is not a standard configuration, so they measured and custom ordered a stainless cap. The icing on the cake was that they found an additional hole in my roof I did not know was there. They pulled out a piece of flashing from their truck and slid it under my shingles to close the hole until the roof could be repaired. I have nothing but good things to say about those guys.

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