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Is May Cagers drive like Morons month???


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Today on my way to work a older lady pulled out of her drive- way (without looking) and i almost broad sided her. I went into a ditch at about 50mph. Luckily i only slid through the mud, but my bike tumbled through the air. Scared the shit out of me. The funny part was her husband bitched her out cuz he rides too.

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Today on my way to work a older lady pulled out of her drive- way (without looking) and i almost broad sided her. I went into a ditch at about 50mph. Luckily i only slid through the mud, but my bike tumbled through the air. Scared the shit out of me. The funny part was her husband bitched her out cuz he rides too.

:eek: So you DIDN'T go down?

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ya i did. i slid on my ass through the mud. I always wear all my gear so i only tore my pants and ripped the elbow out of my jacket. My bike wasnt so lucky.
I know my bike isnt the nicest bike around but i wanted to cry when they were dragging it up on a flatbed.

That sucks! You getting another Kawi?

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I really hope i can fix mine. I kinda like the older sportbikes, but if i do get another bike it will definitely be a KAW. Im gonna def. need a new front rim, handle bars, front fairing and clutch cover, so if anybody knows of any parts please let me know.

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every time I get on 2 wheels.... and sometimes when I'm in my van... I see jack-ass people.... I think I'm gonna start carrying a baseball bat mounted on my bike somehow so I can wail on dumbass people at stop lights...

or kick in their windows huh?

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Yesterday at 4:30pm on 670 heading east from downtown. I was in the passing lane and this lady in a civic rolls up beside me in the bumper to bumper 25 mph traffic. She was reading a magazine on the steering wheel and drifting all over her lane. I honked several times before she looked up and then I tapped my finger on my helmet. She slowly pulled the magazine down and tried not to look at me.

I couldn't get away from her because of the traffic. When I finally did see her again later on 670 she was reading AGAIN!!!

Some people are too stupid to be allowed out amongst other people.

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magley - That's easy for you to know, because you're the one that would be giving the "shoot me in the head" hand signals. Odds are slim they'd join a game of charades. Although, I would've just honked and used my hands like I was turning a page and then act like I'm throwing it out and they would understand that much better.:D

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nick, shouldn't you be working?

NARC!! :p Hey come visit me today when you're leaving if I'm sitting where I broke the chair man. :D

:lol: shoot me in the head...

not my choice of signal, the 1 finger salute and :nono: head shake as i roll on the throttle and disappear.

Good choice.:cool:

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heading north on rt. 3 out of westerville, I had a guy try to run me off of the road. Rt. 3 gets soo congested that i pulled up to a light in the turn lane just to get ahead of the long line of cars. the dude sped up and tried to take me out.

I hope you didn't mean you intended to blow past the other drivers when the light changed....

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I could come up with a dozen different stories about idiot cagers when I'm on the bike, see at least a few every time I ride. But what pisses me off just as much is seeing some idiot squid doing shit to piss off the cagers. Like yesterday, went to my grandmother's house in Grove City to get some of my Granfather's things she was getting rid of, was sitting in a long line of traffic at a light waiting to get on 270. Four lanes of traffic, two turn lanes full and two straight thru lanes, one of which only had a couple cars, the other backed up accross the overpass, it was around 5:15pm. Sitting there enjoying the nice weather with the windows down when some idiot on a yellow CRB600 (I think) wearing shorts, tennis shoes, and a tank top (no gear at all)came screaming down the empty lane at damn near redline, in first gear I'm assuming, to stop at the redlight. Now, not that I don't like the sound of a screaming I4 with a race pipe on it, but damn, not in traffic like that screaming up to a red light! And people wonder why cagers go out of their way to piss us off. Just my 2 cents.

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mattm - Out of curiousity, what were you trying to tell her by tapping your finger on your helmet? :confused:

Roughly translated - THINK you *^&%^%#.

She got the point cause she slowly put the magazine away. I also shook my head.

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One of my favorites is seeing a car try to squeeze into the lane WITH the bike. Usually it's at a near stop already, but not always. I had it happen on a freeway merge where all were stopped and waiting to move. I ignored her, even if her front bumper was visible a few inches from my right knee. I shall not be intimidated by a cage. I shall not beat cage drivers. Just keep saying that...

I mean this isn't some stupid 3rd world country, drive like a German, dang it...

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Hm, my most interesting jackass cager story happened about two weeks after I started riding...

I was riding west on 125 through Bethel when I noticed a chick in an F-250 with a trailer full of livestock feed stop at the end of the stores driveway. Soon as I got about three car lengths from her she decides a good idea to go ahead and pull out without even looking!! By the time she lifts her head up from what ever she was looking at in her lap the truck was already 3/4 in my lane and she slams on her breaks..

Seeing the error in her actions, she then proceeds to throw the truck in reverse and attempt to get out of the road as quickly as possible. She then PLOWS the trailer into a pretty new looking cadillac right behind her :lol:

The speed limit was only 25mph or something like that so I had plenty of time to slow, evade, and pull over and laugh.

Good Times

Edited by Squidy
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I saw a lady yesterday going ~62 on the highway, swerving back and forth in her lane. I pass her because i want nothing to do with whatever accident she is going to cause, I get up next to her and glance over... she is CLIPPING COUPONS! :nono:

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