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Is May Cagers drive like Morons month???


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I saw a lady yesterday going ~62 on the highway, swerving back and forth in her lane. I pass her because i want nothing to do with whatever accident she is going to cause, I get up next to her and glance over... she is CLIPPING COUPONS! :nono:

prolly sipping coffee, drivin with one knee, and putting on makeup.....

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I forgot to tell you guys about how much I love my air horn.... I was cruising up 315n and around lane ave, this idiot driving a BMW 325i convertable (love the car) is drinking coffee with one hand, texting with the other on the wheel, and not paying any attention to me in the lane next to him when he starts to come over.... well I lay on the horn, scared the shit outta him cause I was literally able to reach out with my foot and touch the car door, he was that close... he drops the phone on the floor spills the coffee on himself, and grabs the wheel and goes the other way .... funny as hell.... I just gunned it and watched him in the mirrors cuss himself while he pulled over..... I love my air horn....

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I forgot to tell you guys about how much I love my air horn.... I was cruising up 315n and around lane ave, this idiot driving a BMW 325i convertable (love the car) is drinking coffee with one hand, texting with the other on the wheel, and not paying any attention to me in the lane next to him when he starts to come over.... well I lay on the horn, scared the shit outta him cause I was literally able to reach out with my foot and touch the car door, he was that close... he drops the phone on the floor spills the coffee on himself, and grabs the wheel and goes the other way .... funny as hell.... I just gunned it and watched him in the mirrors cuss himself while he pulled over..... I love my air horn....

Is you air horn hooked up to your horn button?

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I was right by an exit so I called in his plates.

You know that doesn't do anything right? unless there was an accident involved or something, wreckless driving has to be witnessed by a cop. Anyone can call a random license plate in. Cops don't punish people because someone called and said they did wrong while driving. They just take your call and forget about it once you hang up.

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You know that doesn't do anything right? unless there was an accident involved or something, wreckless driving has to be witnessed by a cop. Anyone can call a random license plate in. Cops don't punish people because someone called and said they did wrong while driving. They just take your call and forget about it once you hang up.

It did make me feel better, but dang it I know your right. :mad:

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You know that doesn't do anything right? unless there was an accident involved or something, wreckless driving has to be witnessed by a cop. Anyone can call a random license plate in. Cops don't punish people because someone called and said they did wrong while driving. They just take your call and forget about it once you hang up.

1800 grab dui

even if they aren't drunk, it gets them more leo attention.:cool:

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You know that doesn't do anything right? unless there was an accident involved or something, wreckless driving has to be witnessed by a cop. Anyone can call a random license plate in. Cops don't punish people because someone called and said they did wrong while driving. They just take your call and forget about it once you hang up.

Yup, but they used to make a courtesy call, or visit, to talk about it. If several calls came in on one vehicle. Or even one call about something serious. They also used to come out to the house and politely ask you to pay your traffic tickets, if you hadn't done so. Those days are gone. It's sort of a small town mentality that has vanished.

You can still call in a drunk driver, and get a fast response if a cruiser is available to intercept. Works best with Highway Patrol or Sheriffs or suburbs. And works best if you call the direct number at their station, not 911.

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Luckily, on my CBR 1000, nothing really major has happened to me except speeding tickets. Now when I started riding, I had some hillbilly fuckwit pull out in front of me at an intersection, causing me to lock up my tires for a spell, which almost made me go down. I thought that was going to be the time when I was going to wreck, but I didn't. Road rage is very difficult to control somtimes. The guy that almost caused me to wreck would have been on a cold table if I decided to turn around and get him but I just took off instead. A wise decision in hindsight, which is always 20/20...

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I know May is Ohio Motorcycle awareness month, is May Cagers drive like MORONS month??? On sunday while ridin to moms in Dayton, some chick in her suv passes me in the right lane doin 90+ and flicks her cigerette butt out & hits me in the chest & today a frickin tow truck pulls out in front of me on Westerville rd while I'm doing the posted speed limit of 45. I hit the brakes & horn and luckily he pulls in the empty left turn lane so I don't hit him...and the Douche Bag has the nerve to flip me off. Whats up with that??????? Damn CAGERS!!!!!!!!! Just venting!!!! Any similar experiences lately???

Are you high, or are you one of those that only rides 200mi a year?? LOL These idiots are everywhere, all year long... I DO feel your need to vent, but I keep running out of ammo since I can only carry so much in a backpack... :)

And road rage is fine on the bike... just so long as you remember that you will LOSE EVERY TIME to the cages if you piss one off enough. I will buzz an asshole and fly them the bird, but keep in mind that if they swerve, or decide to run you down at the next light you had better be on your toes... It is far from recommended, but it is mostly your own life you risk, provided you aren't carrying passengers. Personally, I won't make an ass of myself and fly birdies around unless I know I can get away from the cager in question with ease. Too easy for them to take out a bike either by choice or accident.

And I have found that I can draw and aim a pistol on a bike, or make emergency maneuvers, but not both... Choices, choices....

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I think the biggest problem now is just drivers who drive to slow!. 5 0 Is always harrasing those who drive to fast. It s the slow ones who can cause an accident.

eg. your going the speed limit in the middle lane and their are two speeders on the right and left lanes. you have to switch a lane , by switching that lane you put yourself at risk of getting hit by a speeder because grandma is on the freeway doing 45 in a 65

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I know May is Ohio Motorcycle awareness month, is May Cagers drive like MORONS month??? On sunday while ridin to moms in Dayton, some chick in her suv passes me in the right lane doin 90+ and flicks her cigerette butt out & hits me in the chest & today a frickin tow truck pulls out in front of me on Westerville rd while I'm doing the posted speed limit of 45. I hit the brakes & horn and luckily he pulls in the empty left turn lane so I don't hit him...and the Douche Bag has the nerve to flip me off. Whats up with that??????? Damn CAGERS!!!!!!!!! Just venting!!!! Any similar experiences lately???

How about jogger idiot month? In March, just after I started riding again after 25 years away, I'm coming down a suburban street @ 25 and I can see this kid approaching from a side street. iPod on and not paying attention. I just slowed to see how it played out and the kid finally saw me when he was in the middle of the street.

Then the punk stutter steps around almost trips over his own feet and nearly falls dowri right in front of me! He recovers and smiles at me and runs off. Good thing nothing was coming the other way 'cause he never looked that direction either.

Just convinces me that Darwin was definitely on to something.

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Just had two girls turn left in front of me to get into the airport. I was in the Jeep though. Dead square in front of me, but I was expecting something stupid. The approaching lanes to my left were all open, I had an out. ABS brakes are nice, I have to admit. Missed them by about 10 feet, dead ahead. To make it worse, she shot between two cars in the right lane also. Guess somebody was late for a plane, huh? Let's see, odds of being dead when trying not to be late... not good odds, when driving like that.

People like that you often read about a few days later, in the news. Not good news.

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Just convinces me that Darwin was definitely on to something.

The evolutionary process is painfully slow for my taste.... Especially when we keep spending time, money and energy to help keep the dumbest people alive and save.

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Just wanted to say it's not only in Ohio, it's all over the place. Just returned from trip to Buffalo to see Niagara Falls and saw several incidents that just made me shake my head in the 800 miles we rode. Saw a Jeep Liberty actually go offroading at about 70mph to avoid hitting our lead bike as she was....doing her make up....Honda Civic that saw the 8 "Left lane closed ahead" signs prior to running up on us and sharing the lane with me....the PA Highway patrol man who rode my ass for 3 miles as we were going around a wreck at 50.....it's all over and I've just come to the conclusion that eery time i hop on bike I have to make sure that I'm well aware of every thing.

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