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stepped up my helmet game


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slick, i have an icon and the damn thing whistles from the wind sometimes :nono: how does the fit, ventilation, and price compare? I haven't done a lot of shopping for helmets since my original purchase, but i've been thinking about an upgrade too

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This is #3 on my list of favorite helmets and I am jealous that you have it! But congrats, that thing is gorgeous and yeah I am never going to buy a cheap helmet again either. I used to race with a crappy $100 helmet then I bought an arai and I am never going back to the cheap side. the extra $500 is worth it!!!

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I still have a cheap helmet. I wish I could afford a better one, I just want more toys instead of a new helmet.

BTW panera's wireless blows for trying to look at pictures!! :( Shit is slaooowww

VERY PRETTY helmet!! :jealous:

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slick, i have an icon and the damn thing whistles from the wind sometimes :nono: how does the fit, ventilation, and price compare? I haven't done a lot of shopping for helmets since my original purchase, but i've been thinking about an upgrade too

There really is no comparison.

I've got an X11 Vermeulen coming from an icon mainframe...

Fit is so much better, it feels like a giant fan in my helmet, and price was about $450 more than the icon.



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There really is no comparison.

I've got an X11 Vermeulen coming from an icon mainframe...

Fit is so much better, it feels like a giant fan in my helmet, and price was about $450 more than the icon.

what he said..

the shoei is a ton lighter, ventilates a hell of alot better, and is alot quieter as well.

there really is no comparison at all.

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Very nice! I have a retired Norick in my garage lined up with my other retired Shoeis. Loved them. Still do, but went with an Arai Quantum2 on the last purchase after spending a year under a Scorpion. Spoiled myself with the Arai, but having worn them for years, I think the Shoei is just as good. Congrats on the new lid!

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