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Journalist Mike Guy underwent waterboarding by a trained member of the U.S. military in the site's new Lab Rat feature. Mike Guy bet that he could endure 15 seconds of the interrogation technique used by the Bush administration on al Qaeda chief Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah.

The Video is 4 mins long.


Water boarding is not Torture. It is invoking an exiting fear.

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lol thats not even true Waterboarding .... a handfull of journalists have wussed out in last couple weeks .

yeah ive seen videos where they actually dunk you under water, pull you back up, pour water over your face, wait, repeat

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lol thats not even true Waterboarding .... a handfull of journalists have wussed out in last couple weeks .

doesnt seem scary to me..im gonna give it shot this weekend with some friends..make some bets to see who take it the longest

what is true waterboarding then

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yeah ive seen videos where they actually dunk you under water, pull you back up, pour water over your face, wait, repeat

ya real Waterboarding they let you up for air but smother intake with fresh water.

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Yeah the idiot did't under go real water boarding which is much more intense and simulates the feeling of drowning. Also he went in knowing he wouldn't actually ever be harmed which takes away from it even more. This guy was treated like he was on a date and was getting a makeover.

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I was tied with my back to a tree. The leg of an old school rain gear pant over my head and tight around my neck. Then a five gallon water can was used to fill it up. Then comes a nice jab to the solar plexus and out comes all that air and in comes water and death panic. Who said initiations weren't fun.

But after you go through something like that it just makes strangling hookers alot more fun. I kid. I kid. :D

Edited by jagr
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What happens behind closed doors to people who would do the same thing or worse if they had the chance is fine with me. The people that are getting this treatment are the same people who behead and torture in ways that most of us couldn't fathom. War and the art of war is an ugly thing and some times ugly things have to happen in order to prevent worse things from happening. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Who the hell am I to know. I have never had my life at the risk or known of the risk that would demand this type of action. It is a reality that many of us don't know the realism about and wouldn't truly understand until we had to deal with it directly. Kind of like loosing a child. Which I have dealt with myself and have had many people say what they would do and how they would feel. But you just don't know until the decision is right in front of you. Sure it's two completely different things but I think you should get my point. Unless you have all the facts in front of you you can't make a educated decision that is going to get anyone anywhere. Assumptions are a waste of time and we all assume we know all the facts. Typical know it all bullshit. I hear it every day from people who run on emotions and hearsay on all different types of situations. "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, But didn't!"

Personally I am for waterboarding. Say what you want! I also don't think I would ever need to find out how bad it may or may not be. I am in no way planning or doing anything I believe would deserve such treatment. If I was then I should expect it ,reason being I am pro capital punishment and believe in do unto others.

It it was up to me I would just slowly electrocute them. Something make me think this would be the most effective.:rolleyes:

What gets me is this whole rules of war B.S. It's kill or be killed!

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so they torture, we torture... whats the difference between us then? i thought we were supposed to be better than that, and not have to stoop to their level?

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so they torture, we torture... whats the difference between us then? i thought we were supposed to be better than that, and not have to stoop to their level?

^^^^ Hey look an Obama supporter..

I support whatever means necessary to preserve our way of life.

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no don't drown them, give them to a few Pissed off prior service Marines to kill their boredom. people wanna hug and kiss our enemy, f those puffing bastards. i wanna send em to hell to their 77 pissed off back woods Virginians.

when they decided to F with us in the First place , they should have thought out the fact we WILL take a logical land for tactical reasons in the middle east . and all start saying .... as we walk through the shadow of the valley of death we fear no evil for we are the baddest mother fuckers in the valley. religion on....GET SOME

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so they torture, we torture... whats the difference between us then? i thought we were supposed to be better than that, and not have to stoop to their level?

You should read up on the Vietnam war and what they were doing to us. They were playing dirty, but the media was there to make sure we were playing by the books. They didn't cover what the Vietkongs were doing to us. When they are setting dirty traps for our troops left and right, what do you do? How many thousands of people have to die before we decide that we need to change our approach on things?

That's another thing... We are so damn worried about being the better person, that we lose track of what we are doing. If we see someone with a gun, instead of shooting, we have to get shot before we can shoot at them.

In the states, if a LEO sees someone with a guy (out of the holster and in someone's hand) he legally has the right to stop that threat. In the military arena, if someone has a guy and is holding it, you cannot shoot. Even if he shoots at you you cannot shoot back. (Reference the pirate hijacking) Politics and "being the better man."

Like I said before, at what point do we have to stop being the better guy and start taking care of business?

The difference between waterboarding and tortue is kind of like the difference between using a taser vs an ASP. After the guy has been tased, there is no damage to him, other than where the probes went in. As with using an ASP, there is going to be some serious damage afterwards. Both are on the same scale on the use of force continium.

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so they torture, we torture... whats the difference between us then? i thought we were supposed to be better than that, and not have to stoop to their level?

we weren't always the ones taking the high road...

revolutionary war, the british soldiers were wearing bright red, and marching in formation beating their drums and playing their flutes, and americans ambushed them guerilla style...

you can't have 1 side playing by different rules than another side or there will be a severe disadvantage.

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take the press out of it , take our civilians out of it. give a weekly news reel . let us win the war. as long as people are involved with ohhhh the enemy is hurting or ohhhh were sending our boys to fight (THEY VOLUNTEER ) we cant win with reduced numbers , go back to pre Vietnam . wanna see why its just walk a mile in a Military Mans shoes that is defending his people from future harm. and can not collect any good info without exstreem tactics acording to everyone .. hell id rather be waterboarded than beheaded,burnt, or dismembered.

wake up people WAR IS HELL , not a video game or trip to the supermarket .

im staying off the topic though . last post on it. i have hard enough time as it is not ending up in the joint over the modern day tokyo rose's.

^^^^^ LOL guerilla style is WAR.what do you think USMC teaches

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When they stop trying to use their fundamentalist agenda to infect the world with a bastardized version of an otherwise peaceful religion, then we will stop filling their noses with water when we catch them. Sympathy for the enemy is tanatamout to surrender.

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