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Old Ohio Riders Red Bull Indianapolis GP Thread


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Guest MotoGP Tix

4 days till 12-1 = 130 tix from then on out.

And selling all left over tix, pushing reservations further down and potentially off the list...

You must buy your reserved ticket BEFORE you are pushed down, and off the list..

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4 days till 12-1 = 130 tix from then on out.

And selling all left over tix, pushing reservations further done and potentially off the list...

You must buy your reserved ticket BEFORE you are pushed down, and off the list..

Cracka! Don't push me off the list! Just messing. Work is finally starting to slow down. I had 75 hours of OVERTIME last week. Yeah, that's 115 hours total. Fucking sucked ass, but Christmas is going to be rocking. Anyways, we'll be sending you the money tonight.


Oh, and Carie says its 2.5 days till 12/1.

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I had 75 hours of OVERTIME last week. Yeah, that's 115 hours total.

i sure hope you don't work on a salery. Does this mean you are buying all members an x-mas present this year?

my money will be in the mail by the end of the week sonny.

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So you were working 16.5 hour days Mon-Sunday? WTF was that important.

Actually, it was more like:

Monday- 11hrs

Tuesday- 14hrs

Wednesday- 15hrs

Thursday- 24hrs

Friday- 18hrs

Saturday- 18hrs

Sunday- 15hrs

ERP migration and database upgrade. Had to get it done while campus was closed for Thanksgiving break. Fun stuff.

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Guest MotoGP Tix

No changes this week.. ( pay pal from satanx 4 said to be on its way )

ALL time are now 130 each... I have fronted for these tix and need them to be paid...

Also as new orders come in, names start to bump to the bottom of the list...

DONT be left out... I need to wrap up the pre - sales thank you

YOU STILL OWN A TICKET , until you are pushed down and off the list..

If I cant sell your ticket NO MATTER what you must pay.. You ordered a ticket and I have paid for it..

Thanks all for the recent pays

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Guest MotoGP Tix

4 Toledo Pays this week..

Waiting on werd from our treasurer that the money from Satan has been sent Pay Pal...

If he gets it that would put Ohio Riders down to just one to pay, and a few expressing interst in adding tix to the order...

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Guest MotoGP Tix

Here is the FULL and complete abd ONLY list I am going by.. If it is incorrect, please post up..


r6allstar x 2


APCh8r x 3

Top Gun x 1

Speed x 6

renegadmonk x 2

Satan and CbrGirl x 2

BornSinner and Queen Bee x 2

Tix are now 130 bux , and being sold... Pushing people down and off the list if I sell all of the remaining tix... If you are on the list you OWN a ticket until you are pushed off... If you do not get pushed off, YOU STILL MUST PAY, you reserved a ticket and it has been paid for by me.

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Guest MotoGP Tix

Just Added :

Chrome x 2 tix.. Congrats and thanks for the quick pay !


r6allstar x 2


APCh8r x 3

Top Gun x 1

Speed x 6

renegadmonk x 2

Satan and CbrGirl x 2

BornSinner and Queen Bee x 2

Chrome x 2

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Guest MotoGP Tix

Holy crap are we going to tear down INDY or what !!

Sonny x 2

Craig x 1

Craig Kid x 1

Stupes x 1

Ryan x 2

Riz x 2

Nicky 66 x 3

Felon3 x 2

Endo x 1

Iceman x 1

Komi x 2

Sowers x 2

Moby x 2

Bagger x 5

Papa Z x 1

SoloWerks x 1

Old School Vette x 1

Toga Timmy x 4

Rowd Racer x 1

Mateo x 2

Gaybe x 1

Kat x 1

Friend of PAPA Z x 1

Gruss x 3

43 total

---------------------------------------------- Below is OHIO riders reservations

Satan and CbrGirl x 2

BornSinner and Queen Bee x 2

renegadmonk x 2

APCh8r x 3

r6allstar x 2

Top Gun x 1

Speed x 6

Chrome x 2

20 total

---------------------------------------------- 63 Total

63 confirmed orders, 1 IOU from Ohio Riders still , 3 from TSBR

Several orders on the way as well !!


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Eww, sorry guys. I have been super busy with work... not quite as bad as Satan but close.. things should die down now and I will send the check out this week. Sorry for being the one lone IOU for the site.

You're fired.

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