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To the police officers on the site


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Sorry didnt know you needed some kind of seniority to post on here... I'll calm down I aplogize to everyone if I've offended any of you. It just really bugs me when I hear a cop act like their above the law. :violin:

Oh, that's okay Jack. We know that you get lonely being stuck in home detention. Better watch out though, words like you posted before might make it to your parole office. They then have to take away your Television, Telephone and internet. Wouldn't want that now would we. Must get awfully lonely being stuck at home all day wishing you could go to the school park.

Make sure you hide all that kiddy porn on your PC before your PO's next visit.

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Oh, that's okay Jack. We know that you get lonely being stuck in home detention. Better watch out though, words like you posted before might make it to your parole office. They then have to take away your Television, Telephone and internet. Wouldn't want that now would we. Must get awfully lonely being stuck at home all day wishing you could go to the school park.

Make sure you hide all that kiddy porn on your PC before your PO's next visit.

man even when people try to make ammends they get trolled ... i was joking on the just ride on post ... but that is messed up. hopefully if im even pulled over in your area , i figure out its you from some miracle . and fuck up your day as i get away.

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Oh, that's okay Jack. We know that you get lonely being stuck in home detention. Better watch out though, words like you posted before might make it to your parole office. They then have to take away your Television, Telephone and internet. Wouldn't want that now would we. Must get awfully lonely being stuck at home all day wishing you could go to the school park.

Make sure you hide all that kiddy porn on your PC before your PO's next visit.

Couldn't let it slide huh? Way to go, you are now on his level.

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Couldn't let it slide huh? Way to go, you are now on his level.

Nope, he drew first blood. He hates cops. Wants me to leave the site just because of that. F him.

Don't attack me and tell me that you hate me, then expect me to be all peaches-n-cream.

I still have much farther down to go in order to reach his level. He looks up at pond scum.

For any of you other cop haters.......I could be the very next cop that you meet. Think about that a little.

And for Max.....I changed my sig, is that better? It's meant to be funny.

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Nope, he drew first blood. He hates cops. Wants me to leave the site just because of that. F him.

Don't attack me and tell me that you hate me, then expect me to be all peaches-n-cream.

I still have much farther down to go in order to reach his level. He looks up at pond scum.

For any of you other cop haters.......I could be the very next cop that you meet. Think about that a little.

And for Max.....I changed my sig, is that better? It's meant to be funny.

yeah you show them cop haters!

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Most laws are in place for the reason of protecting the public. You argue that speeding laws do not protect the public? Most traffic crashes are due to excessive speed of the offender.

bullshit man. speeding is not a primary cause of accidents. its speeding AND talking on the cell phone or speeding AND fucking about with the radio speeding AND not looking where you're going/unsafe lane change etc. its a contributing factor, but its not a primary cause.

That is why speed limit laws are in place....not as you obviously believe to generate revenue.

"safety" may be why the law "exists" but everyone can see the limits are kept artificially low. and THATS where the revenue comes into play.

if the law is about safety, then why do cops hide to set up speed traps? wouldnt they make more people slow down and be safer by setting up in a spot where they are in plain view and can be seen from miles away as opposed to behind a barrier where you cant see them until you are on top of them?

besides, you arent really around to keep me safe. you are around to collect evidence for the prosecutor.

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bullshit man. speeding is not a primary cause of accidents. its speeding AND talking on the cell phone or speeding AND fucking about with the radio speeding AND not looking where you're going/unsafe lane change etc. its a contributing factor, but its not a primary cause.

"safety" may be why the law "exists" but everyone can see the limits are kept artificially low. and THATS where the revenue comes into play.

if the law is about safety, then why do cops hide to set up speed traps? wouldnt they make more people slow down and be safer by setting up in a spot where they are in plain view and can be seen from miles away?

your a day late John but as always pretty darn correct. He is going to make up some shit now about speeding. Then you can get some stats from germany and their lack of speed limits and some other data about the initial design of highways and what speed they were engineered to be traveled on. Then you can talk about how vehicles have evolved over the last 30 years and handle much better and are safer but he will still be narrow minded and pretend like he makes a difference.

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wouldnt they make more people slow down and be safer by setting up in a spot where they are in plain view and can be seen from miles away as opposed to behind a barrier where you cant see them until you are on top of them?


a PERFECT point

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If a burglar knows that you are home, he won't break into your house. If he thinks everyone is gone, he'll try.

Same with speeding. If you see a cop sitting on the side of the road, you slow down. Then once he's out of site, you speed up to whatever you want. The threat of having a cop sitting in a location that you aren't prepared for is a deterrent to speeding. If all of a sudden Barney is right behind you with his happy little lights on, it's too late.

I don't say that it's right to hide the cruiser behind bushes or signs or such, but sitting along side the road with my lights off, having reflective markings all over the car is not hiding.

You people need to grow up. If you don't want tickets....follow the law. Don't do so and risk making your insurance go up, money being taken from your wallet that you could buy some nice new trinket for you bike with or possibly losing your license.

Everybody hates cops until they need one. Talk about a thankless job. Well thank you all for opening my eyes to what bikers REALLY think about us boys in blue. It'll be remembered next time I have to deal with a SQUID rolling down the road at 50 in a 25.

To all my brothers in blue in here, Stay Safe and good luck with this crowd. I'm out. I've got better things to do than to listen to drivel from young punk kids who don't have any respect for themselves, let alone the law.

And don't deny it, if you had respect for yourselves, you'd drive that machine in a safe manner, following the law. I got one of you asses negative rep me with "I did 170 on 270 yesterday". I really don't care. You know what we call people like that in this business? Organ donors. Just make sure that you have positive ID on your body so we can notify next of kin.

What you put out there comes back at you. No wonder so many of you have difficulties with law enforcement. You act like an ass, then it's the cops fault for you getting pulled over. Bullshit. Your act is the reason you got pulled over.....not the cop being a dick.

Well enjoy. You can talk about me now. Mods, please deactivate this account.....I won't be using it any more.

Oh, and by the way, while I tried to be polite and answer questions honestly here, I can see that you don't want honesty. You want someone to take out your rage on.

I'm not the one. You in your infinite wisdom have shown me the light. I will no longer be lenient with bikers.....because I can see that you stereotype all of us anyway. Remember your words the next time you get pulled over.....and it will happen. Remember them, and think to yourself.....is that VMX. You'll never know. I hear that towing a bike is kind of cool to watch. Hope your plastics makes it.

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