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June 4th QS&L-Shefftucky


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Apparently one of Udell's best friend and riding buddy (I kid, I kid.) likes to challenge people to highway runs for $300.

A few of us were standing around BSing when this guy comes up to us and asks "Whose bike is this?" The bike is a guys I ride with who just happens to have nitrous on a 2006 GSXR1000, the bike has a pipe and a power commander on it also. GSXROwner tells him that it is his, and then the guy asks him if he wants to run him down 90 from 254 to 83 for $300. GSXROwner declines the offer because he is currently laid off and can't afford to risk $300. Jinx steps in and says that he will run him using GSXROwners bike because he felt he could afford to lose the money. The guy asks us if we knew what he was riding and that we should come check it out before we committed to anything. We go over to check out this fancy busa with straight Brocks pipes on it but no power adders. We go back over to the 1000 so he can hear it run. Blaa, blaa, blaa Jinx won't use the nitrous, well maybe I'll run you then he says. At this point he really starts to back pedal. It gets down to just a run for no money, no nitrous but it looks like he is going to back out completely. I chime in "He wasn't going to try to out bike you he was going to out ride you." This doesn't set too well with him; in fact it kind of pissed him off. So now it's on.

I am going to follow to be a witness. We leave QSL to head for the highway following the busa; he rides right by the entrance ramp, WTF. He pulls into the gas station just past it to get gas, okay maybe it's still on. He goes in to pay for his gas but when he comes back out he wants Jinx to purge the nitrous system to insure it was empty and not going to be used. Okay, no big deal we pull the bottles off and put them in my bags with the baby. He is to lead and Jinx will react. Off to the highway we go.

Down the entrance ramp we go, out into the passing lane, clear traffic for quite some distance, busa hits it, Jinx hits it and I'm trying to stay with them but they are pulling me. If any of you know this section of 90 it has two sweepers and a kink between the sweepers. We really don't start moving until the middle of the first sweeper so they pull me all the way to the kink. Busa boy checks up for the second sweeper, Jinx checks up with him just playing around with the guy. I buzz both of them with my 600; hey the run was to 83 not to where you thought it was too fast to go through the sweeper. Jinx decides that he isn't going to let a 600 beat him so he hunts me down and kills me before we get to 83. First run busa boy last. The light at the top of the exit ramp is green so we turn left to make the return run back to QSL. The light for the entrance ramp is red so I move over and let the busa up front.

Through the first turn on the ramp, busa and Jinx side by side, on the straight before the second ramp turn busa takes off, Jinx responds and is pulling away, I pass busa boy in the second ramp turn, get out on the highway before him and am waiting for him to come around me. Jinx is gone but this guy doesn't come around me. Okay first sweeper he'll come around when the road straightens out, nope, where did Jinx go I can't see him, kink, cool maybe this will slow him down some and he still isn't by me. Second sweeper coming up, shit here he comes he's going to eat me now, I see him now, damn he's on my ass, Jinx is still so far ahead that I can't see him. Watch the road if he goes around, he goes around, you’re only riding a 600 with bags and a baby waving to everyone no shame in a busa beating you on a highway run. I come out of the sweeper and he is sooo far back that there is no way he can catch me by the time we get to the exit ramp. I see Jinx up on the ramp now; I guess he slowed down to wait for us. I beat the guy to the ramp, are you kidding me, no way is he going to come back in the parking lot behind us. No shit this dumb fucker is coming in behind us, wow, I don't think I could have done it after talking so much shit and letting a 600 smoke you.

He parks and walks over to us like nothing even happened and said something about how his stretched bike wouldn't turn and how he was afraid of running up on a semi blaa, blaa, blaaa.

I asked him if he saw the baby waving to him. I don't think he likes me too much. We are definitely not going to be best friends.

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Apparently one of Udell's best friend and riding buddy (I kid, I kid.) likes to challenge people to highway runs for $300.

A few of us were standing around BSing when this guy comes up to us and asks "Whose bike is this?" The bike is a guys I ride with who just happens to have nitrous on a 2006 GSXR1000, the bike has a pipe and a power commander on it also. GSXROwner tells him that it is his, and then the guy asks him if he wants to run him down 90 from 254 to 83 for $300. GSXROwner declines the offer because he is currently laid off and can't afford to risk $300. Jinx steps in and says that he will run him using GSXROwners bike because he felt he could afford to lose the money. The guy asks us if we knew what he was riding and that we should come check it out before we committed to anything. We go over to check out this fancy busa with straight Brocks pipes on it but no power adders. We go back over to the 1000 so he can hear it run. Blaa, blaa, blaa Jinx won't use the nitrous, well maybe I'll run you then he says. At this point he really starts to back pedal. It gets down to just a run for no money, no nitrous but it looks like he is going to back out completely. I chime in "He wasn't going to try to out bike you he was going to out ride you." This doesn't set too well with him; in fact it kind of pissed him off. So now it's on.

I am going to follow to be a witness. We leave QSL to head for the highway following the busa; he rides right by the entrance ramp, WTF. He pulls into the gas station just past it to get gas, okay maybe it's still on. He goes in to pay for his gas but when he comes back out he wants Jinx to purge the nitrous system to insure it was empty and not going to be used. Okay, no big deal we pull the bottles off and put them in my bags with the baby. He is to lead and Jinx will react. Off to the highway we go.

Down the entrance ramp we go, out into the passing lane, clear traffic for quite some distance, busa hits it, Jinx hits it and I'm trying to stay with them but they are pulling me. If any of you know this section of 90 it has two sweepers and a kink between the sweepers. We really don't start moving until the middle of the first sweeper so they pull me all the way to the kink. Busa boy checks up for the second sweeper, Jinx checks up with him just playing around with the guy. I buzz both of them with my 600; hey the run was to 83 not to where you thought it was too fast to go through the sweeper. Jinx decides that he isn't going to let a 600 beat him so he hunts me down and kills me before we get to 83. First run busa boy last. The light at the top of the exit ramp is green so we turn left to make the return run back to QSL. The light for the entrance ramp is red so I move over and let the busa up front.

Through the first turn on the ramp, busa and Jinx side by side, on the straight before the second ramp turn busa takes off, Jinx responds and is pulling away, I pass busa boy in the second ramp turn, get out on the highway before him and am waiting for him to come around me. Jinx is gone but this guy doesn't come around me. Okay first sweeper he'll come around when the road straightens out, nope, where did Jinx go I can't see him, kink, cool maybe this will slow him down some and he still isn't by me. Second sweeper coming up, shit here he comes he's going to eat me now, I see him now, damn he's on my ass, Jinx is still so far ahead that I can't see him. Watch the road if he goes around, he goes around, you’re only riding a 600 with bags and a baby waving to everyone no shame in a busa beating you on a highway run. I come out of the sweeper and he is sooo far back that there is no way he can catch me by the time we get to the exit ramp. I see Jinx up on the ramp now; I guess he slowed down to wait for us. I beat the guy to the ramp, are you kidding me, no way is he going to come back in the parking lot behind us. No shit this dumb fucker is coming in behind us, wow, I don't think I could have done it after talking so much shit and letting a 600 smoke you.

He parks and walks over to us like nothing even happened and said something about how his stretched bike wouldn't turn and how he was afraid of running up on a semi blaa, blaa, blaaa.

I asked him if he saw the baby waving to him. I don't think he likes me too much. We are definitely not going to be best friends.

That baby is effin hilarious!!!

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Yeah..that guy has some issues all right. He bought that Busa from someone else, and he thinks it's god's gift to two wheels. Tod, the dude doesn't even have a LICENSE, let alone tags!!! Unreal. OMG I wish I was there..that would have been on for the memory book.

It's the weekend people!!!!!! We gotta get together for a ride somewhere!

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Yea, we found out he didn't have a license at the excuse session after the run. You need to talk to the dumbass though, he says he knows and rides with you. Then he tells us after I told him Jinx was planning to out ride him that just because we ride with you doesn't mean Jinx was going to be able to out ride him. There are a whole lot of other stupid things this guy said that you just had to be there to appreciate.

I did check my GPS for maximum speed it reads 142. The baby provides a lot of drag, so this was by no means a high speed endeavor.

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Trust me it wasn't due to skills on my part it was more due to lack of skills on busa boys part. Its five miles each direction and I never went over 142MPH. My bike is completely stock and my tail bags cause a lot of drag, that’s as fast as my bike goes. I'm willing to bet most everyone on here with a sport bike could have done it also. I was just supposed to witness the big bikes run. If Jinx hadn't driven a scooter up there GSXROwner and Jinx would have been so far gone I never would have been able to see who made it there first.

I just thought it was a funny story. Busa boy sought us out talking shit and got spanked.

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You need to talk to the dumbass though, he says he knows and rides with you. Then he tells us after I told him Jinx was planning to out ride him that just because we ride with you doesn't mean Jinx was going to be able to out ride him.

Well that sums it up. He's ridden with me twice..once down 90 to Crocker Park, and the other time way out past Oberlin. There isn't much out there, so if he thinks MY skill level is something to attain, then he needs to leave you and Jinx 'the fuck alone'. LOL. Jinx told me he was dropping my name...and now that I think about it, when I last saw him he mentioned Jinx..in a not so flattering way. He has a bone to pick with him for some reason. I didn't let on that I was close with Jinx...I wanted to see what he was going to say. He didn't elaborate...just kinda bashed Kennedy's in general. I haven't seen the Busa Bandit since then.

I don't get into dick measuring contests because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I don't have anything to prove. I don't get into who I ride faster than...etc. So maybe he felt because I ride down south with Jinx ...?!?! Who knows. I think he's a train wreck waiting to happen.I don't know if he had been drinking before hand....but the person who came over last night immediately after I hung up with you, said when she saw him at QSL he said he was 'fucked up'. Bad combination.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I kind of figured he didn't ride with you much and in no way did we think you were part of his regular riding buddies. I'm fairly certain we have ridden together more than you two. I never saw him drinking and he did not appear intoxicated to me at all. If he had appeared drunk this event never would have taken place. Jinx and I don't drink and that shit would not be tolerated.

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