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Iron Pony 6/12, 6/13...10pm-3am


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Hey everyone. A lot of us over on CR like to meet up on weekend nights. Pretty much we stand around in parking lots and BS all night, although ricers usually ruin our fun and get everyone kicked out of what ever lot we're in.

Well one of my buddies on CR got in contact with the owners of Iron Pony in an attempt to find somewhere we can go and hang out without getting kicked out for trouble we aren't starting. There are some rules though...

No Burnouts

No Drag Racing

NO Roll racing either

No Fighting

No Trash (there will be trash bags through out the lot)

No Pissing in the lot/on building behind bushes... there are porta-jons behind it

No Racing down surrounding streets, if there is, Police will close it

Pretty straight forward. Just use common sense and don't be a douche canoe, oh and no revving...

There will be a few of us walking around the lot to make sure people stay in line, and if you aren't you will be asked to leave. Remember we have permission from Iron Pony to be here, so we want to make a good impression...this is only a trial as of now.

My buddy on CR wanted me to post this up here cause well...Iron Pony isn't for cars haha, so we would really like to see some bikes out. I'll be out on a neon green/yellow R6 with a streetfighter headlight (my buddies), won't be easy to miss. I look forward to seeing some of you guys out there, hopefully I'll be able to put some names to faces. If anyone has any questions feel free to call me, my number is 614-314-7310, my name is Ryan. If I can't answer your questions I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can...

...Oh yeah, and this is obviously free! If you wanna bring any food just remember not to leave it laying around please! See you guys out there!!

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We use to do this stuff when I was 16-20. Got old after about an hour though, but we'd flirt with the ho's and set up some drag races out on this country road in Wilmington. Good times, but man there were lots of fights that normally split the gathering all up. Good 'ol 1994-1997. :cool:

Now..I think it's cheesey..:lol: Atleast for grown men.

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BigBird, I was just logging back on to let you know don't take my post personal, it's just my opinion man. I'm just bored at work and felt like responding. It's all good, do what you want to do.

Glad you didn't flip on me and took what I posted lightly. :cool:

Have fun and watch out for the shit talkers starting shit. Too much testasterone mixed with females around can turn nasty sometimes, ya know? :boxing:

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BigBird, I was just logging back on to let you know don't take my post personal, it's just my opinion man. I'm just bored at work and felt like responding. It's all good, do what you want to do.

Glad you didn't flip on me and took what I posted lightly. :cool:

Have fun and watch out for the shit talkers starting shit. Too much testasterone mixed with females around can turn nasty sometimes, ya know? :boxing:

Haha no worries man! I'm not new to forums, and CR makes you have pretty tough skin for internet flaming. I don't follow the whole internet is serious business way of thinking, I'm too laid back for all that. Just figured I would throw it out there for anyone from here that wants to come out!

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rep for the idea + followthrough but honestly I don't think there is anything more lame than standing around in a parking lot "talking" about riding or looking at bikes and shit. did that at taco bell for the past 2 years after bike nights at quaker (which is exactly the same shit) and it gets old real fast.

now if there is going to be some racing then I am dtf :cool:

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rep for the idea + followthrough but honestly I don't think there is anything more lame than standing around in a parking lot "talking" about riding or looking at bikes and shit. did that at taco bell for the past 2 years after bike nights at quaker (which is exactly the same shit) and it gets old real fast.

now if there is going to be some racing then I am dtf :cool:

We uhh...we...don't condone illegal racing of any kind...all that we ask is that you don't race on or on the streets around the Iron Pony property.....



Yeah...I think that's what I'm supposed to say hahahahaha ;)

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Apparently there was a miscommunication and the lot was just paved so we are not allowed to be on it. Idk if this is just tonight, or tomorrow as well. I'll post when I know more...awesome...lol.

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That sucks....I think it sorta sounds like fun, especially for new riders like me to meet some other folks. Sure, it sounds a little high school, but also a much better way to go then drinking and riding....to each his own....too bad it got called off for tonight

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I remember hanging out at Southgate in Heath in high school. It was lame, but better than getting into other trouble! There wasn't much else to do!

I don't think this is such a lame idea, get to meet up with other riders is always goodm right?

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We have a place here in Dayton in the OREGON district where bikers go and OMG you will get a kick out of all the stoplight to stoplight riders acting like they're so hardcore. I went 2x and I couldn't take it anymore.

The perfect hangout for me is one where people like to ride twisty roads, drag race, and go fast. That's my favorite type of people there. :cool::cheers:

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Ok well...this just turned into a giant cluster...well you know. Apparently one of the guys that helped organize it got word that the owners didn't want us there. Some people went over anyway to see what the deal was, see if they could talk to any security, police that might be there. Well everyone they talked to said it was fine. So idk what happened lol, I feel like I should probably just stop posting in the meets section. Anyway I got over there a little later, ended up being a couple dozen or so cars, and at the very end a few bikes. Most everyone behaved themselves, save for a few idiots that felt the need to squeel their tires as they were leaving/in the parking lot on the way out. I think we'll be back over again tomorrow night. If anyone wants to meet up and ride over, or just go for a ride tomorrow, let me know.

I need to work on the basics some more (only stalled once today! YESSSS). And on my random cruise on the way home I had my first real taste of what everyones talking about when they say cages just don't see bikers. It probably doesn't help that I was riding past 1am so the people were probably drunk. But luckily I was looking ahead and saw them before they started to pull out in front of me. They stopped before they pulled all the way out, and I just threw my arm up in a "what the hell were you thinking" kind of way. Resisted the urge to flip them off haha. But cruising around randomly on roads I know is slowly building my confidence. I'm starting to not brake so early...I've been been stopping ridiculously early, and then finding myself needing to speed up again to get to the redlight haha...

So yeah, sorry for the confusion! We're trying to get a meeting spot that is more organized set up. We're also trying to implement a way to filter out the jackasses so that they can't even come into the lot.

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That's unfortunately true. Hopefully the measures that are being planned will help eliminate this. I'm not going to say anything more now, because it seems every time I say something it falls through or doesn't go as planned hahaha...

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yup, I had one pull out in downtown morning traffic. He even hesitated in front of me when he saw me. I had plenty of stopping power, but he was pushing it. He got flipped off for that. What the deal is... Taking off from a red light like I did is nice, but it throws off the timing of sleepy people in the morning. I got there long before he estimated anyone would be there. I was relatively slow approaching him, I knew what was going to happen long before he did. His stopping in front of me, caused full binders for me. I had enough to stop nearly touching his door if I had to. And actually started to.

There has been gathering of bikes or cars late at night, in various places around C-bus, ever since bikes and cars were invented. It can be a lot of fun on a hot Summer night. You are right, good behavior is required, or it won't work.

edit: one more thing... your bike can stop faster than the car behind you. Don't test that theory in heavy traffic.

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yup, I had one pull out in downtown morning traffic. He even hesitated in front of me when he saw me. I was relatively slow approaching him, I knew what was going to happen long before he did.

edit: one more thing... your bike can stop faster than the car behind you. Don't test that theory in heavy traffic.

Like a deer in the headlights, they stop and look at the bike they pulled out in front of.

I never did get that part, why do they stop and block the entire lane instead of keep moving so hopefully they aren't there by the time you get there.

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Ive been luck so far, no one has done anything really stupid in front of me. Although I can see them creep forward just a bit and can tell they are contemplating if they would make it out before I do. There have only been a couple that have pulled out and couldnt reach speed fast enough before I was on their bumper. Havent had to make an emergency stop tho.....yet.

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I need to work on the basics some more (only stalled once today! YESSSS). And on my random cruise on the way home I had my first real taste of what everyones talking about when they say cages just don't see bikers. But cruising around randomly on roads I know is slowly building my confidence. I'm starting to not brake so early...I've been been stopping ridiculously early, and then finding myself needing to speed up again to get to the redlight haha...

Glad to see you are building confidence bird. consider taking the MSF course.

Alot of people say that it helped them immensely.

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Glad to see you are building confidence bird. consider taking the MSF course.

Alot of people say that it helped them immensely.

Completed it two weekends ago ;) it was awesome. I can't wait to take the second one and then eventually the ERC.

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I need to work on the basics some more (only stalled once today! YESSSS). And on my random cruise on the way home I had my first real taste of what everyones talking about when they say cages just don't see bikers. It probably doesn't help that I was riding past 1am so the people were probably drunk. But luckily I was looking ahead and saw them before they started to pull out in front of me. They stopped before they pulled all the way out, and I just threw my arm up in a "what the hell were you thinking" kind of way. Resisted the urge to flip them off haha. But cruising around randomly on roads I know is slowly building my confidence. I'm starting to not brake so early...I've been been stopping ridiculously early, and then finding myself needing to speed up again to get to the redlight haha...

I totally do that too!! Stopping way too early and having to speed up to get to the light!! :lol: Glad to know what works for other new riders!! I'm hoping to be back out tomorrow, my ankle feels way better, but my man doesn't think I should push it just yet...maybe he's right, but I am itching to get back on my bike!!

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