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No jacket.... am I being stupid?


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So I just finished the MSF but I have some questions... for the course we had to weat full gear.... but that meant long sleeves, not riding jacket (granted we only went a max 30)

I've taken to riding with a tshirt.. I know it's not ideal but I really like getting some sun, and I don't have a jacket that breathes well...

Any suggestions, comments, or yelling at me. Maybe I just need a good summer jacket.

Mesh is as cool as a t-shirt, and won't let you sunburn. A good mesh jacket will keep you from leaving your back, arms and stomach ground into the pavement.

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I don't rag on people who don't wear gear, however...

...You only need your gear and lid once.

Damn, that makes sense. Never heard anyone mention it like that. I guess that goes along with the old adage "better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it."

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Helmet is a must imo but I ride w/o the jacket and gloves from time to time. It's just a risk you assume just like the risk of riding.

Occassionaly ride without the jacket if I'm just running up the road but 98% of the time its on along with the gloves, 100% on the helmet.

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Dont worry about the jacket unless you plan on riding hard. I jacket wont be the difference between life and death it will just take away some of the pain of rash. Rash really isnt that bad and heals quickly. I always wear a helmet though. It can easily be the difference between life and death.

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Dont worry about the jacket unless you plan on riding hard. I jacket wont be the difference between life and death it will just take away some of the pain of rash. Rash really isnt that bad and heals quickly. I always wear a helmet though. It can easily be the difference between life and death.


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I think what people are trying to say, is that if you roll with your road rash, it isn't that bad. If you slide with your road rash, a huge chunk will be missing... The higher the speed, and the rougher the surface, the worse it will be...

So unless you have Kevlar skin, or incredible acrobatic talents, the risk of permanent disfigurement is always there when riding a motorcycle. Hands, elbows, knees and your butt, are road rash targets. Shoulders and sides of legs and arms are secondary targets.

Tie a package of hamburger to the back of your motorcycle to drag it down the road, and go for a ride. That's your body without gear.

Edited by ReconRat
edit duh
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Dont worry about the jacket unless you plan on riding hard. I jacket wont be the difference between life and death it will just take away some of the pain of rash. Rash really isnt that bad and heals quickly. I always wear a helmet though. It can easily be the difference between life and death.

Remember the thread on ADV when someone called this place a bunch of squids? This kind of post doesn't really help the defense.

Road rash, if you get a good enough bit of it, can kill you from the infection, leaves permanent scarring, can fuck up your skin to the point of complete lack of feeling, and the 3-hour bristle scrub in the ER will, without any doubt, be the most painful part of your get-off.

Wear a friggin jacket, or don't, but thinking it's not a big deal in the case of an accident is pretty fuggin stupid. Sorry.

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So RTVpilot how did the jacket save you from a shattered forearm does your jacket have titanium sleeves on it that won't bend in an accident? Maybe if you hadnt had these unflexible sleeves you might have not gotten in the wreck. Most leather jacket I have seen only have flexible armor at best in the arms that really don't protect from anything but road rash. Granted road rash is uncomfortable but it is usually mostly healed in 2 or 3 weeks. Howe ever sweating you ass off all summer sounds like alot more time than 2 or 3 weeks. I won't hold it against anybody who wears gear but also they shouldn't hold it against me for not wearing it.

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Howe ever sweating you ass off all summer sounds like alot more time than 2 or 3 weeks. I won't hold it against anybody who wears gear but also they shouldn't hold it against me for not wearing it.

I'm cooler in my jacket (vents open) then I am without it, it blocks ultraviolet radiation, and breathes very well...

mesh jackets are cooler still...

"comfort" shouldn't be an issue with gear, if it is, you need better gear...

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I'm cooler in my jacket (vents open) then I am without it, it blocks ultraviolet radiation, and breathes very well...

mesh jackets are cooler still...

"comfort" shouldn't be an issue with gear, if it is, you need better gear...

This! I'm much cooler with mesh on than in a cotton t-shirt. The sun hits the jacket, not my skin, the mesh allows as much airflow as...well, it's mesh so better than a t-shirt, with underarmor underneath I wick away sweat and the second I start rolling I feel cool.

Good gear is comfortable, it's as simple as that. And, even the best gear out there isn't as expensive as your ER bill will be.

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