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OHP Pulls Over Ambulance


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Lights, no lights, whatever...the ambulance appears to make an effort to move over after the cop DOES come flying up their ass. There really isn't any excuse for that cops actions...period. Most cops exercise a certain amount of level headedness, but this asshat needs to be carrying a newspaper bag instead of a gun and badge.

I love the very ending of the first video when a truck made a right hand turn into a drive the cock gobbler cop looks like he nearly misses hitting it.

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how does a cop gain precedence over an ambulance anyway? if a cop, an ambulance and a fire truck all pull up to the same intersection who gets to go? i dont really think one is "more important" than any of the other ones.

i did see where it said that the EMT didnt have his lights on... but still, if an ambulance can get in trouble for doing something without its lights on, someone should say something to the CPD that i saw FLYING down whittier at 2 am with no lights or sirens :rolleyes::

depends on the type of call, if it was a domestic/assault type call then the law enforcement officer would go first due to securing the area before medical personal arrives. but not in this case..

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for some reason this still pisses me off! The cop went looking for a fight! He got to his location and realized he didnt have any place there thent went after a sick person in an ambulance. WTF there is real crime to fight in other places.

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this kinda crap happens all the time. a cop threatened to arrest my sister after she told him to write up an accident report to an accident that he witnessed. he told her to get back in the car and she said she wasn't leaving till a report was written... so did he get in trouble for throwing a tantrum in the middle of the street? no...

Even if this police officer had 'another part of the story' that we didn't see, this kinda BS happens way too often. I mean, we're all here taking the side of the civilians for a reason... we haven't seen proper behavior from the police often enough to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Sorry Sam, if there was a patient en route there's no excuse. He did not at any point ask "Oh BTW, the person isn't having a heart attack are they?" This should have gone down at the hospital, end of story. I hope the officer gets charged with a felony and relieved of his badge.

Unless you are withholding evidence more compelling than the full uninterrupted video, then you're just blowing smoke bro. What's your agenda? :rolleyes:

Edited by V4junkie
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how does a cop gain precedence over an ambulance anyway? if a cop, an ambulance and a fire truck all pull up to the same intersection who gets to go? i dont really think one is "more important" than any of the other ones.

i did see where it said that the EMT didnt have his lights on... but still, if an ambulance can get in trouble for doing something without its lights on, someone should say something to the CPD that i saw FLYING down whittier at 2 am with no lights or sirens :rolleyes::

4 way stop, cop, ambulance, fire truck, postal truck = postal truck wins.....Federal trumps state/county/local

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Wow so after flying up around a corner the dickhead had to wait a whole 8 seconds to get around an ambulance, after the ambulance passed the vehicle pulling right. Even better the cop gets to where he's going and there's already another sheriff there and doesn't stay at the scene. Cop should be fired...

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the thing is that the ambulance was NOT running emergency, aka sirens/lights. The ambulance did not yield to the officer, which obviously the car in front of the ambulance did. the EMT did assault the officer, you can not gesture toward or actually make contact with an officer, which is what the EMT did. The officer may have gotten a little heated, but the EMT had an attitude with him.

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I'd like to see how you come to this reasoning... Feds do not trump local jurisdiction. The most powerful policing department in the state is the local sheriff. He has the authority to tell the Feds to fuck off any time he pleases.

not true, if the FBI wants to take over, they take over.

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the thing is that the ambulance was NOT running emergency, aka sirens/lights. The ambulance did not yield to the officer, which obviously the car in front of the ambulance did. the EMT did assault the officer, you can not gesture toward or actually make contact with an officer, which is what the EMT did. The officer may have gotten a little heated, but the EMT had an attitude with him.

EMT's don't always run sirens and lights in emergencies. It's obvious this amublance wasn't trying to set any land speed records and wasn't passing through an intersection that would have warranted them either.

As soon as the EMTs said they had a patient in the back the conversation should have been over. Nothing the EMT did warranted the officers response. It's not assault to gesture at or even touch an officer. Assault is defined by the intent, there's no way that EMT moved in a way that indicates he was trying to cause harm.

If anything that officer should be charged with a felony assault against the EMT who was medical services personel who was acting in the performance of his duties when the cop got out extremely aggressive, yelling and putting his finger in the EMTs face.

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I couldn't even bring myself to finish watching the video. WTF?? I thought that police, EMT's and Firefighters had a great level of respect for each other...this video depicts otherwise. Where the hell was the trooper going to anyway? Couldn't have been too important seeing as how he had plenty of time to pull over a damn ambulance on it's way to the hospital and be a prick to everyone involved. And where the hell did all those other people come from? I'm not sure that I completely believe this is even true...if it is, I agree, that trooper should be fired and thrown into some anger management classes. WOW

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EMT's don't always run sirens and lights in emergencies. medical services personel who was acting in the performance of his duties when the cop got out extremely aggressive, yelling and putting his finger in the EMTs face.

they said on the news that the lady in the back was having breathing/heart troubles and the driver though that the noise of the siren would exacerbate her condition.

IMO the lights are a moot point anyway. cops do shit ALL THE TIME with no lights on. why is it ok for them, but not for an ambulance?

professionalism went out the window with that guy. he could have EASILY followed them to the hospital and had a chat there.

as for being illegal to gesture to a cop... you cant legislate respect.

Edited by John
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