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Squid outbreak around Elyria

Uncle Punk

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I have seen a recent increase of squidly behavior in my neighborhood. Today I was driving down the road when a car turned left in front of me, (Plenty of room.) well there is this motorcycle right behind the car that then proceeds to ride a wheelie right past me once the car cleared the path in front of the motorcycle. The guy had a helmet on but wasn't wearing a jacket; he also had a backpack on like he was coming home from work. SQUID

When I get done with this incident I hear about another squid in the area just yesterday who was riding down the same road less than a quarter mile away without a helmet. Apparently his bike is so beautiful he is blinding the old ladies in the area and is rendering their driving skills useless. Said old lady drives right into the back of another car without even touching her brakes within striking distance of squidly boy without his helmet. I don't know if it was the beautiful bike that distracted her or his man beauty although I don't know if that's possibly because he might be 40. SQUID

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I'll admit I lifted the wheel (what can I say, the Vtwins have torque), but I dunno how many people can figure out who was riding squidly in the second scenario.

I'll tell you what though, that accident was epic. And EPD are sorta dicks.

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Names were not mentioned Justin. If you hadn't called yourself out it might not have happened until the other squid saw this thread. That's only because you called him out to me. I did talk to him tonight and he filled me in on the rest of the almost accident information. I can't believe the two local guys I know on here are both SQUIDS. Are you guys going on the squids and posers ride?

You will NOT find me riding the green bike without gear on. If I had been working I never would have seen you so this is more proof that unemployment is ruining everything.

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I already apologized for ratting him out. ;)

I'll own up to my squidly-ness. Everyday I ride I risk something might happen in my 2.5 mile commute to work. 99.99% of the time I'll have a helmet, but for my to and from work drive, I don't gear up.

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Oh shit J. You are a squid. Granted a comic fukin genius squid. But a squid no less. Wear a helmet whilst riding the bulls please. I don't wanna read about you. Now let's spoon.

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J.....am I to understand you traversed Rt 57 sans proper safety gear? And then proceded to use only one tire for part of your commute? You, young man, are grounded. Now go to your room and think about what you have done and don't come out until you are ready to accept the AGATT philosophy.

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  kawi kid said:
i got rear ended too yesterday :( dumb girl.......

How did it happen the other way.....dumb girl....or she had strap on....:p

and.....I think....."that dude" is riding in your area with his "chick/sick magnet"

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and NO pics will be posted by Uncle FUCKER either...I have some rather sweet shots of him too !!

....The pic he is refering to is of me on a wheelie machine the other day at the avon honda shop....no biggy...wanted to see just how hard those things were and let me tell ya....NOT easy to do

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