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Window Tint law


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A friend of mine got pulled over and ticketed tonight for having tints in Grandview. True their front windows are a bit dark, but the law is the back windows can be any tint.

But get this, the cop said that a new law was just passed outlawing all window tints.

Has anyone ever heard of this ?

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haha funny fuck him and the law is i believe is still 50% front windows and w.e u want in the rear but the front driver and passanger has to be legal 50% i once got pulled over by a shierff and was told if its to dark for him to see its illegal...lol and gave me a ticket i beat that shit in court but i have 20% front and 5% rears i just roll em down when i see a po po....

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Just a tidbit... If any of you wear glasses or contacts, ask your eye doctor to write you up a "prescription" saying it's necessary for you to have dark tinted windows because your eyes are overly sensitive to light. I had that done about 10 years ago. I actually did have sensitive eyes though from a surgery. I can't recall if I ever had to use it, but it was there just in case.

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Here's the law.....


I remember getting a ticket years ago in Upper Arlington, jacked my insurance because they said it was an equipment modification citation. BS.

I think it's sad they they actually issue equipment to LEO's to check this. I know it can be a safety issue, especially if someone is dumb enough to tint their front windshield, but c'mon.

If we keep getting more laws and taxes we're not going to be able to leave the front yard soon.

Edited by Artmageddon
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i have 15% on my TL. i know people that have freaked out and had their tint removed because of getting a ticket. i'd rather pay a $50 than pay the $200 that they paid to have the tint removed. and those are the actual prices of their ticket and the removal so does anyone else think that makes sense either? :lol:

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I wonder if local cities are allowed to override the state law... can't find anything in the code about authorities having the right to set their own limits (like noise levels). For reference.


(3) Any sunscreening material or other product or material applied to the side windows to the immediate right or left the driver, so long as such material, when used in conjunction with the safety glazing materials of such windows, has a light transmittance of not less than fifty per cent plus or minus three per cent and is not red or yellow in color.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I REALLY hate police that feel like they can "enforce" the law as they see fit. The moment someone has enough power to, essentially, enforce WHATEVER they see fit they have become corrupt. Yeah, your buddy didn't break the law.... but now he has to go fight it. Officers have too much lateral movement... "that tint is not legal" Officer, Ohio allows 50%, here's a receipt for the tint job showing 50% "doesn't look like 50% here's your ticket because you pissed me off"

I'm sorry, I have the utmost respect for people that put their lives on the line for us, but it scares me how powerful our PEACE OFFICERS have gotten.

Edited by Likwid
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